Last Resort (Level)

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Revision as of 14:38, April 25, 2007 by Mutoid Chief (talk | contribs) (Added blue orb section to trivia.)
File:Zanzibar in Halo 3 (Comparison 2).jpg
Comparison of Halo 3 Zanzibar to Halo 2 Zanzibar

This map appears to be planned for Halo 3's release. At present, little is known about it.

One thing is certain. This map will NOT be in the public beta. It is only for the internal beta. As stated before the public beta will only contain 3 maps: High Ground, Valhalla, and Snowbound.

*This may or may not be changed for it's final full game version.


Based on the Halo 2 multiplayer map "Zanzibar", this is a level that seems to be planned for Halo 3. This level briefly appeared in the Halo 3 ViDoc: Is Quisnam Protero Damno! at about 0:56-0:57. Soon after, the level's name and existence were confirmed in a leaked video. Although many were quick to call modding, it was shown that this was, in fact, a Beta build of Halo 3, by appearance of the Bubble Shield. By careful observation of the video, it was confirmed that the level was named 'Last Resort', and that it was indeed a remake of Zanzibar.


Basically the exact copy of the Halo 2 version on the outside. All of it's main features remained. Camp Froman, the fan, the sea wall, the beach, the inviso tower, and the defense base. Although slightly changed. The defense building has been made larger on the inside and had walkways and tunnels added, one that leads out to the rocket ammo spawn area. The rocket spawn area with rocks are now replaced with pillars. A walkway now leads from Camp Froman to the defense base. Camp Froman has a room underneath with doorways. Weapons spawns have been increased and tweaked.






Bungie originally said they would not do remakes of old maps, even at the beginning of the multiplayer revealing, they stated High Ground was the "new Zanzibar". Many took this as a loss. But after the confimation of this remake, more are certain to be on the way.


  • The video confirms, among other things, that the "Bubble Shield" is stationary in Halo 3.
  • It is possible that the name, 'Last Resort', is a joking reference to Zanzibar's idyllic, island setting.
  • Bungie also stated that: there will be more than one 'beach' level for halo 3 in an older update.
  • bungie also said something about a: "new version of old favorite" in an update. Maby refering to the Zanzibar remake.
  • There appears to be a strange blue orb at where the Energy Sword was in Zanzibar. It may be an active camouflage, but it looks bigger.


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