
Armor customization (Halo 3)

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This article is about the armor customization in Halo 3. For other games, see armor customizations.
Full Halo 3 customisation on PC!
A player using a mix of armor sets in Halo: The Master Chief Collection.

Armor customization in Halo 3 allows players to customize their Spartan and Elite player model with a variety of armor pieces available to players. The feature is an improvement of Halo 2's player customization feature, and the first in the series to allow players to change the physical model of their character beyond species and colour selection.


Game Pro cover artwork, according to this Artstation post.
Artwork by Isaac Hannaford revealing the existence of Recon, long before the armor was officially announced.

Halo 3 features a number of armor selections for both Spartan and Elite player characters, unlocked primarily by accomplishing feats within the campaign, Matchmaking and earning achievements. It was first hinted at during the Halo 3 Beta, with the limited-access featuring the ability for players to customise their armour colouration and emblem - though no ability to customise armour permutations.[1][2] Hidden in the Beta's files were strings referencing the in-development names for the multiplayer armours, with some modders able to figure out the existence of a potential armour customisation system ahead of the official release.[3]

The system was initially unveiled in the July 2007 issue of GamePro, featuring a handful of images of the EVA and CQB armor sets alongside the standard Mark VI, though was noted by Bungie to not be the full set of armor available in game.[4] Bungie later officially announced the inclusion of Elite armor variants[5], and on Bungie Day 2007 officially unveiled the CQB and EVA permutations' visuals and lore. A piece of art illustrated by Isaac Hannaford released at the same time additionally revealed the existence of the Recon armor, though the armor was not specifically called out by Bungie or given any attention until later.[6][7]

In total, there are 17 armor sets included in Halo 3, 12 of which for the SPARTAN-II character model and 5 for the Elite character model. These armor permutations are organized into three categories: Helmet, Chest and Shoulder. There are a total of 30 color options to use with these armor permutations. Certain armor permutations can only be unlocked by completing the game on certain difficulties, accumulating certain Gamerscore, or by obtaining certain multiplayer-specific achievements. Some, such as Recon or the exclusive Bungie Armor, have more esoteric unlock requirements, and can only be granted under certain conditions. Additionally, some Spartan armor sets only contain a helmet piece or chest piece, with no other associated armor selections.

Halo 3 unlock requirements[edit]

Note: The below unlock requirements only apply to the original Halo 3 game on Xbox 360 or via Xbox One backward compatibility. In The Master Chief Collection, all armors from Legacy Halo 3 are unlocked by default for all players - including the Bungie armor.
Spartan armor
Spartan armor
Armor Helmet Chest Shoulders
HTMCC H3 MarkVI Menu Render.png
Mark VI
Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default
HTMCC H3 CQB Menu Render.png
Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default
HTMCC H3 EVA Menu Render.png
Complete the entire Halo 3 campaign on Normal difficulty or higher (Campaign Complete: Normal) Beat Tsavo Highway on Normal difficulty or higher (The Road) Beat The Ark on Normal difficulty or higher (Refuge)
HTMCC H3 EOD Menu Render.png
Complete the entire Halo 3 campaign on Legendary difficulty (Campaign Complete: Legendary) Beat Tsavo Highway on Legendary difficulty Beat The Ark on Legendary difficulty
HTMCC H3 Hayabusa Menu Render.png
Collect all 13 skulls Collect 5 skulls Collect 9 skulls
HTMCC H3 Scout Menu Render.png
Unlock the Used Car Salesman achievement Unlock the Too Close to the Sun achievement Unlock the Mongoose Mowdown achievement
HTMCC H3 Recon Menu Render.png
HTMCC H3 Security Menu Render.png
Get 1,000 gamerscore N/A Get 750 gamerscore
HTMCC H3 ODST Menu Render.png
Reach the rank of H3 Rank Private Icon.svg Private in multiplayer (Spartan Graduate) N/A
HTMCC H3 MarkV Menu Render.png
Mark V
Achieve the rank of H3 Rank Sergeant Icon.svg Sergeant in multiplayer (UNSC Spartan) N/A
HTMCC H3 Rogue Menu Render.png
Reach the rank of H3 Rank Lt Icon.svg Lieutenant in multiplayer (Spartan Officer) N/A
HTMCC H3 Katana Menu Render.png
N/A Earn 49 achievements or earn 1,000 gamerscore N/A
HTMCC H3 Bungie Menu Render.png
Bungie Armor ("Flaming head")
N/A Be an employee of Bungie Studios N/A

Halo: The Master Chief Collection[edit]

The Demo, Suture and Compass armors introduced into Halo 3.

