
ATHLON-class Mjolnir

Image of the Athlon helmet
H5G - MJOLNIR Athlon render.png
Production overview


Misriah Armory[1]



War Games exercises

Technical specifications


  • Multiple layers of redundant safety systems
  • Inner layer with a magnetorheological dampening system

ATHLON-class Mjolnir is a variant of the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor manufactured by Misriah Armory.

GEN2 overviewEdit

Design detailsEdit

It contains multiple layers of redundant safety systems to reduce the chance of injury in War Games excersies.[2]

The Athlon helmet features an inner layer with a magnetorheological dampening system specifically crafted for Spartan physiology.[2]


  • Champion: Athlon Champion is rebuilt and retuned version of the default Athlon armor. It is a temperamental creation that requires a full team of technicians on hand to repair and retune the suit between each War Games match for optimal performance.[2]


The armor is used during live-fire War Games exercises.[2] Spartan Lucy-B091 used this armor in 2558. Tom-B292 also used the legs and torso of Athlon armor.[3]

IIC overviewEdit

Design detailsEdit

The re-engineered variant of the Athlon helmet compatible with the Mirage IIC armor platform is streamlined, efficient and adaptable. Because of this features, the helmet is a front-runner for mass production.[1]

In-game informationEdit

Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer BetaEdit

Athlon was first available through the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta, being unlockable through the beta's progression system. It featured one variant.

Armor Manufacturer Description Unlock requirements
Misriah Armory Helmet description: The ATHLON helmet's inner layer uses a magnetorheological dampening system perfectly tuned to the peculiarities of the Spartan physiology. Reach    
Body description: Multiply redundant safety systems in the ATHLON significantly reduce the chance of major injury during live War Games. Reach    

Halo 5: GuardiansEdit

Athlon would be widely featured in the final release of Halo 5: Guardians as an armor permutation unlockable via the Requisition system. Athlon would feature six variants including the default; the most of any armor in the game. Additionally, a special, limited time variant known as Champion would be available through a specific HCS REQ Pack beginning in December of 2015.

Armor Description Rarity Introduced in Unlock requirements
Athlon (helmet)
The ATHLON helmet's inner layer uses a magnetorheological dampening system perfectly tuned to the peculiarities of the Spartan physiology. Common Introduced on launch. Purchase either:
  • A Bronze REQ pack for   1,000 REQ points.
  • A Silver REQ pack for   5,000 REQ points.
Athlon Lycinus (helmet skin)
Athlon Varazdat (helmet skin)
Athlon Cynisca (helmet skin)
Athlon Iccus (helmet skin)
Athlon Champion (helmet skin)
CHAMPION armor requires a full team of technicians on hand to repair and retune the suit between each War Games match. Legendary Battle of Shadow and Light Purchase the HCS Pack for   80,000 REQ points.
Athlon (body)
Multiply redundant safety systems in the ATHLON significantly reduce the chance of major injury during live War Games. Common Introduced on launch. Purchase either:
  • A Bronze REQ pack for   1,000 REQ points.
  • A Silver REQ pack for   5,000 REQ points.
Athlon Lycinus (body skin)
Athlon Varazdat (body skin)
Athlon Cynisca (body skin)
Athlon Iccus (body skin)
Athlon Champion (body skin)
A rebuilt and retuned version of the Athlon armor, the CHAMPION is a temperamental creation that requires constant maintenance in exchange for optimal performance. Legendary Battle of Shadow and Light Purchase the HCS Pack for   80,000 REQ points.

Halo InfiniteEdit

The Athlon helmet is available for multiplayer Spartan armor customization on the Mirage IIC armor core in Halo Infinite. The helmet would be made cross-core with Season 05: Reckoning.

Armor Manufacturer Lore Rarity Introduced In Unlock Requirements
Misriah Armory Streamlined, efficient, adaptable. All features that make the re-engineered ATHLON a front-runner for mass production in this new age of strife. Epic Season 04: Infection Included with the first purchase of any Y2 Gear Up bundle in the HCS Shop.


The following attachments are not exclusive to Athlon, and are compatible with other helmets on the Mirage IIC core.

Production noteEdit

The Athlon suit was first shown in the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta announcement trailer in 2014. The permutation was part of Breakout, a new, premiere game mode in Halo 5: Guardians.[4]


Athlos is a Greek word meaning ″contest″ (eg; triathalon and the root of the word "athlete") and alludes to the competitive sports-oriented nature of Breakout within the Halo universe. Fitting the theme, all Athlon armor skins are named after ancient Olympic athletes: Cynisca, Iccus of Taranto, Lycinus of Croton, and Varazdat.


Concept artEdit



Halo 5: Guardians skinsEdit

List of appearancesEdit


  1. ^ a b Halo Infinite, Armor Hall: Athlon - Helmet Description "Streamlined, efficient, adaptable. All features that make the re-engineered ATHLON a front-runner for mass production in this new age of strife."
  2. ^ a b c d Halo 5: Guardians - Armory description
  3. ^ Halo Waypoint: Community Update - Golden Clouds
  4. ^ NeoGaf: Frank O'Connor on the beta trailer