Long Night of Solace[1] is the sixth campaign level in Halo: Reach.[2][3][4] This is the first and only level in the Halo series to feature playable ship-to-ship combat in space.[3]
Upon completing the level on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary difficulties, the player will earn the "You Flew Pretty Good" achievement and 10 Gamerscore.
The Covenant invasion of Reach is in full force, and Catherine-B320 has come up with a plan to take the fight to the enemy. Noble Team, minus Emile-A239 and Jun-A266, are dropped off to a beach by a UH-144 Falcon, and they must fight their way to the Sabre Program Launch/Research Range, which is under attack by Covenant ground and air forces.
Once they fight their way inside, SPARTAN-B312( Noble 6) and Jorge-052 enter a YSS-1000 Sabre that is immediately launched into the planet orbit, along with at least four other Sabres.
In space, they join the other UNSC forces in defending the station Anchor 9 and assist the UNSC Savannah in hijacking a Covenant corvette, the Ardent Prayer. Jorge is dropped off at the station Anchor 9, as Noble Six and the remaining Sabres take out the corvette's engines just as it positions itself for a refueling track with the Covenant supercarrier Long Night of Solace. After boarding the corvette, Noble Six and his forces defeat the crew and lock the ship. Jorge arrives in a Pelican carrying a Slipspace drive, which was taken from the UNSC Savannah. It is planned that the slipspace drive would be used as an improvised bomb, to be activated inside the corvette's hangar when its close proximity of the supercarrier, in order to jump a section of the supercarrier, destroying it. However, Covenant infantry forces soon arrive to destroy the "bomb". Though the Covenant forces are successfully neutralized, retreat to the Sabres is cut off by the battle damage from the Savannah. The Pelican used as a vector for the "bomb" is damaged and unable to fly, leaving a space-jump as the only way off the Corvette. The slipspace drive's timer is also damaged, forcing Jorge to stay behind and activate it manually. Noble Six is spared when he gets dropped out of the corvette by Jorge, just before the Slipspace drive is activated, creating a Slipspace rupture that transports Jorge, the corvette, and the central section of the supercarrier into Slipspace itself. For a very brief period of time, it is believed that the Covenant naval attack force at Reach was entirely neutralized by Jorge's sacrifice, but the massive Covenant Fleet of Particular Justice arrives in-system just moments later.
August 13, 2552 20:07 Hours
Screen fades into a dust cloud as a Scarab walks by.
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Our foe is more devious than we imagined. That spire was indeed a teleporter linked to a cloaked, Covenant Super-Carrier... A grave threat."
Noble Three, Five and Six arrive at a cave, Jorge carrying a large briefcase.
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Thankfully, help is imminent. Sixty percent of the UNSC fleet is en route to Reach from existing deployments. The first battle group should arrive within forty-eight hours."
Jorge tosses the briefcase at Emile's feet.
- Warrant Officer Jun-A266: (Angry) "Forty-eight hours?! (removes his helmet) That's imminent?"
Jun brushes off Jorge's shoulder pauldron, which has been charred by a plasma hit.
- Jun-A266: "Uh-oh. Who's your money on this time?"
- Chief Warrant Officer Jorge-052: "Her."
Jorge takes off his helmet.
- Jun-A266: "You always pick her."
- Jorge-052: "She's always had him dialled in."
- Lieutenant Commander Catherine-B320: "That thing's crushing us, and we're waiting for backup? They'll be backing up a graveyard!"
- Commander Carter-A259: "All our nukes are either out-system or went down with the ships that carried them. You're preaching to the converted."
- Catherine-B320: "How converted?"
- Carter-A259: "I know that look, Kat."
- Catherine-B320: "You can say no."
- Carter-A259: "No."
- Catherine-B320: "You don't even want to hear it?"
- Carter-A259: "Fine. I'll hear it."
- Catherine-B320: "Remember that accident a couple years back? Colony ship en route to Cygnus... Seven hundred dead?"
