Shield World (level): Difference between revisions

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*This is the first level to feature [[Flood]] [[Thrasher Form]]s.
*This is the first level to feature [[Flood]] [[Thrasher Form]]s.

*This is also a level in which the Gremlin can be accessed, which is odd because only [[Anders]] uses them, and she is not rescued until two levels later. Still they were on [[Captain Cutter]]'s ship, and he may have just supplied her with them and assumed command over them in her absence.
*This is also a level in which the Gremlin can be accessed.


Revision as of 15:58, March 26, 2009



The Flood



Shield World


Halo Wars




Unnamed Shield World


Halopedia has a walkthrough guide for this level; see Shield World (level)/Walkthrough.


Shield World is the tenth level of Halo Wars [1]. The level is set on the same planet as the previous mission, against the Flood. The main mission is to rescue three different teams by killing all the flood in the way between the firebase and the units. Team Alpha reward you with a Grizzly tank, Team Bravo reward you with an Elephant, but when you try to rescue team Charlie the pelican is destroyed. The Spartans say they'll make their way to the base to be picked up there. The normal time limit is 18 minutes, but a side mission which gives you access to the special Gremlin unit that involves placing Gremlins in different corners of the map will buy you more time (About 22 minutes for all four of them.)


Cutscene opens on the Apex, a Spirit dropship, drops off its passengers and departs. Anders is seen in some kind of stasis beam, Regret and the Arbiter approach her.

Regret: This is her?

Arbiter: Yes, Hierarch this is the one I observed.

Regret: Such a frail thing. You would hardly think them a threat.

Anders: I demand to know why I'm being held!

Arbiter: (laughing) Demand?

Zealot: Arbiter, a Human ship has arrived and is closing in on the entrance portal-

The Arbiter strikes the Zealot sending him across the platform

Arbiter: Get the Hierarch to High Charity! Intercept that human ship and destroy it at once!

The Arbiter walks off, Regret departs with his Honor Guards. Cutscene fades to the Spirit of Fire's location, over an ocean.

Forge: Nothing but ocean.

Cutter: Are you sure this is it, Serina?

Serina: Fairly sure, initiating a deep scan. Docking, Cleansing? That's not right. Captain, you are not going to like this.

The ocean below suddenly splits in two

Cutter: Serina...

Forge: Captain, we've got company!

Several Sentinels approach the Spirit of Fire, and fly around it for a moment, the Spirit of Fire is drawn into a docking and decontamination mechanism within the planet.

Cutter: All hands engage! Serina, I've got troops out there still! Get them back on board now!

Serina: Captain, I can only hold this position a few minutes at the most.

Cutter: Now Serina!

Serina: Recalling surface squads, so we can all die together, aye, sir!

Cutscene ends, level begins

Serina: Three platoons inbound, designating them: Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie.

Cutter: Red Team?

Serina: They're with Charlie sir, ahhh, that could be a problem.

Flying Flood forms are seen engaging the Marines

Cutter: We can't evac those trapped Marines, until the air is clear, let's be about it people.

Cutter: Serina, see if you can buy us more time, Sergeant, break through that line for our Pelicans.

Alpha: This is Alpha platoon, we've got hostile contacts, lots of hostile contacts.

Serina: Captain, those pylons down there, are generating the field we're in.

Cutter: Can we shut them down?

Serina: Way ahead of you sir, Forge, I'm sending you a new toy, a Gremlin, drive it over to that pylon.

Forge: Gremlin in position, EMP in 3..2..1.

Gremlin fires EMP, the pylon is shut down.

Serina: Recalculating speed of descent, carry the four, and we just might make it!

Alpha: This is Alpha platoon, we're being overrun!

Forge destroys the first group of Flood buildings

Forge: All clear! Evac flight start your run.

Evac Flight: Platoon recovered, returning en route to the Spirit.

Alpha: Hey thanks for that Seregeant, need a Grizzly?

Alpha drops off a Grizzly tank

Forge destroys a second group of Flood builidings

Forge: All clear! Evac flight start your run.

Evac Flight: Platoon recovered, returning en route to the Spirit.

Bravo: About time, I won't forget this.

Bravo platoon drops off an Elephant

Forge's troops come across another pylon

Serina: Pylon sighted, marking on your display.

Forge: Gremlin in position, EMP in 3..2..1

Second pylon is shut down

Forge and his troops destroy a third group of Flood buildings

Forge: All clear! Evac flight start your run.

Cutscene begins, a flying Flood form approaches a Pelican

Serina: Aerial hostiles on an intercept course, Evac flight, abort, repeat Evac flight abort! Abort!

Evac Flight is engaged by flying Flood forms, it is soon destroyed

Spartan: This is Charlie platoon, we'll come in on our own, keep those engines hot!

Serina: We're running out of time! (when countdown gets too low)

Marine: Spirit, Evac Force is requesting a repair on the base.

Forge: Welcome back, all ground forces present and accounted for Captain.

Level ends

Cutter: Good work, Serina, final evac from surface from planet surface inbound, prep air locks.


  • This is also a level in which the Gremlin can be accessed.
