The Silent Cartographer (Level)

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Looking for Silent Cartographer, the map room?


The Truth and Reconciliation (Level)


Assault on the Control Room

The Silent Cartographer


Halo: Combat Evolved


Master Chief


September 20, 2552


On the surface of Installation 04


Halopedia has a walkthrough guide for this level; see The Silent Cartographer (Level)/Walkthrough.



The Covenant believe that what they call The Silent Cartographer is somewhere under an island. The Cartographer is a map room that will lead your forces to Halo's control center. The island has multiple structures and installations. One of them contains the map room. Find and locate the map for Halo's control center.

Usable Weapons

Drivable Vehicles


Part 01: The Silent Cartographer

(Opening cinematic. Two dropships approach an island, low over the water. You are inside the lead dropship)

Cortana (radio): The Covenant believe that what they call "The Silent Cartographer," is somewhere under this island. The Cartographer is a map room that will lead us to Halo's control center. The island has multiple structures and installations. One of them contains the map room.

Foe Hammer (radio): We're approaching the LZ. It's gonna be hot. Get set to come out swinging. Touchdown! Hit it, boys!

Gunnery Sergeant Waller: GO GO GO!

(Once you clear the beach of Covenant)

Marine: Area secure. All hostiles have been eliminated.

Foe Hammer (radio): Affirmative. Echo 419 inbound. Somebody order a Warthog?

Gunnery Sergeant Waller (radio): Hey, I didn't know you made house calls, Foe Hammer!


Marine (radio): Music to my ears, Foe Hammer!

Foe Hammer (radio): You know our motto: We Deliver.

(As you approach the Warthog)

Cortana: Okay. Let's move out. Let's go find the map room that will show us the location of Halo's control center.

(As you approach the main building)

Cortana: There! In the cliff wall! I'll bet the Silent Cartographer is somewhere inside that facility.

PFC Hosky: Anyone else see what I see? How're we supposed to get around THAT, huh?

(As you push your way into the building)

Cortana: The Covenant are putting up a real fight. The Cartographer must be here. My analysis indicates that the map room should be at the bottom floor of this facility. Let's keep going inside.

(As you see the open door leading to The Shaft)

Cortana: Don't let them lock the doors!

(When the door closes)

Cortana: Interesting. I underestimated the Covenant's understanding of Halo's subsystems. They've locked the doors, and we don't have enough firepower to get through. (Radio) Cortana to Keyes.

Captain Keyes (radio): Go ahead, Cortana. Have you found the control center?

Cortana (radio): Negative, Captain. The Covenant have impeded our progress. We can't proceed unless we can disable this installation's security system.

Captain Keyes (radio): Understood. We're still en route to the objective. I may be out of contact when we get there. Here are your orders. I want you to use any means necessary to force your way into the facility and find Halo's control center. We have to get to the center before the Covenant. Failure, people, is not an option.

Foe Hammer (radio): Echo 419 to ground teams. I'll stay on station and keep an eye out for Covenant bogies.

Sergeant Stacker (radio): Second squad! Ready to roll, soon as everybody's topside!

Marine (radio): LZ looks secure Sir, nothing moving.

Captain Keyes (radio): Good luck, people. Keyes out.

Cortana: We need to find the security override to get this door open.

(As you approach the path leading up into the island)

Cortana: It looks like there is a path leading to the interior of the island.

(As you pass the substation, which juts out of the cliffs)

Cortana: Well, there's the entrance to the security substation, but it looks like we'll have to look for another way up.

(Alternative Dialogue: If the Security Station is entered before going to the auto-locking door to the map room.)

Cortana: This isn't the map room. Analyzing... (Pause) This is a security override station for the main facility, located somewhere else on this island. Shut the system down so the Covenant won't be able to lock us out.

(Holo-panel is activated, cutscene of Gold Elite)

Cortana: We should now have access to the main facility, let's find the map room.

(Once you get inside the substation and reach the security override, the "normal" way)

Cortana: Use the holo panel to shut down the security system. Good. That should open the door that leads into the main shaft.

Part 02: It's Quiet...

(As you move down the hall from the security substation, towards the exit)

Dropship Pilot (radio): Mayday, mayday! Dropship Bravo 022 taking enemy fire! Repeat! We are under heavy fire and are losing altitude!

Cortana (radio): Understood. We're on on our way.

