
Template:Multiplayer Map Infobox

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Derelict is a multiplayer map in Halo: Combat Evolved. It is set aboard a Neutral artifact cataloged by the UNSC as Deep-Space Anomaly #0198. It is a very small level that is best suited for 10 or less players, as more can become extremely chaotic unless that is the desired effect.

Derelict was remade as Desolation for the Xbox version of Halo 2.


An overview of the map

Weapon Locations

  • Assault Rifle - In front of one of the passageways, and on the other side.
  • Flamethrower (PC/Mac only) - In the middle of one of the second level passageways.
  • Needler - On one of the passageways on the second floor.
  • Pistol - Near both teleporters.
  • Shotgun - In front of a passageway.
  • Sniper Rifle - After teleporting to the second floor, look right.
  • Rocket Launcher - In the center of the top floor.

Power-up Locations

  • Active Camouflage - Tucked away in an alcove on the second floor.
  • Health Pack - In the exact center of the first floor, on a transparent platform.
  • Overshield - Directly above the Health Pack, on the second floor.


  • Players must keep a watchful eye on their HUD and radar to prevent charging into a trap, and getting attacked from behind or flanked.
  • Players who prefer long range combat such as sniping and using the Pistol will likely loathe this level as it is better suited for short range combat with such weapons as with the Assault Rifle and Shotgun. The map itself is open, exploiting potential campers. In fact, there aren't many camping spots around.
  • If you get stuck with a plasma grenade, head for a teleporter as fast as you can, run into the middle and grab an overshield. This way, you may survive but unfortunately, stuck with 0% shields.
