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Foundry (Originally coded "Art Vandalay," by Bungie during production) is a multiplayer map released for Halo 3 as part of the downloadable Heroic Map Pack. It was made available on December 11th, 2007. It was made exclusively for Forge, as almost all features of the map can be changed, deleted, or even replaced by any object that Forge has allowed.


Foundry with Forge at use.

There is no set description for Foundry, as it can be Forged into almost any configuration imaginable. Essentially Foundry is an abandoned warehouse filled with equipment and empty container boxes. The default configuration of Foundry is a mostly close-quarters, two level map with a few long hallways. The power weapons are distributed into the corners and center of the map. The Rocket Launcher is in the center on the second level, there are Brute Shots in each base, and Sniper Rifles are in the corners opposite the bases.

There is a crane on this map, as well as two shipping areas: A and B. Most of the boxes have "P425" printed on them, indicating possibly that that section of Foundry is Section P425, or it could be a serial number of some sort. It could also be referring to some destination for the boxes.

File:1204275876 Foundry.jpg
Outside view of the facility Foundry is located near

Tips and Tactics

  • Using a Portable Gravity Lift it is possible to get up high onto a lot of items that are not normally accessible. Although it makes you like a meal on a platter, it does afford you the opportunity to get a few sneaky kills before you are attacked. If you are attacked you can just simply jump down and try to stay alive long enough to use the Grav Lift again, if it has not disappeared.

Getting out of Foundry

A basic black-and-white top-down view of Foundry

To get out of Foundry you first must be in Forge. This is much easier if everything is deleted before hand. Become a monitor and fly into one of the windows, while holding forward and slightly up you will slowly move up the window. You will stop underneath a small ledge; continue holding the control stick and create a respawn point. If you followed the instructions correctly, you will see your respawn point outside through the window. You can then commit suicide and respawn out of the map. Once outside of the map you can create teleporters and move around outside of the map. Another way to get out is to create a single box and a crate on top. Then make a turret facing into the room as close to the window as possible. Then look directly up while on the turret and turn into forge mode.

Be warned, many places you step outside of the map will cause you to either be killed by the Guardians or fall to your death.

Foundry Recreations

Foundry has become the best map to recreate maps from Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2. An easy way to search them is in Halo 3 File Search.

  • One such creation that was famous was a Haunted Manor remake made specially by Bungie Studios for Infection games.
  • Another creation has been the Grifball Court for the Grifball gametype.
  • MLG have also made the map "Onslaught", which has multiple levels and routes for Capture the Flag.


  • In the trash found on the floor, there is a blue draft notice paper and a pack of cigarettes. In a different pile of trash, there is a purple hippo that is hard to see without aid from the Sniper Rifle.
  • On top of the crane, there seems to be a Forerunner glyph.
  • If you get past the fence behind the blue room, there is a poster of a soccer ball saying "It Glows".
  • FACTORY CPLX 09 is located on the edge of a lake, opposite the lake there is another factory. If you escape from the "foundry" building and zoom-in on the factory, you should see the words, "FACTORY CPLX 71" on the side.
  • The geographical feature behind factory complex 71 is a crudely drawn Mount Kilimanjaro seen from the wrong side, or it has at least the same profile. Voi is West South-West of Kilimanjaro, while in Foundry the mountain is rotated so that it is viewed from the south. The mountain has no snow, is too small and too close to Voi.
  • P425: the serial number on the crates, which is another "Seven" reference in Halo. 5+4=9. 9-2=7. 2+5=7
  • A Red vs Blue D.I.Y. video was presented using this map.
  • Although some assumed this factory was the one presented in the short Arms Race this is not true as the assembly line in Arms Race is Misriah Armory located on Mars, and Foundry is clearly located on Earth.
  • On the wall without windows you can see the name Voi. Most likely this means that Foundry is geographically close to The Storm mission in the campaign.
  • Foundry is the map used for the popular "sport" Grifball.
  • You can see a company called Dasuss in the middle of both of Foundries cooling fans.
  • Foundry is the most popular Forge map to date.
  • Some of the best race tracks are made on this map, the other popular map for racing is Standoff.
  • It is possible to fall to your death on this map. You must be in forge to do this. Place a double box anywhere flat on the ground, then set it to spawn at start: no. Then start a new round. Then go and crouch where you placed the box. When it appears, you will not be able to get out of crouch. Simply move any direction, and you will fall below the map to your death. This can be useful to make "death teleporters" where you place a receiver node under the map and a sender node inside.
  • There are forklift tracks all over the floor.
  • Many places that appear unreachable are easly gotten to with the use of a turret. The use of the turret is one of the easiest ways of getting out of the map.

External Links

Bungie Update

The Heroic Map Pack