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Revision as of 10:43, April 21, 2007 by halowikia>Pyromancer (added recommended players)
Template:Article Quote 4-16 players, Supports vehicles

Template:Multiplayer Map Infobox


Sidewinder is a horseshoe-shaped multiplayer map in Halo 1. It is noted by many players for being exceptionally large and is thus avoided unless the players want to A. have a sniping match, B. play with large numbers of people, or C. want to have a very difficult hunt.

The main feature of this map is the ice patches on the front of the horseshoe in between the bases that can cause any ground vehicle without treads or hover abilities to slide, making it hard to control the vehicle. On the outer edge of the map are two large cliffs that are connected with teleporters to each base. On the inner edge, there is a network of tunnels which lead to the opposing bases. Four powerups can be found in the lower section of the tunnel. There is a sniper rifle, shotgun, Health Pack, plasma pistol, and assault rifle inside each base.


There is a glich here that lets you get on top of the map(and it's one of my favorite glich of all the ones i know of) you'll need both types of grenades and a rocket launcher(you can have it where you start out with rocket launcher and infinite grenades,but it dosen't matter)you just need to take a Wharthog(i prefere a rocket hog but i'm just use to it) up to the little tunnel on the top and them park it where the front is facing the wall then get on top of the Hogs gun(thats why i prefere the rocket hog,because it's gun is bigger), then REAL quick throw both types of grenades and fire a rocket(you better have the health and sheilds up to 400% or you'll get kill either by the rocket or grenades,or both) enless you get killed by the rocket or grenades,flying up and then hitting the top of the map and then dieing or you fall trough the map and dieing,congrats you should be on top of the map now you can do what ever like if there are enemys you can kill them from up there or just fire rockets that you have left and throw your grenade down for no reason at all