Two Minor Elites guarding the Silent Cartographer.

(As you exit the substation)

Cortana: Chief, Bravo 22 was bringing us some heavy weapons. After I saw we were up against Hunters, I thought you could use them. Let's move down the beach. Keep an eye out for any cargo we can salvage.

(As you approach the now-unlocked door leading to The Shaft)

Part 03: Shafted

(Cinematic-Chief walks out onto the platform overlooking the shaft and kicks a loose piece of debris down it)

(As you move farther down into the facility, into the third of four levels)

Foe Hammer (radio): Foe Hammer to ground teams, you got two enemy dropships coming in fast!

Gunnery Sergeant Waller (radio): Dammit! Okay, people, we got company comin', let's set the table. Engage enemy forces on sight!

Cortana (radio): It'll be easier to hold them off from inside the structure. Can you get inside?

Gunnery Sergeant Waller (radio): Negative! They're closin' in too fast. Negative! (Pause) Chief! You gotta find the Cartographer! We'll keep 'em busy as long as we can!

Cortana (radio): Give 'em hell, Marine. (to you) We'll be in a tight spot if we don't get out of here before additional reinforcements arrive. Let's find that map.

(when you finally reach the Cartographer)

Cortana: There. That holo panel should activate the map.

(Cinematic-the Cartographer holo display begins to spin, and the diagram of the ring begins to break into sections)

Cortana: Analyzing. Halo's control center is located there. That structure appears to be some sort of temple or shrine, if I've interpreted this correctly. (Pause) Interesting. A shrine is an unlikely place to put such a significant installation. (radio) Cortana to Captain Keyes.

Foe Hammer (radio): The Captain has dropped out of contact, Cortana. His ship may be out of range or having equipment problems.

Cortana (radio): Keep trying. Let me know when you've reestablished contact, and then tell him that the Master Chief and I have determined the location of the control center. We'll be heading there as soon as we're topside.

Foe Hammer (radio): Affirmative. Foe Hammer out.

(As you near the exit of the facility, just before you meet the squad of cloaked Elites)

Cortana (radio): Cortana to Echo 419. The Chief and I are topside, requesting pickup.

Foe Hammer (radio): Roger. On my way.

(As you dive into the dropship)

(Cinematic-the dropship lifts off from the platform and rises quickly, circling the center of the island.)

Cortana (radio): Let's get moving. Foe Hammer. Here are coordinates and a flight plan I've worked out.

Foe Hammer (radio): But, Cortana...these coordinates are underground.

Cortana (radio): The Covenant did a thorough seismic scan. My analysis shows that Halo is honeycombed with deep tunnels, which circle the whole ring.

(Cinematic (continued): The structure where the first pair of Hunters appeared lifts up, revealing a tunnel; the Pelican lowers into it as the structure comes back down again.)

Foe Hammer (radio): I hope your analysis is on the money, Cortana. This Pelican won't turn on a dime.

Cortana (radio): Look on the bright side, Foe Hammer. The last thing the Covenant will expect is an aerial insertion...from underground.


General Walkthrough

D-Day has nothing on the first battle here. Much more localized, much more advanced, and much more deadly.On the other hand, there dozens of Overshields on this level, and this is the first time you get to use the Rocket Launcher. There will be dozens of Covenant just dying for your 7.6mm FMJs, 12.7mm HE-SAPS, and 102mm SPNKRS.

As the level begins, just before the entire HUD becomes visible, press Y. That way, youll start with your Pistol. Zoom in immediately and snipe any Grunt you see.(Note:Dont worry about burning through most of your ammo, health, and grenades in this first battle. Youll find some supplies soon) Anyway, switch to your AR, and go at the Elite, firing and bashing till he goes down. If there are any Grunts that survived your onslaught, leave 'em for your Marines, and go forward. Unleash the rest of your AR clip on the mofos that come through the arch, then switch to your Pistol and start pumping Headshots into the Elites, and toss a Frag Grenade for good measure. Go in and blow away anything else thats still alive with your Pistol clip, and when everythings dead reload your weapons. Keep your Pistol and your AR, but go find some Plasma Grenades.

When Foe Hammer drops off the Hog (seriously, where the hell does she get these things?) get into the drivers seat, wait for a passenger and a gunner, then get a move on. There will be a squad of Grunts with one Elite, plus two Jackals, and that makes up your next opposition. Just drive through, run over anything that you can, and the rest goes to your gunner.

