The Truth and Reconciliation (Level)
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Aboard the Truth and Reconciliation |
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Halopedia has a walkthrough guide for this level; see The Truth and Reconciliation (Level)/Walkthrough. |
The Truth and Reconciliation is a level on Halo: Combat Evolved where you board the Covenant ship, the Truth and Reconciliation, by using a Gravity Lift, after clearing the area, and save Captain Keyes. This is the first level in which Hunters and Energy Sword-wielding Elites will appear. No vehicles are usable in this level.
You'll venture to the Covenant's flag ship and navigate through it to find Captain Keyes and rescue him from the Covenant's grasp. But you'll have to guide him along with some other handy Marines out of the Truth and Reconciliation into a Covenant "Spirit" Dropship to get you to the next chapter.
- Assault Rifle
- Sniper Rifle
- Frag Grenade
- Plasma Pistol
- Plasma Rifle
- Needler
- Plasma Sword (unusable)
- Plasma Grenade
Part 01: Truth and Reconciliation
The view pans across a plateau with a Covenant Cruiser above it.
Cortana: "The enemy has captured Captain Keyes, and are holding him aboard one of their cruisers, the Truth and Reconciliation. The ship is currently holding position approximately three hundred meters above the other end of this plateau."
Pelican Echo 419 comes into view, it starts to land.
Marine: "So how do we get inside the ship if it's in the air? The Corps issued me a rifle, not wings."
Sergeant Johnson: "There's a Gravity Lift that ferries troops and supplies between the ship and the surface. That's our ticket in."
As the Pelican lands..
Cortana: "Once we get inside the ship, I should be able to lock on to the tracking signal from Captain Keyes' neural implants."
Sergeant Johnson: "Hit it Marines, go go go! The Corps ain't payin' us by the hour!"
The Marines and the Chief head forward.
Cortana: "Stick to the higher ground on the right. We should be able to recon the Covenant position without being spotted. I'm detecting Covenant Stationary Guns near the next pass. I recommend using your Sniper Rifle to take out the gunners while I call for Marine support. (over radio) Get ready to move in to support us, Sergeant. The Master Chief is going to covertly take out as many of the Covenant as he can. Don't open fire until you hear the enemy return fire on us. That should let us keep the element of surprise."
Once the Covenant spots the Chief..
Sergeant Parker: "Let 'em have it!"
The Marines open fire.
If all the Covenant soldiers are not taken out yet, a Grunt will run towards a Shade turret.
Cortana: "Alert! A Covenant is making a run for that stationary gun. Take him out!"
Once the area is secure.
Marine: "Hey, we did it! Right behind ya, Chief!"
Cortana: "Stop. Motion Tracker shows movement around the next bend."
Marine: "We're ready to advance as soon as you call for us, Cortana."
As the Fireteam Charlie move further up the plateau.
Cortana: "Covenant forces detected up ahead. The path up on the left should let us sneak up around them."
Marine: "We'll hang back while you get into position, Chief."
If the Chief takes the left flank..'
Cortana: "Cortana to Fire Team Charlie. The Chief has the left flank covered. Recommend you move up the middle."
If the Chief moves up the middle...
Cortana: "Cortana to Fire Team Charlie. The Chief has secured the middle. Get ready to move up the left, you should be able to flank the enemy."
Marine: "Roger that."
After the Chief takes out the last of the Covenant infantry..
Cortana: "Alert! Covenant Dropships are inbound!"
After area is secure.
Cortana: "We're directly under the ship now."
Marine: Alright! Are we bad or what?
Marine: "Mother of God...I'd never thought I'd get so close to one of these things. How are we gonna get inside that monster?"
Marine: "If we're gonna board that thing, we need a plan."
Cortana: "The Covenant use a Gravity Lift to ferry troops and supplies between the ship and the surface. We need to ambush them at the loading zone, and use the lift to enter the ship."
If three or more Marines from the team are dead...
Cortana: "Cortana to Echo 419, requesting reinforcements from our position."
Foe Hammer: "Roger, Cortana, Echo 419 on approach."
Covenant troops soon drop from the cruiser's Gravity Lift, engaging the team.