For the Halo 3 multiplayer component of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, all armor - including Recon and Bungie - was unlocked for all players for use by default. Between the game's launch in 2014 and the launch of Halo 3 on PC in 2020, armor customization was limited to full sets with no mix-and-match customization, due to the difficulties of running multiple engines in the menu component. In this launch rendition, the armor sets were displayed in the menu as static renders, with the armors using full armor sets or - in the case of armors with no associated armor for chest, helmet or shoulder elements - Mark VI to supplement missing elements. As such, using a helmet such as Mark V or ODST required the usage of all Mark VI for everything else. Using the Katana chest, however, would use Hayabusa for all other armor elements. Additionally and for the first time, The Master Chief Collection allowed players to use the Bungie Armor (now renamed "Flaming Head"), and would display the characteristic flames and EOD chest as it did in the original game, though with enforced Mark VI shoulders and helmet.

Following the launch of Halo 3 on PC and start of Season 2: Spark, this system was updated to display Halo 3 character models in Unreal Engine 4, with full customization in-game as it was at the launch of Halo 3. In this change, the Bungie Armor chest was renamed "Legacy", and the Security armour set was given a chest armour piece; in launch Halo 3, equipping the Security helmet additionally outfitted the chest with a small antenna. Following the Season 2 update, the antenna is now considered a separate chest, and can be used regardless of helmet.

With the launch of Series 3: Recon, Halo 3 customisation was updated with the inclusion of skins for application on a player's weapon and several new visor colour options for use with all helmets. The full list of Halo 3 skins can be viewed here.

In the Season 4 December update, Halo 3 was expanded to include new techsuit customization, with the players being able to change it between a new Halo 3 techsuit and Halo 4 techsuit (both colored and full black).

Series 5: Anvil included twelve new armor permutations for Halo 3, originally created for the cancelled Halo Online. Additionally, included new forearm and leg customisation, allowing players to choose between the new twelve armors or the default Mark VI. These armors can be toggled off for a more classic experience, with any players using Halo Online armor instead displaying as default Mark VI.[8]

Series 6: Raven included several new armor permutations, including six Halo Online armor permutations and the four ODST armors used by Fireteam Raven in the namesake game. It also added a "Back Accessory" option, allowing players to choose between six new back packages (four being based on Halo: Fireteam Raven), three new techsuit options, and fifteen new animated visor colors.

Series 7: Elite saw the inclusion of seven new Halo Online armor permutations for the Elites. Additionally, it will include new forearm and leg customization, allowing players to choose between the new seven harnesses or the default Combat harness. The season also added seven new techsuit options. Series 8: Mythic will include new armor, visors and back accessories alongside skins for weapons and vehicles.[9]

For Halo's 20th Anniversary, a new armor permutation was added: the Mirage armor, based on the Semi-Powered Infiltration armor used by SPARTAN-IIIs.[10]