- Carter-A259: "Vaguely. A slip-space drive malfunction, right?"
- Catherine-B320: "Actually, it worked fine. The drive was mounted improperly after a service haul-out. When it fired it teleported half the ship to oblivion."
- Carter-A259: "And this is relevant... how?"
- Catherine-B320: "A certain Covenant Supercarrier could, with some assistance, suffer the same unfortunate accident..."
- Carter-A259: "Even for you, Kat, that's-"
- Catherine-B320: "Inspired?"
- Carter-A259: "Not the word I would use."
Jorge and Emile walk up to them.
- Jorge-052: "What's going on?"
- Carter-A259: "Go ahead. Explain."
Kat reaches for Emile's kukri, but he grabs her hand to prevent her from taking it. Kat is unphased.
- Catherine-B320: (Politely) "May I?"
Emile allows her to take it. Kat begins scratching a rough diagram into the dirt floor.
- Warrant Officer Emile-A239: "Don't cut yourself."
- Catherine-B320: "Objective? Destroy Covenant Carrier in geosynchronous orbit above us."
- Jorge-052: "This sanctioned, sir?"
- Carter-A259: "What do you think?"
- Jorge-052: "Oh."
- Catherine-B320: "Method? A slip-space drive in lieu of the nukes we don't have. Delivery system? Us. Solvable? Getting us up there. That, and getting our hands on a slip-space drive."
Kat gives Emile back his kukri.
- Catherine-B320: "Thank you for sharing."
- Carter-A259: "So... all we need is orbit-capable transport, and the single most expensive piece of equipment made by man?"
- Catherine-B320: "As a soldier in the field I couldn't possibly have access to those kinds of resources - that said, a good place to look might be... I don't know, the nearest nonexistent launch site in the nonexistent Sabre Program, dismissed by three administrations as preposterous rumour... And in which our newest member was certainly never a pilot."
All the Spartans look at Noble Six, who is unphased.
- Emile-A239: (Impressed) "You're scary, you know that?"
- Catherine-B320: "All we need is a green light from Holland."
- Carter-A259: "Good luck with that."
Kat hands Carter a data pad.
- Catherine-B320: "You're the one asking him."
Carter reluctantly takes the pad, and turns away.
- Carter-A259: "Oh, there's no way in hell he's gonna go for this."
Fade to black.
Screen fades back to a lake.
Sabre Program Launch/Research Range, Farkas Lake, Eposz
August 14, 2552 12:48 Hours
The screen moves to show the launch facility.
A UH-144 Falcon drops off Carter, Kat, Jorge, and Noble Six at a beach, downrange from the facility.
- Jorge-052: "Bit of a hike to the launch facility."
- Carter-A259: "Anywhere closer's too hot to land."
- Catherine-B320: "Copy that, Commander."
- Carter-A259: "Move up the beach, Noble."
First Floor: Aliens, Beaches, Secret Launch Stations
Noble team moves up the beach, eventually reaching an area where a Spirit Dropship is dropping off several Covenant troops. The launch station is now in view.
- Catherine-B320: "Launch facility, dead ahead."
- Carter-A259: "Hostile transport coming in!"
Noble Team eliminates the first wave.
Several Orbital Insertion Pods hit the ground near Noble Team.
- Carter-A259: "We've been engaged!"
After eliminating the enemy forces, Noble Team moves up the beach. As they do, a Seraph fighter craft is shot down by an anti-air turret and crashes into the base.
- Jorge-052: "More hostiles in the rocks to the south, root 'em out."
Noble Team soon clears the area of hostiles.
- Male Army Trooper #1: "Everybody inside, more hostiles on the way."
- Carter-A259: "Inside, Six, let's go."
Noble Team enters the base. A Pelican drops additional troopers to combat Covenant forces outside the gate.
- Female Army Trooper: "Spartans coming in! Watch your fire!"
- Male Army Trooper #2: Flight control's this way! They're expecting you."
Noble Team arrives at the area where the Seraph crashed earlier.