When you get to the entrance of the structure, you should see a squad of Grunts directly in front of you. Get out and start firing your Pistol at anything that moves. When the Covies retreat to the hallway, move your Hog in and start tossing PGs while your gunner clears the rest out. Once everything has eaten lead, go down the hallway, but first trade in your AR for a PP or a PR.

A small squad of Grunts, Elites, and-holy crap- was that a Zealot! Never mind him, just start filling the air with Plasma till everythings dead. When Cortana and Keyes start talking, go back to the surface, grab your AR, and drive down the beach. Where those crates are positioned next to that tree, there should be an Overshield. Pick it up if your Health is down.

In the next area there is this big ridge in the center. Behind this is a big batch of bug eyed bastards. Park your Hog on the left side, then go up the ridge. There should be a squad of Jackals in a circle right in front of you. Toss a nade to clear them out, then let your gunner take care of everything else.

Finally, the bliss of Biofoam injected straight through your nueral pathways. Thank the good lord. Anyway, fill up on goodies and switch out your Pistol for for a plasma weapon.

There is two lances of Covenant coming down that hill. Unload as many bullets as you want on the Grunts, and overcharges for the Elites. Once everthings taken an early leave, go back down for your Pistol.

NOTE: You can get the flipped warthog by the dead marines through the pathway and through the whole level untill the shafted part where it will get stuck in the doorway. It is possible to get the hog through if you throw grenades or just go realy fast and ram it through.

Right about now, you should see a big blip on your sensor. No, its not a vehicle, its a Hunter. Yes Sir, the 12' bastards that made your life hell in the TTaR are back witha vengeance. However, you have the advantage. Wide open combat areas, some experience against them, the element of surprise, and one of four weapons that Hunters hate: the M6D Pistol.

Note: Hunters hate the pistol. You see, Hunters are actually Hunderds of little eels all packed together in one hard shell. The glowing orange parts are theyre only weak point. The Pistol uses High Explosive bullets that incinerate those little worms, effectively killing one Hunter in one shot.

Continuing, just stay on the outer edge of this "bowl" area. Hopefully, those Hunters wont notice you, so right now you should be behind of the first Hunter. Pull the trigger, and watch him fall.

There is nothing more soul satisfying than beating a Halo 1 Hunter to death with your Assault Rifle. Do so, because the Hunters melee is easy to dodge. Once hes down, celebrate with a sandwich or something.

Grab an overshield (6 of them in this level, yea) then start pumping Pistol rounds at the squad of Jackals that are coming for you. When most of them are down, switch to your AR and hose them down in close range.Pick up one of their PPs and move one.

Another wooded area, another Lance of methane breathing pain in the asses. Start carpeting the area with Plasma Overcharges.Once you used up that Pistol, go back for a fresh one and repeat til the grunts and Jackals are dead, then go back for your AR and cleanse the Elite with a shower of AP rounds. Once hes dead, move forward and switch to your Pistol. Each Grunt that comes around the corner gets a Headshot, and when they stop coming, grab your AR and dispatch any one that remains.

Go down that hallway and switch back to yyour Pistol. Aw damn, more worms in a can. Luckily, the first one is standing foolishly with his stomach exposed. Sing him a lullaby in the form of a .50 cal HE round, then melee the other to death (you can do it!) Move down the hall and deactivate the security system.

Part 2:Its quiet...

Why do I have a bad feeling about the 8' sword wielding SOB? Easy, he wants to kill me. Get moving, because you need to save Bravo 22.

Crap, I know that I saw something moving. Here is where lugging that heavy AR pays off. Pour as much ammo as you want into those Stealth Elites, then move to the surface.

Damn, we never seem to be fast enough to save the Good Guys. Ah well, avenge their deaths by killing those Grunts and Jacks that made sure they were dead.

Some damn good supplies were left at the crash site, complements of your late gentlemen comrades. The most important of these is the M19 SSM Rocket Launcher. This is the first time you get to use it, so grab it and fill up on Rockets. Grab some Pistol ammo, and a health pack if you need it. Now flip the Hog and get back to your previous comrades (they should still be alive) and drive back to the Silent Cartographer.

