
Exodus (level)

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Exodus is the seventh level in the campaign of Halo: Reach.


The level begins on August 23, 2552, in New Alexandria, Eposz.


Noble Six stands before the crashed Covenant Supercarrier, having just dropped from orbit. After wandering through the wilderness, he/she arrives at New Alexandria, which is in ruins. Looking at the three Covenant corvettes hovering over the city, he/she lets Jorge’s dog tags fall from his/her hand.

Noble Six then makes his/her way through the city and links up with Army forces to assist in the evacuation of Traxus Tower, while fighting Brutes for the first time. However, they arrive too late, as the corvette has already moved into position on top of the tower.

Noble Six then acquires a Jetpack and falls in with a group of ODSTs enacting an emergency plan to capture an executive landing pad. He/She then proceeds to Traxus Tower.

Noble Six rides in a Falcon to provide air cover for evacuation craft leaving the city. They take an alternate route to avoid the Covenant forces clustered in the middle of the city.

After the evacuation transport is shot down by a corvette, Noble Six assists Army forces in clearing the way to missile batteries further in the city. The missile batteries damage the corvette enough for the remaining transports to slip past and escape the city.

Kat contacts Noble Six, and informs him/her that he/she is to rejoin the rest of Noble Team.


  • When you first face skirmishers at this level at the stairs of the civic center, four red posters can be seen, advertising a sporting event called the '2552 Reach Galactic Cup'.
  • When the corvette fires at the Transport hovering above the water, look closely. Notice how an explosion is seen before the projectile hits it.
  • This is the first level you fight Brutes, and the first level you get to use the Spiker and Gravity Hammer.
  • This is the first and only level in which you fight alongside the Bullfrogs.
  • The Sergeant Major leading the UNSC forces in the last section of the mission is invincible, as he's considered a plot-critical character due to his radio exchanges with the evacuating civilian transports. However, he hangs back in the starting area and doesn't participate in the battle.