
Series 5: Anvil

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

This article is about the content update released for Halo: The Master Chief Collection. For the seasonal update for Halo Wars 2, see Season 5 (Halo Wars 2).


Series 4: Reclaimer


Series 6: Raven

Season 5: Anvil
HTMCC Season5 Emblem.png

HTMCC S5 Keyart Logoless.jpg

Start date:

January 27, 2021[1][2]

End date:

April 7, 2021[3]

Number of tiers:


Total unlock cost:

Spartan Point 100

Includes content for:


Season 5: Anvil is a season for Halo: The Master Chief Collection, released on January 27, 2021.[1] 343 Industries included previously-cut AKIS and Mariner helmets as part of this update,[5] after they were pushed back from Season 4 due to difficulties encountered during development.[6] Additionally, Season 5 sees the introduction of 12 armor sets from the cancelled game Halo Online into Halo 3.[7]

The season is named after ANVIL Station and Anvil Initiative; a space station known for testing the MJOLNIR armors introduced with the update and the organization that runs the station, respectively.[8] The season's logo is the Anvil Initiative's logo: a Human and a Sangheili shaking hands.

Season unlocks[edit]

Keyart for Series 5: Anvil used on
Keyart from showcasing some of the season's content.

Season 5 added the following content to the game. Notably, the Halo: Reach and Halo 3 customization options were implemented into the game in the Season 4 December update, as available for preview in the game's menus. However, they are unable to be unlocked and used in-game without the use of modding.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection[edit]

Halo: Reach[edit]

  • Two new Halo: Reach helmets originally cut from the release of the Anniversary Map Pack: AKIS, Mariner
    • Three Halo: Reach helmet attachments for AKIS: GRD, CBRN, GRD/CBRN
    • Three Halo: Reach helmet attachments for Mariner: Mister Chief, Defiant and OPTREX
  • Six new Halo: Reach chest armors, five of which are new robot arm variants of existing chests and one new:
    • Default [R]
    • UA/Counterassault [R]
    • Tactical/Recon [R]
    • Tactical/Patrol [R]
    • Collar/Grenadier [UA] [R]
    • EXO/TSCS

Halo 3[edit]

For Halo 3, the existing "New Skins in Halo 3" toggle will be updated to include the new armor permutations mentioned below alongside weapon and vehicle skins. If the new cosmetics are turned off, any players using Halo Online-based armor will instead display as using the default Mark VI.[9]

Page 1[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
1 Spartan Point 1 AKIS helmet and Reach Metal nameplate HR AKIS Helmet Icon.png
HTMCC Nameplate ReachMetal.png
HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png
HTMCC Emblem.png
2 Spartan Point 1 Bullet nameplate
HTMCC Nameplate Bullet.png
HTMCC Emblem.png
3 Spartan Point 1 Air Assault helmet HTMCC H3 AirAssault Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
4 Spartan Point 1 SMG Scorpio skin H3 SMG Scorpio Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
5 Spartan Point 1 Suture forearms HTMCC H3 Suture Forearms Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
6 Spartan Point 1 Tanker chest HTMCC H3 Tanker Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
7 Spartan Point 1 Air Assault shoulders HTMCC H3 AirAssault LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 AirAssault RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
8 Spartan Point 1 Tanker legs HTMCC H3 Tanker Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
9 Spartan Point 1 Aviator helmet HTMCC H3 Aviator Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
10 Spartan Point 1 Mariner helmet HR Mariner Helmet Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png

Page 2[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
11 Spartan Point 1 Aviator chest HTMCC H3 Aviator Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
12 Spartan Point 1 Air Assault forearms HTMCC H3 AirAssault Forearms Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
13 Spartan Point 1 No Entry and Bullet Stack nameplates
HTMCC Nameplate NoEntry.png
HTMCC Nameplate BulletStack.png
HTMCC Emblem.png
14 Spartan Point 1 Warrior chest HTMCC H3 Warrior Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
15 Spartan Point 1 Air Assault chest HTMCC H3 AirAssault Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
16 Spartan Point 1 Pioneer forearms HTMCC H3 Pioneer Forearms Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
17 Spartan Point 1 Aviator shoulders HTMCC H3 Aviator LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Aviator RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
18 Spartan Point 1 Battle Rifle Desert skin H3 BattleRifle Desert Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
19 Spartan Point 1 Soldier helmet HTMCC H3 Soldier Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
20 Spartan Point 1 EXO/TSCS chest HR EXO-TSCS Chest Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png