Marine: "Contact, enemy in sight!"
Sergeant Parker: "Covenant forces sighted! Let's hit 'em Charlie Team."
Marine: "Crap, those stationary guns are gonna tear us to pieces!"
As another Covenant dropship approaches..
Cortana: "Alert! Covenant Dropships are inbound!"
Marine: "Man, there's always something."
When the team kills everything, including the Hunters.
Cortana: "Cortana to Echo 419. We've reached the Gravity Lift and are ready for reinforcements."
Foe Hammer: "Copy that, Cortana. Hang tight, gentlemen. Foe Hammer out."
Cortana: "Once we're inside the ship, I can home in on the Captain's command-neural interface. He'll probably be in or near the ship's brig, which should narrow our search."
Foe Hammer: "Echo 419 inbound, clear the drop zone."
Sergeant Johnson: "Everybody out!"
Marines exiting the Pelican greet the Chief before taking cover near the lift.
Part 02: Into the Belly of the Beast
Marine: "Whoa!"
The Marine begins to float into the air.
Marine: "Yeehaw!"
Once the team gets inside.
Cortana: "We're in. I've got a good lock on the Captain's CNI transponder. No Covenant defenses detected."
Marine: "What, there's no Covenant here? Maybe nobody's home."
As the Covenant begin to attack the squad.
Marine: "Contacts! Lots of contacts!"
Marine: "No Covenant! Ya had to open your mouth!"
Once the squad kills the Covenant in the room.
Marine: "Area secure, Sir. We'd better keep moving. How about that door?"
As the team come to a massive blast door
Marine 3: "The door's locked Sir. I can't bypass it. We can't get through here."
Cortana (O.S.): "We can use the side passages to find a way around."
Sergeant Parker: "We'd be sitting ducks in that narrow space. We'll hold this position until you can find your way around and open the door from the other side, Chief."
Cortana: "Chief, let's see if we can find a way to open this door."
As the Chief goes alone and approaches a large hangar.
Cortana: "Wait. That's the locked door down there. The Marines are waiting on the other side. The controls to open it must be somewhere in this room."
As the Chief opens the door.
Marine : "All clear sir!"
Cortana: "We should get moving."
Marine: "Alright, everybody stay cool. Yell if you see anything."
As the team enters a big docking bay.
If the most or all of the team members are dead...
Cortana: "Cortana to Echo 419 Requesting reinforcements at our position.
Foe Hammer: "Foe Hammer here, Cortana ... I read you, but you're inside the ship. I'm not sure I can - "
Cortana (O.S.): "Lock onto my signal and approach fast and low. There's a shuttle bay on the ship's starboard side."
Foe Hammer: "Roger, Cortana - Echo 419 on approach."
As the Chief and the rest of the team go around killing Covenant inside the big docking bay)
Marine: "Hey, which way should we go now? All the doors on this level are locked!"
Cortana (O.S.): "Wait a moment. I'm going to access the Covenant Battlenet and locate an override code to open a door."
Marine: "You'd better hurry Cortana, we can't hold them off all day."
As the Hunters emerge into the bay.
Cortana (O.S.): "Working on it." (To the Master Chief) "I'd like to see YOU crack a 128,000-bit modulating encryption key."
Once you kill the pair of Hunters.
Cortana: "Got it. The door is open. Everyone should move through now. I can't guarantee that it won't lock again when it closes."
If every Marine in the team is dead, as the Chief approaches the second level of the docking bay.
Cortana: "I'm going to call for reinforcements. There's no sense going in with anything less than full strength.
Cortana (O.S.): "Cortana to Foe Hammer. We need additional support troops. We're going to open the shuttle bay door again. Move in and drop off reserve troops on my signal."
Foe Hammer: "I copy, Cortana. Echo 419 standing by for your signal."
As the Chief disengages the energy shield over the bay doors.
Cortana (O.S.): "Cortana to Echo 419. The shuttle bay door is open. You can start your approach."
Foe Hammer: "Roger. Echo 419 inbound."
Once the team reaches the ship's bridge and kill all Covenant forces.