- Jorge-052: "Still can't believe Holland said yes to this."
- Catherine-B320: "Well, some plans are too good to say no."
- Male Army Trooper #3: "We got a Wraith on the lower platform!"
- Carter-A259: "Let's get that Sabre airborne before he changes his mind."
- Male Army Trooper #2: "Control's right through that door, Commander."
As Noble Team heads for the control room, an Army trooper is thrown into a wall. A Sangheili Officer emerges, and is quickly dealt with.
- Base PA: "Warning: launch facility breached. Covenant forces have entered the base."
Noble Team reaches the control room, which is filled with dead troopers. As they reach the far side of the room, a bulkhead opens to reveal the Sabre.
- Carter-A259: "Jorge, Six: get to the Sabre before the Covenant wreck it."
- Jorge-052: "What about you and Kat?"
- Carter-A259: "Jun's on his way with a Falcon, we'll exfil after you launch. Move!
- Jorge-052: "You heard him, Six, let's go."
- Male Army Trooper #4: "Launch teams, Sabre is prepped and ready for launch."
If Noble Six lingers in the control room:
- Jorge-052: "You go, Six, I'm just a passenger on this one."
Noble Six heads up the ramp to the Sabre's cockpit.
Six and Jorge climb into the cockpit, and the ramp detaches.
- Sabre Computer: "Struts disengaged. Commencing launch in T-minus 5, 4, 3, 2..."
The Sabre's engines ignite, and the fighter lifts off from the facility. Soon another Sabre can be seen lifting off from another facility.
- Sabre Computer: "First stage engine burn nominal."
The Sabre leaves the upper atmosphere and enters low orbit.
- Sabre computer: Stage separation in 3, 2, 1... Stage separation."
The Sabre's booster rockets detach from the fighter. The Sabre immediately heads for Anchor 9.
- Sabre Computer: "Second stage ignition confirmed."
While on the way to the station, several views of Reach are shown from the Sabre, one showing a hurricane. Six and Jorge soon arrive at Anchor 9.
Operation: UPPER CUT
- Holland (COM): "Noble Actual to Sabre Bravo-oh-two-niner, over."
- Jorge-052: "Copy, Actual. Colonel Holland?"
- Holland (COM): "Affirmative, Noble Five. Welcome to Operation: UPPERCUT. I'll be your control from here on out."
- Jorge-052: "Understood, Colonel."
- Holland (COM): "Noble Six, these Sabres have been customized for orbital defense; you may need to get reacquainted. Rendezvous at Anchor 9 with the Frigate Savannah and the other Sabres as soon as you're ready. Holland out.
A short time later:
- Jorge-052: "You're all warmed up, Six; we should head for the Savannah."
When Sabre B029 arrives at the staging point:
- Jorge-052: "Multiple unidentified contacts!"
- Savannah Actual (COM): "Savannah Actual to Sabre teams, be advised: we have bogies inbound."
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Anchor 9 to all UNSC ships: station defenses are down. Requesting combat support until we can bring them back online."
- Jorge-052: "Here we go, Six. Show them what you can do!"
Multiple Banshees enter the area and are immediately engaged by the Sabres, who have no trouble with them.
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Defensive batteries are at 56%; hang in there, Sabre teams."
The Sabres quickly eliminate the Banshees.
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Anchor Niner to UNSC ships: impulse drive signatures detected, fighter-class. Heads up, Sabres."
Multiple Seraphs soon enter the area.
- Holland: "Sabre teams: use your guns to take down their shields, then hit 'em with your missiles!"
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Defensive batteries at 79%; buy us another minute Sabre teams."
The Seraphs prove to be more of a threat but are soon destroyed as well.
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Anchor Niner to all craft in the vicinity, be advised: we show a large attack force inbound. Combat air patrol and Sabre teams are directed to engage and defend the station."
- Jorge-052: "Is there any place the Covenant isn't?"
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Anchor 9 to all UNSC ships: station defenses are back online. Clear the lane, we'll light 'em up."