Page 3[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
21 Spartan Point 1 Battle Rifle Scarlet Thorn skin H3 BattleRifle ScarletThorn Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
22 Spartan Point 1 Rocket Launcher Hazard Pay skin H3 RocketLauncher HazardPay Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
23 Spartan Point 1 Tanker shoulders HTMCC H3 Tanker LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Tanker RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
24 Spartan Point 1 Bandage nameplate
HTMCC Nameplate Bandage.png
HTMCC Emblem.png
25 Spartan Point 1 Default [R] chest HR DefaultR Chest Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png
26 Spartan Point 1 Demo chest HTMCC H3 Demo Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
27 Spartan Point 1 Air Assault legs HTMCC H3 AirAssault Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
28 Spartan Point 1 Needler schism skin H3 Needler Schism Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
29 Spartan Point 1 Pioneer shoulders HTMCC H3 Pioneer LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Pioneer RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
30 Spartan Point 1 AKIS CBRN helmet attachment HR AKIS CBRN Helmet Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png

Page 4[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
31 Spartan Point 1 Plasma Pistol Schism skin H3 PlasmaPistol Schism Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
32 Spartan Point 1 Demo forearms HTMCC H3 Demo Forearms Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
33 Spartan Point 1 Battle Rifle Hunter's Blood skin H3 BattleRifle HuntersBlood Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
34 Spartan Point 1 Pioneer chest HTMCC H3 Pioneer Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
35 Spartan Point 1 Cowboy Shells nameplate
HTMCC Nameplate CowboyShells.png
HTMCC Emblem.png
36 Spartan Point 1 Carbine Zealot skin H3 Carbine Zealot Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
37 Spartan Point 1 Demo helmet HTMCC H3 Demo Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
38 Spartan Point 1 Deadeye chest HTMCC H3 Deadeye Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
39 Spartan Point 1 Demo shoulders HTMCC H3 Demo LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Demo RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
40 Spartan Point 1 Pistol Tech Camo Bravo skin H3 Pistol TechCamoBravo Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png

Page 5[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
41 Spartan Point 1 Hivemind chest HTMCC H3 Hivemind Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
42 Spartan Point 1 Magnum Blast nameplate
HTMCC Nameplate MagnumBlast.png
HTMCC Emblem.png
43 Spartan Point 1 Assault Rifle Hazard Pay skin H3 AssaultRifle HazardPay Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
44 Spartan Point 1 Soldier legs HTMCC H3 Soldier Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
45 Spartan Point 1 Mariner Defiant helmet attachment HR Mariner Defiant Helmet Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png
46 Spartan Point 1 Warrior legs HTMCC H3 Warrior Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
47 Spartan Point 1 Warrior shoulders HTMCC H3 Warrior LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Warrior RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
48 Spartan Point 1 Battle Rifle Hazard Pay skin H3 BattleRifle HazardPay Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
49 Spartan Point 1 Pioneer helmet HTMCC H3 Pioneer Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
50 Spartan Point 1 Bullet Line nameplate
HTMCC Nameplate BulletLine.png
HTMCC Emblem.png

Page 6[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
51 Spartan Point 1 Pioneer legs HTMCC H3 Pioneer Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
52 Spartan Point 1 Suture legs HTMCC H3 Suture Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
53 Spartan Point 1 Battle Rifle Golden skin H3 BattleRifle Golden Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
54 Spartan Point 1 Deadeye shoulders HTMCC H3 Deadeye LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Deadeye RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
55 Spartan Point 1 Grenadier [UA] [R] chest HR GrenadierUAR Chest Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png
56 Spartan Point 1 Warrior helmet HTMCC H3 Warrior Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
57 Spartan Point 1 Pistol Hazard Pay skin H3 Pistol HazardPay Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
58 Spartan Point 1 Carbine Splendor skin H3 Carbine Splendor Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
59 Spartan Point 1 Hivemind shoulders HTMCC H3 Hivemind LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Hivemind RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
60 Spartan Point 1 AKIS GRD helmet attachment HR AKIS GRD Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png