Spartan armor
Spartan armor
Armor Helmet Chest Shoulders Forearms Legs
Air Assault HTMCC H3 AirAssault Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 3 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 AirAssault Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 15 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 AirAssault LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 AirAssault RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 7(Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 AirAssault Forearms Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 12 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 AirAssault Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 27 (Spartan Point 1)
Aviator HTMCC H3 Aviator Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 9 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Aviator Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 11 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Aviator LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Aviator RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 17 (Spartan Point 1)
N/A HTMCC H3 Aviator Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 94 (Spartan Point 1)
COS HTMCC H3 COS Helmet Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 53 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 COS Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 73 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 COS LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 COS RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 66 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 COS Forearm Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 90 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 COS Legs Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 71 (Spartan Point 1)
Compass HTMCC H3 Compass Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 82 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Compass Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 96 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Compass LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Compass RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 62 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Compass Forearms Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 74 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Compass Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 89 (Spartan Point 1)
Deadeye HTMCC H3 Deadeye Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 78 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Deadeye Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 38 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Deadeye LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Deadeye RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 54 (Spartan Point 1)
N/A HTMCC H3 Deadeye Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 97 (Spartan Point 1)
Demo HTMCC H3 Demo Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 37 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Demo Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 26 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Demo LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Demo RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 39 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Demo Forearms Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 32 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Demo Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 66 (Spartan Point 1)
Hammerhead HTMCC H3 Hammerhead Helmet Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 75 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Hammerhead Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 11 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Hammerhead LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Hammerhead RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 35 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Hammerhead Forearms Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 22 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Hammerhead Legs Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 46 (Spartan Point 1)
Hivemind HTMCC H3 Hivemind Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 64 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Hivemind Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 41 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Hivemind LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Hivemind RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 59 (Spartan Point 1)
N/A HTMCC H3 Hivemind Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 67 (Spartan Point 1)
Infiltrator HTMCC H3 Infiltrator Helmet Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 33 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Infiltrator Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 13 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Infiltrator LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Infiltrator RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 29 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Infiltrator Forearms Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 49 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Infiltrator Legs Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 59 (Spartan Point 1)
Lancer HTMCC H3 Lancer Helmet Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 16 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Lancer Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 42 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Lancer LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Lancer RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 27 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Lancer Forearms Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 31 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Lancer Legs Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 56 (Spartan Point 1)
Navigator HTMCC H3 Navigator Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 72 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Navigator Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 92 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Navigator LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Navigator RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 81 (Spartan Point 1)
N/A HTMCC H3 Navigator Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 75 (Spartan Point 1)
Nomdagro HTMCC H3 Nomdagro Helmet Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 4 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Nomdagro Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 39 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Nomdagro LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Nomdagro RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 19 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Nomdagro Forearms Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 7 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Nomdagro Legs Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 26 (Spartan Point 1)
Series 6, Tier 40 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTCOMM Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 52 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTCOMM LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 ODSTCOMM RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 62 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTCOMM Forearms Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 60 (Spartan Point 1)
Series 6, Tier 64 (Spartan Point 1)
Series 6, Tier 20 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTDEMO Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 32 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTDEMO LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 ODSTDEMO RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 55 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTDEMO Forearms Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 48 (Spartan Point 1)
Series 6, Tier 44 (Spartan Point 1)
Series 6, Tier 57 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTHVY Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 72 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTHVY LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 ODSTHVY RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 93 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTHVY Forearms Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 68 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTHVY Legs Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 76 (Spartan Point 1)
Series 6, Tier 2 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTTAC Chest Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 14 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTTAC LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 ODSTTAC RShoulder Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 30 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTTAC Forearms Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 25 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 ODSTTAC Legs Icon.png
Series 6, Tier 6 (Spartan Point 1)
Pioneer HTMCC H3 Pioneer Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 49 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Pioneer Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 34 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Pioneer LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Pioneer RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 29 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Pioneer Forearms Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 16 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Pioneer Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 57 (Spartan Point 1)
Rhine HTMCC H3 Rhine Helmet Icon.png HTMCC H3 Rhine Chest Icon.png Crop of the H3 Rhine shoulders, to substitute a lack of images in the files.Crop of the H3 Rhine shoulders, to substitute a lack of images in the files. Crop of the H3 Rhine arms, to substitute a lack of images in the files. HTMCC H3 Rhine Legs Icon.png
Series 6, purchase at The Exchange (Spartan Point 20)
Soldier HTMCC H3 Soldier Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 19 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Soldier Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 98 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Soldier LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Soldier RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 73 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Soldier Forearms Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 99 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Soldier Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 44 (Spartan Point 1)
Suture HTMCC H3 Suture Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 63 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Suture Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 69 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Suture LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Suture RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 71 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Suture Forearms Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 5 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Suture Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 52 (Spartan Point 1)
Tanker HTMCC H3 Tanker Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 87 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Tanker Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 6 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Tanker LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Tanker RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 23 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Tanker Forearms Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 84 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Tanker Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 8 (Spartan Point 1)
Warrior HTMCC H3 Warrior Helmet Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 56 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Warrior Chest Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 14 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Warrior LShoulder Icon.pngHTMCC H3 Warrior RShoulder Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 47 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Warrior Forearms Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 88 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC H3 Warrior Legs Icon.png
Series 5, Tier 46 (Spartan Point 1)
Mirage Mirage armour icon.
The Exchange (Spartan Point 2)
Mirage armour icon.
The Exchange (Spartan Point 2)
Mirage armour icon.
The Exchange (Spartan Point 2)
Mirage armour icon.
The Exchange (Spartan Point 2)
Mirage armour icon.
The Exchange (Spartan Point 2)
Duke Shoulders N/A MCC Menu icon.
The Exchange (Spartan Point 2)