A large number of Seraphs and Banshees enter the area. A dogfight between the Covenant and UNSC fighters ensues, while Anchor 9's point defense guns assist.
Many Banshees and Seraphs are destroyed by the combined firepower of the Sabres and Anchor 9.
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Anchor 9 to Sabre teams: Phantom signatures detected on a forward facing vector."
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Anchor 9 to Sabre teams: Phantoms are inbound on vector seven mark four-niner."
Soon, several Phantoms enter the area.
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Anchor 9 to all UNSC fighters: multiple inbound Phantoms headed straight for our defensive batteries. Sabre teams, marking high-value gunboat targets now."
If any Phantoms get close enough to fire their energy torpedoes:
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Gunboats are in position, damage control teams at the ready. Phantom torpedoes away; brace for impact! Collision alarm."
After the last Phantom Gunboat is destroyed, the remaining Banshees and Seraphs flee.
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Anchor Niner to UNSC ships: all targets neutralized. Bravo-oh-two-niner, you are clear to dock. Activating marker."
- Holland (COM): "Holland to Bravo-oh-two-niner. Noble Five, you ready to go?"
- Jorge-052: "Affirmative, Colonel."
Noble Six pilots the Sabre to the marked hangar.
Noble Six's Sabre docks just outside the hangar.
- Jorge-052: "I'm out here, Six."
- Sabre Computer: "Warning: M-Spec re-entry pack disengaged."
- Jorge-052: "I need your override."
- Sabre Computer: Warning: M-Spec re-entry- (cockpit opens) Cockpit de-pressurization complete. Canopy release lever: armed."
Jorge exits the Sabre in zero-gee and glides to an awaiting Pelican.
- Jorge-052: (Quietly, in Hungarian) "Megszakad a szivem..." (My heart breaks...)[5]
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Noble Five? Please repeat."
- Jorge-052: "Pull up surface grid, nineteen-by-twenty-two."
An orbital view of Reach can now be seen, as explosions from plasma bombardment occur.
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Gladly. ONI Sword Base: Sector 18-G."
- Jorge-052: "Thermal enhance."
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Noble Five, your pulse is elevated. There is nothing you can do for Doctor Halsey and the others inside Sword Base. The mathematics are determinate... Noble Five?"
The view now changes back to Noble Six, who looks over at Jorge.
- Jorge-052: "I know."
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Bravo-oh-two-niner, you're cleared to re-engage thrusters."
- Holland (COM): "Noble Six, this is Holland."
- Noble Six (COM): "Go ahead, Colonel."
- Holland (COM): "We've flagged a Corvette-class vessel on a predicted docking track with our target."
Jorge is shown readying the slipspace drive with two other Army Troopers in EVA armour.
- Holland (COM): "Get our makeshift bomb on that Corvette, and we have our delivery system. Noble Five will escort the bomb. I need your Sabre team to clear the way for boarding."
- Noble Six (COM): "Understood, Colonel."
- Holland (COM): "As she's already donated her slipspace drive to the cause, the Savannah will be joining you to provide local fire support."
- Savannah Actual (COM): "UNSC Savannah. Our wings may be clipped, but we've got your back."
The Savannah and Sabres depart from Anchor 9.
- Holland (COM): "I've stuck my neck out for Noble on this one, Lieutenant."
- Noble Six: "We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."
Fade to black.
The screen fades back to the point of view of a UNSC satellite, near the Covenant Corvette. Its camera zooms in on the Savannah and the Sabres approaching the Corvette.
Covenant-occupied space, Reach orbit
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Target Corvette sighted within visual range of NAV Beacon RA-15."
- Noble Six: "We have visual. Target confirmed."
- Savannah Actual (COM): "Frigate Savannah in position. Sabre teams: sound off."
- Echo 1 (COM): "Echo 1, all systems nominal."
- Echo 2 (COM): "Echo 2, good to go."
- Echo 3 (COM): "Echo 3, systems green."