Cortana: "This looks like the ship's command center. The Captain's transponder signal is strong, he must be close."
Marine: "This looks like a good spot, Chief. We'll mind the store here while you go find the Captain, good luck sir."
When the Chief come across an empty brig.
Cortana: "We must be in the brig. These look like holding cells. There are probably multiple detention stations. The Captain must be in one of them. We need to keep looking for him."
When the Chief comes across a full detention center..
Marine: "It's the Chief!"
Marine: "Chief! Chief!"
Marine: "Chief, lemme out man!"
When the Chief secures the cells.
Captain Keyes: "Good work, Chief."
Marine: "That was amazing, sir, you really kicked the shi - (interrupted)"
Captain Keyes: Stow it, Corporal! Let's get these cells open, Chief. The power control's along the back wall.
The Chief opens all the cells.
Marine: Wow!
Captain Keyes: "Coming here was reckless. You two know better than this....thanks. (Pause) Marines! Lock and load your weapons, let's be ready to move."
Marine: "Okay, Sir."
Marine: "Yes, Sir."
Captain Keyes: "While the Covenant had us locked up in here, I overheard the guards talking about this ring world. They call it... "Halo"."
Cortana (O.S.): "One moment, sir. Accessing Covenant battlenet. (Pause) According to the data in their networks, the ring has some kind of deep religious significance. If I'm analyzing this correctly...they believe that Halo is some kind of weapon. One with vast, unimaginable power."
Captain Keyes: "Well...that's true. The Covenant kept saying, "Whoever controls Halo controls the fate of the universe."
Cortana (O.S.): "Now I see...I have intercepted a number of messages about a Covenant search team, scouting for a "Control room". I thought they were looking for the bridge of a cruiser I damaged in the battle above the ring. But they must be looking for Halo's control room."
Captain Keyes: "That's bad news. If Halo is a weapon, and the Covenant gain control of it, they'll use it against us and wipe out the entire human race." (Pause) "Chief, Cortana. I have a new mission for you. We need to beat the Covenant to Halo's control room. Marines! Let's move!"
Marine: "Yes, Sir."
Marine: "Okay, Sir."
Captain Keyes: 'Chief, you have the point."
Part 03: Shut Up and Get Behind me...Sir
(After fighting your way to the bridge, two cloaked Elites attack you, and any Marines you left behind here have been killed)
Cortana: "We made it! (O.S.) Cortana to Echo 419. We have the captain and need extraction on the double."
Foe Hammer: "Negative, Cortana, I've been engaged by Covenant air patrols, and I'm havin' a tough time shakin' 'em. You'll be better off findin' your own ride. Sorry."
Cortana (O.S.): "Acknowledged, Foe Hammer. Cortana out. (To Keyes) Air support is cut off, Captain. We need to hold here until she can move in."
Marine 4: "Aw, man! We're trapped in here! We're screwed! We're screwed, man!"
Marine 5: "Oh great! Now we're trapped here. We're screwed!"
Captain Keyes: "Stow the bellyaching, soldier. Remember you're a leatherneck. Cortana, if you and the Chief can get us into one of those Covenant dropships, I can fly us outta here."
Cortana (O.S.): "Yes, Captain. There's a Covenant dropship still docked."
(Once you release the dropship from the clamps-cinematic)
Cortana: "That's it, the dropship is loose."
Captain Keyes: "Everybody, mount up, let's get onboard."
Cortana (O.S.): "Give me a minute to interface with the ship's controls."
Captain Keyes: "No, no need. I'll take this bird out myself."
Cortana (O.S.): Captain! Hunters!
Captain Keyes: "Hang on!"
(He rams the two Hunters with the dropship)
Marine 6: "Nice one, Sir!"
Captain Keyes: "Time for a little payback."
(The Spirit flies out, fade to black)
(In a few seconds the mood is totally changed with the starting of the Silent Cartographer.)
{If Captain Keyes dies at some point}
Cortana: "No! Without the Captain... (Sad, slow and mopey) the Covenant have already won...
Cortana: "No! We lost the Captain..."