When you get there, get out of your ride and move quietly forward. A pair of Hunters have come to replace the weaker guard. Time to use the ultimate Hunter killing device- the SSM SPNKR. Go ahead and burn the first one with it, then proceed to melee the second Hunter to death (the Rocket Launcher has a long melee attack, so have fun) then proceed downward.

Part 3: Shafted

Now seriously, I am slightly scared here. Where did that Gold Elite go?

Ah well, don't worry about it for now. Move down the hall to find an Elite tapping on his purple box. Probably playing Minesweeper on company time! Do his boss a favor and snap his lazy spine with a melee attack.

The next area has a couple of workable strategies: there's three Grunts on the upper level, two awake and one snoring; three Grunts on the lower level, two patrolling and one asleep, an Elite, and two Grunts on a ledge above him. With that knowledge you have a couple options. You can simply pick them off one by one with your pistol from the doorway, but the Elite could prove a bit of a challenge. You could try and catch them all in a couple of rocket blasts; after all, it's not like you're gonna run out of rockets any time soon. My personal favorite is to kill them all without any of them seeing you, so I'll detail that, as it's the only strategy that requires a whole lot of thought.

From the purple box, take a right turn. Head about halfway up the ramp and crouch. You should see a couple of Grunts patrolling. Wait for both of them to come to about your position and turn around. Then, once they're both headed the other way, crouch-walk up the ramp, sneak up on them and hit both of them in the back. I'd recommend the pistol melee, as it's faster. Odds are, there'll be another Grunt dreaming his little Grunty dreams up there. Whop him over the head too. If you stayed crouched through all of this, you are probably still hidden to the other Covenant. Just remember, if they see you, haul back to the doorway and use cover to kill them all—less classy, but also more alive.

Now for the ground level. Head back down the ramp, remembering to crouch. Go through the little door-not the big, open gate, but the tiny little one next to the ramp. Walk just through it and crouch. The Grunts are patrolling around the central structure. Wait until they are both facing away from you, then quickly run out and hit the Grunt in back. Then duck behind the central structure so that the other Grunt doesn't see you. The sleeping Grunt should be right there. Melee him and head back to the door. When the last Grunt is headed away from you again, sneak up on him and assassinate him too. Then, head around back up to where the first three Grunts are, and look above the Elite. There are two Grunts there, neither of whom can see you. Plug them in the head, one bullet each. You'll want to do this very quickly, as the other Grunt will panic and run away if he's left for too long. That leaves just the Elite, who won't have any idea where you are and will be facing the dead Grunts. Drop down, run over, and introduce him to the magic of the pistol-whip.

There are three Jackals in the hall ahead. Drop a plasma grenade into their midst and wait for the screams to stop. Corridor cleared. Down below, however, is a room with two Hunters and a crapload of Jackals. The room has an outer ring, with the Jackals, and an inner ring with the Hunters. Near the place where you come in, there is a tiny corridor from the outer ring to the inner ring. This corridor can be very handy. The Hunters won't shoot into it, and the Jackals won't go in there—sometimes they don't even see you there. In fact, you can sometimes lure each and every Jackal into its entrance and then plug them with you M6D. Once they're done, it's Hunter time. No need to waste rockets on 'em—this is where your pistol comes into play.

Follow the path down to a completely empty space. Take a few seconds to have a look around, check cover, etc. You'll be having a good scrap here later. Also, know the two doors. The one on the left leads to an active camo, which you shouldn't take yet. The one on the right leads down to another hallway. There are three oblivious Grunts at the end. Headshot them all. The next room has six Grunts and an Elite. Get as many headshots on the Grunts as you can, then let the rest flee down the shaft. Drop the rocket for a second and grab a needler. Send shots down after the Grunts until they're all dead. The Elite, of course, won't be coming out to play, so find out where he's hiding, grab your rocket launcher, and drop an SSM on him. Oof.

Next comes the Silent Cartographer itself, along with an overshield—and two Elites who have been the bane of many overconfident Master Chiefs. Rockets work well here, but standard gunplay doesn't—these guys are careful, and they cover each other well. It's all too easy to be overwhelmed by one while you take on the other. Explosives are your friend, anyway. Once they're dead, move in, grab the overshield, and turn on the Cartographer.