- Echo 4 (COM): "Echo 4, all systems online."
Noble Six remains silent, but this doesn't seem to be a problem.
- Savannah Actual: "Solid copy. We are currently jamming the Corvette's comms, hit it hard while it can't call for help."
- Holland (COM): "Agreed. Sabre teams, clear a path to that Corvette."
- Savannah Actual (COM): "Might wanna clip her engines, Colonel. See if we can slow her down."
- Holland (COM): "Good thinking, Savannah. That will make boarding her a whole lot easier. Noble Six, I'm marking targets: take out the Corvette's main engines."
Noble Six targets the main engines and destroys them. The other Sabres engage the Covenant escort fighters, while the Savannah circles the Corvette and harasses it with gunfire.
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Warning: Energy flares detected in the Corvette's aft launch bays."
- Savannah Actual (COM): "Heads up, Sabres: multiple impulse drive signatures detected, more bogies incoming."
- Echo 2 (COM): "Echo 2 to Savannah Actual. Where are the reinforcements coming from? I thought the target was jammed."
- Savannah Actual (COM): "Must be squadrons coming back from patrol, Echo 2."
- Holland (COM): "Don't let any of them get away, Sabres! Kill them before they bug out and warn that Supercarrier what we're up to."
All the Corvette's escort fighters are soon destroyed.
- Holland (COM): "Dot, analyze all available data on that Corvette. Find a way inside."
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Scans indicate a structural weakness surrounding a platform on top of the vessel."
- Holland (COM): "Noble Six, set down immediately on that Corvette's topside landing pad."
Noble Six approaches the landing pad.
Noble Six arrives at the landing pad, along with four other Sabres. Noble Six gets out of the Sabre along with several Army Troopers in vacuum sealed suits from the other Sabres.
And the Horse You Flew In On
- 'Holland (COM): "Noble Six, the Savannahs counter-measures won't work forever. Find a way inside, and permanently disable the cruiser's communications."
A single Elite Ranger emerges from under the shield, and is quickly eliminated by Six and the troopers.
- Holland (COM): "As soon as we're sure the Corvette can't squawk, we'll initiate UPPERCUT phase two."
Noble Six and the troopers pass through the shield, to find that whatever Covenant were without vacuum-sealed armor when they entered have died, leaving only Grunt Ultras and more Elite Rangers. They are quickly dispatched.
- Holland (COM): "Holland to Savannah, enemy comm relay is now offline."
- Savannah Actual (COM): "Copy that. Halting counter-measures, diverting all power and personnel to weapons."
- Holland (COM): "Alright, Noble. Let's get that Slipspace bomb on board. Six, head for the hangar."
A door opens, with two Grunts behind it. They are startled and easily eliminated.
- Army Trooper: "Colonel, we're on our way to the hangar."
- Holland (COM): "Noble Five, meet 'em there."
- Jorge-052 (COM): "Affirmative, on approach."
Six and the troopers engage a large number of enemy troops in the hangar, including an Engineer which provides the Covenant with overshields. They are eventually neutralized.
- Jorge-052 (COM): "Six, go for those shield controls. I need in."
Six deactivates the shield guarding the hangar bay.
Jorge's Pelican enters the hangar. In the background, the UNSC Savannah can be seen engaging the Corvette. Jorge and several army troopers emerge from the Pelican.
- Jorge-052: "Powder keg is aboard, Colonel."
- Holland (COM): "Copy that. Six, get your fireteam to the bridge; the Corvette's re-fueling run with the Supercarrier will have to be initiated manually."
- Noble Six: "Yes, sir."
- Holland (COM): "Five, stay with the bomb. And discourage the curious."
- Jorge-052: "My pleasure. Hear that, Lieutenant? I'll be all by my lonesome back here. Make it quick, would ya?"
- Holland (COM): "Noble Six, get that Corvette moving toward the Supercarrier. Head for the bridge. Find the NAV controls."