Normal Walkthrough
This level is pretty hard. You start off with a Sniper Rifle, but it isn't much help in the beginning of the level unless you're an excellent Sniper, because Marines will always get in the way and steal your kills and your opponents are much more accurate than they should be.
You'll start out with a Sniper Rifle with an extra 64 ammos and an Assault Rifle. Your Marines will follow you as you get dropped off from a Pelican. Run over to the small area of rocks, and start sniping.
Try not to get spotted, the number of Covenants are always random, so when you're sure there's no Covenant left in the vicinity, whip out your Assault Rifle and start raping the reinforcements.
The squad led by an Elite are tough, and they'll always aim at you instead of the Marines. Perform a no-scope kill by the Sniper Rifle so as to bring down the Elites shield and let the Marines finish it off while you hammer the Grunts.
You'll get a checkpoint as you move up the hill. Take note of this: This will be the only checkpoint you get in the whole area, so try not to screw up along the line.
Continuing, snipe that Grunt in the Shade, then go for the Jackal next to him. Move your sights down, and blow away these few Grunts that stick their behinds around the sheltering rocks. Eventually, an Elite will show up. Proceed to dispose him off the cliff, then when things stop popping up like gophers move in a little.
There are two Grunts on the far right side of the upper ledge. Aim for one of 'em then quickly move your sight down. A Major Elite was hiding in a little corner there, and he is a little ticked. Time to practice No-Scoping, right through the heart to take care of the shields, the a quick melee to finish him.
Switch to your AR, and move to the other side of the upper ledge and wipe out the two Grunts there. One of them should have dropped a Needler; quickly ditch your AR for it. There are two more Grunts and an Elite in this area, so concentrate your Needles on the Elite first, then mop up the Grunts if your Marines haven't yet. Two more Grunts will come down the path, so finish off your Needles towards the cause of making them dead. Now go back for your Assault Rifle, and fill up on ammo.
You will Finally get another checkpoint at the beginning of the next area. Once again, this will be your only checkpoint for the area, so stay frosty.
There may be a Shade with a Grunt Grunting it on the upper ledge. Take him out before your Marines wake the rest up. Once he's down move your zoom to the other ledge, where there is always a Minor Elite keeping guard. Sometimes he's walking; most of the time he's running, so this is a slightly tricky shot, but you can do it.
Now, move back to the starting point and look along the edge of the rock formation. You should see a rock just below a few feet to the right of the first shade you took out. Jump on that rock, and prepare to have some fun.
You will have to jump to look over the edge and fire at Covenant, but thats the fun part. So, down to business. Aim for the first Shade you see, then aim for the Jackal thats coming across the natural bridge. A pair of Grunts might come up right in front of you; if so, let them meet the business end of your AR.
Move your scope down and scrub those two Jackals on the natural bridge, and any Shade Gunners you can see. After they've bit the dust, jump down from the perch and move forward a little. You should see another large rock at the edge where the ground elevates into the natural bridge. Jump on the rock, then on the ground above, and crouch close to the first shade you decommissioned. Once again, plug any Gunners, Jackals, and other enemies that are visible.
Right about now, a dropship should be coming in to drop off a fresh contingent of enemy Covenant. The only one you can see on your side of the gulch (thats what it is, you know) is a Jackal. Blow his heart out, then revert to the 2x zoom and get ready for the other ones. Use your Sniper Rifle to blast the Elite, then switch to your AR to mop up the Grunts. Once they're crisp, get off your perch, go down the left side, and finish off the two Jackals that were on patrol.
Once your back at Sniping spot #2, take a moment to access the situation. You have just sniped a whole Gulch-load of Covenant. Think you're done? WRONG! Move across the natural bridge, and keep you zoom on the patch of rocks and trees where your very first Active Camouflage power-up is at. As the music starts, an Elite will step out of his hiding spot; Take him down. Then, turn around, switch to your AR, and shoot the Grunts that are down there. After they're gone, keep moving across the bridge to find a hidden squad of Grunts engage your Marines. Flank them, and the Gulch is yours.
Reload both your guns, switch to your Plasma Grenades and your Assault Rifle, then move across the Active Camo.