Whew. Now that's over with, it's time to get back to Echo 419. Turn around, head back over the two Elites (who are now dead) and head straight up the ramp. This should take you to the camouflage room, where the Jackals have taken up residence. Dislodge them with a grenade or rocket. Now, by jumping at the corner just right, you can get the active camouflage from the upper level. Cool. Now, time to make use of your invisibility. Run quickly out of this room and under the catwalk in the next room. There might be some Jackals on the ramp up, but as you're invisible, you can assassinate them easily. Hopefully, that leaves about four or five of them. Conserve ammo; just beat them all to death and move up as fast as you can. There are five more Jackals in this room, and by now your camo is probably gone. Use the pistol to snipe these guys from cover, or your rocket launcher if thy bunch up. That'll teach them.

On the ledge leading up, however, is a pack of five Grunts and an Elite. Since the pistol isn't that effective in this situation, grab a plasma pistol and methodically kill them all. You're in no hurry, and there are five plasma pistols lying around. Hell, you could even go back down a ways and grab about ten more if you felt like it. But one or two should do the trick just as well. Once all six Covenant are dead, get the M6D back and head up the ramp, out of this godforsaken pit.

On the next ramp leading up are no less than four Jackals. Take a moment to make them into Jackal paté with the rocket launcher. Don't worry if you're running low on rockets; there's a big stash up in the next room. Unfortunately, an Elite, four Grunts and three Jackals are challenging you for it. Use your last few rockets to scatter them and the pistol to pick off the stragglers. Stock up on ammo and health.

The next room up has, again, three Jackals, four Grunts and an Elite. Oh well. You don't have much time to use up all that lovely ammo, so unleash it on these buggers. Try to save two rockets, preferably four, though. The Jackals are on the upper level, with the Grunts and Elite down below. Once you kill a few of the Covies, the Grunts will panic and run. Sometimes the Jackals even join them. Be sure they're all dead before you move on, because this next bit can be very unfun.

Head back up the way you came, very, very carefully. That Zealot has showed up (where was he hiding when you came down?), and boy, is he pissed. Well, he'll be even more pissed when you introduce him to Mr. Rocket. Mr. Rocket is our friend. However, he'll soon find his relationship with the lovable Mr. R at an end when you whip out your pistol and finish him off. If you have a plasma grenade, that'll work even better, but he'll have time to charge you before he goes off.

Whew. Now he's dead, the path is clear, right? Well, no, actually. There are no less than six Infiltrator Elites up top, and they can really take you by surprise. Luckily, that's all that's left, so you can spam rockets, grenades and even the Warthog turret on them. Or you could do it the professional hitman's way—six expertly aimed headshots with the pistol. As the Infiltrators don't have shields, this is an ideal opportunity for the M6D. Whatever. Just so as they die, you're fine. If you really find yourself in a mess, you have pretty much every kind of weapon in the game somewhere down the shaft to choose from. When there are six corpses littering the hall, you're done here. Assuming that yours is not one of them.

Yay! All gone! Congratulate yourself. You've just scoured an island clean of alien scum. On to the Control Room!

Speed Run Walkthrough

As soon as you begin, go the opposite way around the island, until you reach the Warthog. Flip it over and get in it. Drive forward, and go to where the Covenant Dropship is dropping off the Jackals. Kill them and grab the Overshield.It is easier to kill the Hunters if you go to the wrecked pelican somewhere on the island and get the rocket launcher, just look around on the ground and you will find it.

Now drive up the ramp, the same direction you were going in the Warthog. Turn around to go into the structure. Drive through, and turn right, down the ramp, and left. It's hard for the Warthog to get through this passage, but it's possible. Slow down near the end, and turn into the door. Don't worry about killing the Covenant there, just ram the Warthog through the door. If you do it fast enough, you can get the Warthog stuck, and the door won't close.

Now get out, and turn right. You'll go to the Shafted platform. If you are facing out, like a diving board, stand on the bottom-right corner. Walk straight off at an angle. You'll land on the very corner of where you can activate the map. Make sure to grab the Overshield, it is helpful because your health is so low.

Activate the map room and then advance up like in the guide above. Some ways into the path back to the surface, it is possible to grenade jump to an Active Camouflage in a room with Jackals on an elevated platform, which can be used to bypass a large number of enemies, including at least one pair of Hunters. When you get into the Warthog at the end, make sure not to try to drive it out--you can't. Walk outside and get aboard the dropship.

It should be noted that if you check the beach you will find all of your marines dead.

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