  • In reusing tooltips from Halo: Reach's appearance menu, the updated customization menu for Halo 3 in Halo: The Master Chief Collection now erroneously states the choice between a Spartan and Elite player model is only applicable to appropriate, species-specific gametypes, despite the option being available regardless of gametype.
    • Additionally, when hovering over the menu element to change Elite armor permutations, the game erroneously states the option is to change Spartan armor. This would be fixed with the release of Halo 3: ODST on PC.


  • In early development for Halo 3, the ability to play as Elites in multiplayer had some canonical justification. Early text strings indicate that "Spartans have been authorized to assume Elite skins in combat scenarios".[11]
  • A certain conceptual helmet seen in The Art of Halo 3 greatly resembles the AIR ASSAULT-class Mjolnir set that'd later appear in Halo: Reach.
  • In Halo 3, the neck of an Elite (regardless what armor permutation used) is completely immune to any form of damage except for a shot from an overcharged Plasma Pistol. In addition, the projectile will simply pass through the neck, as though the neck wasn't there, without a blood spatter. This is because both Elites and Spartans have similar models.
  • Many people speculate that hitboxes of the Spartans and Elites are shared but this is not true. While Bungie has officially commented on the hitboxes, they regard the size of the hitbox not the arrangement. Hitboxes are an unseen registry mechanic, which fall into the player models. They determine whether or not something has collided with the player. If an Elite is facing profile (sideways), and a shot is fired underneath the head (to where a Spartan's chest would be), the game will not register a hit. The head "hitbox" is forward more on Elites than it is Spartans.


Concept art[edit]

Menu images[edit]




  1. ^, Halo 3 Beta: Identity and Appearance (Retrieved on Jan 24, 2021) [archive]
  2. ^ YouTube - dirtyShisno213, Halo 3 Beta Armor Customization
  3. ^ 7th Columnist, *REVEALED* Halo 3 Custom New Armour Types (Retrieved on Sep 2, 2022) [archive]
  4. ^ GamePro, issue 226: July 2007 (Archive)
  5. ^, Bungie Weekly Update: 06/08/07 (Retrieved on Jun 1, 2020) [archive]
  6. ^, Way Beyond the Beta: Screenshots Galore (Retrieved on Jun 1, 2020) [archive]
  7. ^, 7/7/07: Love, Bungie (Retrieved on Jun 1, 2020) [archive]
  8. ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, MCC Development & Flighting Updates: Page 4, post 63 "The team is currently working on a game update that expands the existing skin toggle in the settings menu to also apply to armor. If you prefer a true classic experience, you’ll be able to flip the “New Skins in Halo 3” toggle to “disabled” and you won’t see any new cosmetic items (weapon skins, vehicle skins, or armor) when you’re playing Halo 3. If you decide to turn off cosmetics, any players in your game who are wearing new armor will appear as default Mark VI." (Retrieved on Jun 1, 2020) [archive]
  9. ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, MCC Development & Flighting Updates Page 5: Post 100 (Retrieved on Aug 27, 2021) [archive]
  10. ^ Halo Waypoint, Celebrating 20 Years of Halo in The Master Chief Collection (Retrieved on Nov 3, 2021) [archive]
  11. ^ Twitter, The Vengeful 'Vadam (@vengeful_vadam) (Retrieved on May 22, 2022) [archive]