Page 7[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
61 Spartan Point 1 Sniper Rifle Red Alert skin H3 SniperRifle RedAlert Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
62 Spartan Point 1 Compass shoulders HTMCC H3 Compass LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Compass RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
63 Spartan Point 1 Suture helmet HTMCC H3 Suture Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
64 Spartan Point 1 Hivemind helmet HTMCC H3 Hivemind Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
65 Spartan Point 1 Battle Rifle Grey Scales skin H3 BattleRifle GreyScales Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
66 Spartan Point 1 Demo legs HTMCC H3 Demo Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
67 Spartan Point 1 Hivemind legs HTMCC H3 Hivemind Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
68 Spartan Point 1 Sniper Rifle Hazard Pay skin H3 SniperRifle HazardPay Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
69 Spartan Point 1 Suture chest HTMCC H3 Suture Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
70 Spartan Point 1 Tactical/Recon [R] chest HR ReconR Chest Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png

Page 8[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
71 Spartan Point 1 Suture shoulders HTMCC H3 Suture LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Suture RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
72 Spartan Point 1 Navigator helmet HTMCC H3 Navigator Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
73 Spartan Point 1 Soldier shoulders HTMCC H3 Soldier LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Soldier RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
74 Spartan Point 1 Compass forearms HTMCC H3 Compass Forearms Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
75 Spartan Point 1 Navigator legs HTMCC H3 Navigator Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
76 Spartan Point 1 Tactical/Patrol [R] chest HR PatrolR Chest Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png
77 Spartan Point 1 SMG Art of War skin H3 SMG ArtOfWar Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
78 Spartan Point 1 Deadeye helmet HTMCC H3 Deadeye Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
79 Spartan Point 1 Carbine Schism skin H3 Carbine Schism Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
80 Spartan Point 1 Mariner OPTREX helmet attachment HR Mariner OPTREX Helmet Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png

Page 9[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
81 Spartan Point 1 Navigator shoulders HTMCC H3 Navigator LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Navigator RShoulder Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
82 Spartan Point 1 Compass helmet HTMCC H3 Compass Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
83 Spartan Point 1 Battle Rifle Great Journey skin H3 BattleRifle GreatJourney Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
84 Spartan Point 1 Tanker forearms HTMCC H3 Tanker Forearms Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
85 Spartan Point 1 Bullet Pile nameplate
HTMCC Nameplate BulletPile.png
HTMCC Emblem.png
86 Spartan Point 1 Assault Rifle Desert skin H3 AssaultRifle Desert Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
87 Spartan Point 1 Tanker helmet HTMCC H3 Tanker Helmet Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
88 Spartan Point 1 Warrior forearms HTMCC H3 Warrior Forearms Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
89 Spartan Point 1 Compass legs HTMCC H3 Compass Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
90 Spartan Point 1 UA/Counterassault [R] chest HR CounterassaultR Chest Icon.png HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png

Page 10[edit]

Tier Unlock requirements Unlocks Images Game
91 Spartan Point 1 Plasma Rifle Keeper skin H3 PlasmaRifle Keeper Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
92 Spartan Point 1 Navigator chest HTMCC H3 Navigator Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
93 Spartan Point 1 SMG Golden skin H3 SMG Golden Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
94 Spartan Point 1 Aviator legs HTMCC H3 Aviator Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
95 Spartan Point 1 Fuel Rod Gun Schism skin H3 FuelRod Schism Skin.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
96 Spartan Point 1 Compass chest HTMCC H3 Compass Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
97 Spartan Point 1 Deadeye legs HTMCC H3 Deadeye Legs Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
98 Spartan Point 1 Soldier chest HTMCC H3 Soldier Chest Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
99 Spartan Point 1 Soldier forearms HTMCC H3 Soldier Forearms Icon.png HTMCC Halo3 Emblem.png
100 Spartan Point 1 AKIS GRD/CBRN helmet attchment and From The Beginning nameplate HR AKIS GRDCBRN Helmet Icon.png
HTMCC Nameplate FromTheBeginning.png
HTMCC HaloReach Emblem.png
HTMCC Emblem.png


Main article: MCC Insider Program

No Flighting was conducted for Season 5, due to 343 Industries' staff being on leave for the 2020 Christmas period. However, Season 5 content (specifically, the new Halo Online armor sets) were added into the collection for preview purposes in a patch on December 16.