Alright, you have 45 seconds to quietly kill as many Covenant as you can. Creep to the ledge across from the Active Camo, and drop down. A Minor Elite and a Major, followed by a group of grunts will rush out. Drop a grenade on the Major's helmet and assassinate the Minor. Hey look, the grunts are running. Stick one's face, and watch them get blown sky-high. Pull out your sniper and pop a bullet through the gunner above you and creep forward. There's a Minor patrolling the area in front of you. You don't need to scope for this-just pop his face open. Now a dropship and an onslaught of Covenant are coming in. Shoot the dropship's load, and grab a Shade. Open fire on the Gravity Lift and watch as the Covenant stagger and collapse. When you hear music start, the Hunters are coming. Jump out of the Shade and charge them. When one uses its shield to melee you, dodge, turn, and noscope its back. You'll see a satisfying spurt of orange blood and the Hunter will go down. Rinse and repeat for the other Hunter. By now, your marines are probably dead, so Cortana will order reinforcements from Foehammer. Watch the pretty cutscene as you're lifted into the belly of the beast.
Jump on the Wraith tank, and check your motion sensor. A Covenant Stealth Elite with a Plasma Sword will open a door and charge. Quickly put a few sniper slugs in him, and he'll collapse and die. Now Covenant will slam into the room and attack. There's not a whole lot of advice except: Throw grenades. Stick Grunts. And finally, use the Assault Rifle. By the end of this, you'll be hurt pretty badly, but not to fear, there is a health pack by a dead marine in the corner. Charge through the newly opened small door, navigate through the corridors, and arrive in a hangar. There's a lot of Covenant here, enjoy.
- If you grab the cloaking in the empty brig, then go into the Captains brig and kill all but the Zealot and hit the switch, your marines will get out and run around, occasionally stretching their arms out to their sides and standing still for a few seconds. This is due to the fact that there is no animation for the marines, so they just go into their default NPC position. This is due to a glitch. Also, Keyes will be invincible while the remaining Zealot can kill the frozen Marines.
- If Keyes dies at the same time you release the dropship,the first part of his death cutscene will play but will cut off halfway. The end of level cutscene will then play, and you will go onto the next level.
- In the brig where Captain Keyes is being held, you can actually kill him and the three marines while the energy shields are still up just by aiming in a precise location while standing up against the shields. If you kill Keyes and the marines and then activate the cutscene where Master Chief rescues them, then after the cutscene Keyes and the marines will be there and turn against you and open fire. If you run they will chase after you.
- There was a bug earlier in the development of the game in which Keyes had AI behavior which was "taunt enemy corpse" and when he picked up a Needler he would fire it into a dead Covenant soldier and explode and kill himself. This bug was described by Joseph Staten on the Halo 3 Legendary Edition bonus disc.
- Before reaching the second level of the shuttle bay, there is a dead grunt lying on the ground with a fully charged plasma pistol and two grenades. If you walk out the door and walk back in, he will disappear.
- This level may include the largest grenade jump possible. The jump includes four grenades and will skip the second floor completely. A video is here: [1]; the jump occurs after about 13 minutes. A video is also available on youtube: [2]; the jump is at around 2:47. This jump includes 3 plasma grenades and 1 frag. Three plasma grenades are thrown near the overshield, each one is lower than the other. Then, a frag is thrown at the ground. Grab the overshield before jumping, so no damage occurs.
- This is the only level in Halo: Combat Evolved in which the pistol does not appear.
- This is the first level where the active camouflage power-up is available, as well as the first level where you face Hunters and Elite Zealots.
- If you kill three allies in the last part of the level, Keyes will appear as an enemy on your HUD. However, he will not fire on you. Occasionally however, he will fire on you in the ending cutscene.
- This is the first level where Elites with Plasma Swords appear.
- This is the first level where Elites use Active Camo.
- Ship10.jpg
Echo 419 Drops The Chief of at the Covenant Starship.
Preceded by Halo |
Halo Campaign Missions The Truth And Reconciliation |
Succeeded by The Silent Cartographer |
External Links
- Truth and Reconciliation (Level)
- A walkthrough on Youtube: Part 1:[3], Part 2: [4], and Part 3: [5]