Noble Six heads for a door, finding ordnance and ammunition provided by the Army Troopers.
- Army Trooper: "Got plenty of arms and ammo if you need 'em, Spartan."
The door opens, and Six and the troopers find another surprised pair of Grunts, and several Elites which are quickly neutralized.
Noble Six heads down the corridor.
- Savannah Actual (COM): "Savannah to Holland: sustaining major structural damage! We need to break off, Colonel!"
- Holland: "Copy, Savannah. Our team is in, disengage!"
Noble Six arrives at the plasma battery, finding a lone Elite gunner. Outside the window, multiple plasma bolts can be seen impacting the fleeing frigate. Explosions blossom along the Savannah's hull.
- Savannah Actual (COM): "Break off! Break off! Hull breach, reactors flaring! Dammit, I'm losing her!"
The damaged frigate begins to break up. A massive explosion rips off the engines and tears the main hull in half. The wreckage drifts past the window and out of sight.
- Holland (COM): "Savannah Actual, can you hear me?"
- Jorge-052 (COM): "Frigate's gone, Six... Nothing we can do."
- Holland (COM): "Noble, you're in deep with no cover. Get that Corvette moving and get the hell outta there!"
Noble Six and the Army Troopers head for another door, leading to a winding corridor.
- Army Trooper: "Looks like the bridge, Spartan. Let's clear it out."
Noble Six and the troopers engage the bridge crew to gain control of the bridge.
- Holland (COM): "Move, Lieutenant! Put that Corvette on a refueling track to the Supercarrier."
Noble Six finds the nav controls and sets a course for the Supercarrier.
- Holland (COM): "Well done, Noble Six. UPPERCUT initiated, Corvette is underway."
- Jorge-052 (COM): "Six, our ride outta here is taking heavy fire! Get back to the hangar!"
Noble Six arrives back at the battery, and is engaged by more Covenant.
- Jorge-052 (COM): (Sarcastically) "At your earliest convenience, Noble Six."
Noble Six makes it back to the hangar, and finds Jorge and the Slipspace bomb under heavy attack.
- Jorge-052: "Good of you to come, hostiles are pounding the hell outta the Pelican."
Six and Jorge defend the hangar from multiple waves of Covenant troops, eventually eliminating all of them.
- Jorge-052: "Savannah did a number on the door. There's no way back up to the Sabres. Noble Six, form up on me."
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Distance is closing on this vessel's refueling track with the Covenant Supercarrier. Seventy-six seconds to endpoint."
Jorge attempts to arm the Slipspace drive's detonation timer, which fails to respond.
- Jorge-052: "Damn it... So, it's gonna be like that."
Jorge hits the timer in frustration.
- Jorge-052: "Well, I got good news and bad news. This bird took some fire and her thruster gimbal is toast. Which means the only way off this slag heap is gravity."
- Noble Six: "And the good news?"
- Jorge-052: "That was the good news."
- Auntie Dot (COM): "At current velocity, fifty-three seconds to endpoint."
- Jorge-052: "Yeah, yeah, yeah..."
Jorge removes his helmet and drops it to the floor.
- Jorge-052: "Bad news is, the timer's fried. I'm gonna have to fire it manually."
- Noble Six: "That's a one-way trip."
- Jorge-052: (Resigned) "We all make it sooner or later. Better get going, Six, they're gonna need you down there. Listen, Reach has been good to me..."
Jorge removes his dog tags and gives them to Noble Six. Before Six can protest, Jorge lifts the Spartan up with one hand and carries him or her to the shield.
- Jorge-052: "...Time has come to return the favor. Don't deny me this."
- Jorge-052: "Tell 'em to make it count."
Jorge tosses Six out of the hangar into space. Six begins to fall back to Reach.
After Noble Six has fallen some distance, Jorge activates the re-purposed Slipspace drive directly under the supercarrier.