Season 5 preview stream[edit]

On January 25, 2021, 343 Industries conducted a livestream on YouTube in which they showed off the new content for the season prior to release.[10] The stream can be found here.


Main article: Halo: The Master Chief Collection - Season 5 Trailer

To showcase the release of Season 5 and its new customisation content, a trailer for the update was released on January 27, 2021. Notably the trailer showcased some upcoming armor not included in the Season 5 patch including the Infiltrator, Nomdagro and Operator designs.

Season 5 fan kit[edit]

On January 28, 2021, a number of 4K wallpapers were released on Halo Waypoint for fans to use, showcasing some of the new content.[11] The fankit can be found here, and the images in the gallery section at the bottom of this article.

Patch notes[edit]

December patch[edit]

While Season 5 launched on January 27, 2021, the patch released in December 2020 physically added the bugfixes and new content to the game. The patch notes for the December patch can be found here.

January 27 patch notes (Version 1.2094.0.0)[edit]

January 27 (season launch) patch (Version 1.2094.0.0)

The Season 5 patch launched alongside the start of the season on January 27, 2021.[12]

Install Size by Version

  • Steam
    • Max size of 258 MB
  • Microsoft Store and Xbox Game Pass for PC
    • Max size of 6.3 GB
  • Xbox
    • Max size of 9.9 GB

New Features

Season 5, “Anvil,” begins with this update. It includes a variety of new unlockable cosmetics for Halo 3 and Halo: Reach, including new skins for armor and weapons, new nameplates, and a new Mongoose skin.

The New Skins in Halo 3 toggle in settings has been expanded. Players who want to maintain a classic Halo 3 experience can flip this setting to “disabled” to avoid seeing any new cosmetic items while playing Halo 3, including weapon skins, vehicle skins, and armor. While cosmetics are disabled, any players in your game who are wearing new armor will appear with the default Mark VI.


Promotional images[edit]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Twitter, @Halo: "Season 5 of MCC arrives for free in just one week! [...] All live on January 27th." (Retrieved on Jan 22, 2021) [archive]
  2. ^ Halo Waypoint, GRD is Here: MCC Season 5 Now Live (Retrieved on Jan 27, 2021) [archive]
  3. ^ Twitter, Halo (@Halo): "Ready yourselves, Spartans. Season 6 of MCC, Raven, arrives for free on April 7! 🛡️ 100 tiers to unlock in the Season Pass 🎒Brand new back accessories, skins, and armor 🍃 A fresh set of Seasonal Challenges with 3 unique rewards 🎮 Xbox Series X" (Retrieved on Mar 31, 2021) [archive]
  4. ^ Halo Waypoint, Forums, MCC Development & Flighting Updates: "With it, players can look forward to all new customization options that you can unlock through Timed Seasonal Challenges, in-game events, and through the free 100 tier season pass." - Postums (Retrieved on Jan 22, 2021) [archive]
  5. ^ Halo Waypoint, News, MCC Development Update - November 2020 (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [archive]
  6. ^ Halo Waypoint, News, MCC Development Update - October 2020 (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [archive]
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b c Halo Waypoint, News, MCC Development Retrospective - December 2020 (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [archive]
  8. ^ Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - Armor Online (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [archive]
  9. ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, MCC Development & Flighting Updates: Page 4, post 63 "The team is currently working on a game update that expands the existing skin toggle in the settings menu to also apply to armor. If you prefer a true classic experience, you’ll be able to flip the “New Skins in Halo 3” toggle to “disabled” and you won’t see any new cosmetic items (weapon skins, vehicle skins, or armor) when you’re playing Halo 3. If you decide to turn off cosmetics, any players in your game who are wearing new armor will appear as default Mark VI." (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [archive]
  10. ^ YouTube - Halo, Halo Season 5 Preview - Halo: The Master Chief Collection
  11. ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Season 5: Anvil Wallpapers (Retrieved on Mar 18, 2021) [archive]
  12. ^ Halo Support, Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MCC) Patch Notes - January 2021 (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [archive]