The view changes back to the camera of nav beacon RA-15, which shows a massive Slipspace rift opening near the supercarrier's midsection. The Corvette - and Jorge within it - disappears instantaneously, and the Supercarrier is bisected as its entire midsection disappears into the Slipspace rift. A shockwave of ionizing radiation passes over the beacon, causing electronic interference with the camera.
- Navigation Beacon RA-15 (on-screen): "SIGNAL LOST"
A sudden noise is heard.
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Slipspace rupture detected."
Dot switches to a new NAV Beacon, which shows multiple Covenant ships dropping out of Slipspace.
- ATC 1 (COM): "Gamma Station Control, reading multiple pings below the Orbital Defense Grid."
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Slipspace rupture detected."
- ATC 2 (COM): "Yeah, we're picking up anomalies too."
- Anchor 9 (COM): Are you reading this?"
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Slipspace rupture detected."
More and more Covenant ships drop out of Slipspace.
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Multiple Covenant signatures!"
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Slipspace rupture detected."
- Anchor 9 (COM): "Does anyone have a visual?"
- ATC 1 (COM): (Panicked) "They're everywhere!"
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Slipspace rupture detected."
- Navigation Beacon (on-screen) : "SIGNAL LOST"
- ATC 3 (COM): "Oh, this can't be happening!"
- Holland (COM): "Must be the whole damn Covenant fleet!"
- Auntie Dot (COM): "Slipspace rupture detected."
Screaming can be heard on the COM.
The screen abruptly cuts to black.
Level ends.
- The "You Flew Pretty Good" Achievement, unlocked by completing Long Night of Solace on any difficulty above Easy, is a reference to a line spoken in another Bungie-made Halo game, like many other Reach Achievements. In this case, it refers to a line spoken by Avery Johnson in Halo 2, in the level Cairo Station.
- The opening chapter "First floor: Aliens, Beaches, Secret Launch facilities" is a reference to the closing chapter of The Library in Halo: Combat Evolved, "Fourth Floor: Tools, Guns, Keys to Super Weapons".
- The chapter "And the Horse You Flew In On..." is a reference to the first chapter in The Maw, "And the Horse You Rode In On..."
- During "Operation: UPPERCUT", a Sabre pilot may be heard saying "In space, no one can hear you scream", a famous promotional tagline for the 1979 sci-fi horror film, Alien.
- Ironically, screams can be heard through the COMs when the Fleet of Particular Justice arrives on Reach.
- A section of the level, the Sabre launch pad, is the setting of the multiplayer map Countdown. The maps Zealot and Corvette, and Anchor 9 are also derived from this level.
- This level was the first campaign level of Halo: Reach to be unveiled to the public. A shorter version of the level was first showcased in the Halo: Reach E3 Campaign Demo during the Microsoft press conference at E3 2010.
- Some minor parts of the level have changed, such as the Elite Major that threw a trooper down a corridor before facing two other troopers and engaging them in combat.
- The opening cutscene of this level shows the last time all members of Noble Team are present together.
- Spirit dropships will continuously drop troops outside the base.
- This is the first and only level in the series where the player directly engages Seraphs, Space Banshees, and a Covenant starship, a corvette.
- If the player destroys the Covenant corvette's main engines and its escort in under three minutes on Heroic or Legendary, the player gets the "Wake Up, Buttercup" achievement, worth 25 Gamerscore.
- This mission has a total of seven cutscenes, of which only two are able to be skipped. This is the highest number of cutscenes in a single level in any Halo game.
- When Noble Six enters the Corvette there are several dead Grunt minors supposebly killed by the lack of oxygen like the Elites, however they shouldn't have died because they didn't need to breath oxygen because of their methane tanks and gas masks.
- Halo- Reach - Noble Team.jpg
Noble Team on the beach.
A Spirit dropping Covenant reinforcements as a Ghost passes SPARTAN-B312.
A Sabre and the Template:UNSCship attack a Covenant corvette.
The Covenant Supercarrier Long Night of Solace being destroyed, as observed by Navigation Beacon RA-15.
The Fleet of Particular Justice entering Reach orbit.