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Revision as of 21:47, December 17, 2021

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Second Ark Conflict

Installation 07 conflict
HINF ZetaHaloConflict.png


Post-Covenant War conflicts


December 12, 2559[2]



Ongoing as of May 31, 2560



Adjutant Resolution


Banished fleet



  • UNSC fleet decimated
    • UNSC Infinity
      • 1,986+ crewmembers of UNSC Infinity [3]
        • Many ODSTs
      • Most of Spartan-IVs




"This is my last fight. A true test of legends! Our story will outlive us both. Set a fire in your heart, Spartan! Bare your fangs! Fight hard! Die well."
Escharum to John-117 during the conflict.[3]

The Installation 07 conflict was a large multi-faction engagement that took place in December 12, 2559 prominently between the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) and the Banished, and continues as of May 31, 2560.[3]


The entirety of the UNSC Armed Forces were fractured by the Guardians.

In October, 2558, When the Created conflict began with the rogue AI Cortana subjugating major planets and governments across the galaxy with her Guardians, the UNSC Armed Forces were broken with the UNSC Infinity forced into hiding.[10] Cortana ushered in a new era with her Created as rulers, enforcing martial law across their territory. The Infinity conducted operations against the Created in limited capacity.Template:Fact

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Cortana made a general broadcast, inviting numerous species and factions to submit themselves to the guardianship of the Created,[11] but threatened those who would resist her leadership with violence.[12] Personally confronted by Cortana, the Jiralhanae Atriox, the leader of a group of mercenary raiders known as the Banished, declared his independence from Cortana, and thus, opposition against the Created. In a show of force for Atriox's defiance, Cortana commanded her Guardians to destroy the Jiralhanae homeworld Doisac while communicating with Atriox.[13] Seeking to fight back against Cortana and access the ring's secrets, Atriox led his Banished forces to Installation 07, where the Created leader resided.

Doctor Catherine Halsey devised a plan to stop Cortana. She created an artificial intelligence known as "The Weapon", created from a cloned brain of herself. The copy would lock Cortana down, preventing her from controlling her vast Guardian and Promethean forces and isolating her in her current location, Installation 07.Template:Fact A plan was formed, with the initial intent to send Blue Team to the surface to retrieve Cortana, though this was later revised to be just John-117 and The Weapon, accompanied by the ship's Spartan and ODST complement.[14] Halsey had plans for Frederic-104, Kelly-087, and Linda-058, but they were reassigned by Captain Thomas Lasky to another mission unknown to Halsey, much to her chagrin.[15] John-117 was to travel to the surface of the ring and deploy the Weapon to lock down Cortana, then return her to the Infinity for deletion.[16]


Space battle

Main article: Battle over Installation 07
Master Chief fights Banished Warmaster Atriox aboard the UNSC Infinity in Halo Infinite.
John-117 has been assumed dead at the hands of Atriox by the Banished and the UNSC after being tossed into space after UNSC Infinity has been overrun at the dawn of the conflict.

On December 12, 2559, UNSC Infinity and her escort fleet, composed of six Mulsanne-class frigates, arrived at Installation 07.[17] The UNSC fleet was ambushed by four Banished dreadnoughts.[18] The Banished sent raiding parties aboard the Infinity,[18] all the while sending occupation forces to the Ring's surface by the hundreds.[19] Despite the UNSC repelling the boarders, the Infinity's main engine were taken offline within minutes after the initial attack, and Captain Lasky ordered the deployment of the Weapon.[20] Under the overwhelming assault, Captain Lasky ordered all hands aboard the UNSC Infinity to abandon ship.[21]

John-117 ordered Spartan Hudson Griffin and Fireteam Taurus to take Lasky to a dropship while he held off the boarders at the hangar bay.[22] However, despite his efforts, the hangar bay would eventually be lost to the Banished. As one dreadnought rammed the dorsal hull of the Infinity, causing massive structural damage, John-117 encountered Atriox in the hangar bay and lost the duel. The Spartan was thrown from the the hangar bay and into space.[23][8]

After ensuring Captain Lasky’s lifeboat was away, Spartan Griffin ordered the evacuation of the remaining Spartan-IVs.[21] Spartan-IVs, marines, and crew fled onboard drop pods,[24] Pelicans,[25] and lifeboats to the surface of Installation 07.[26] Some escapees came under fire from Banshees, Phantoms, and anti-air artillery,[27] though some were escorted by members of Fireteam Windfall onboard fighters.[28] Dropships and lifepods fled the disintegrating Infinity, many being shot down seconds after exiting the vessel.[27]

A view of the fractured Installation 07. From Halo Infinite campaign level Warship Gbraakon.
In order to prevent the Banished from taking control or activate the ring, Cortana sacrificed herself to broke temporarily Installation 07.

Explosion on the Ring

As UNSC forces scattered over the ring and fought against the Banished forces, Atriox confronted Cortana at the Silent Auditorium, claiming he had killed John-117, leaving the latter devastated by the news of John-117's apparent death. Seemingly locked down by the Weapon deployed from UNSC Infinity, Cortana could not retaliate.[5] Atriox presented her with the terms of her surrender, intending to take control of the ring and unlock the secrets locked within the Silent Auditorium.[29] In an attempt to prevent Atriox from accessing Silent Auditorium or possibly activating the ring, Cortana detonated an explosion from the Auditorium, fracturing the ring's surface and leaving it inoperable.[30] Her efforts were proven to be temporary, as the ring immediately begun its self-repair process,[31] though it would take months to complete.[32] Although he survived the explosion, Atriox was left severely scarred,[33] and was also presumed dead by both the UNSC and the Banished.[34] Cortana, in hopes of John-117's survival, predicted he would stop the Banished from accessing the Silent Auditorium and prevented the Weapon's deletion protocol so she could assist him,[30] leaving the Weapon in the ring's subterranean structure for retrieval.[35]

The explosion affected ground battle between the UNSC and the Banished. The ring's fragmentation scattered ground forces,[36] but disabled Banished anti-air cannons,[37] allowing more UNSC aircrafts to land on the ring.

Banished occupation

"I wish I could tell you it was difficult... but it wasn't."
Escharum to John-117.[3]

Despite the damage, the Banished occupied the ring, with some UNSC forces to group up on one of the fragments. They would form a resistance which included three Spartans.[38] A large group of survivors led by Spartan Hudson Griffin would established a base of operations in the wreckage of the Mulsanne-class frigate UNSC Mortal Reverie. discovered by Spartan Vedrana Makovich.[39] Under the leadership of Spartan Griffin, the UNSC forces at the Reverie conducted guerilla ops against the Banished forces. First Lieutenant Floyd conducted multiple field surveys and reconnaissance missions on nearby Banished outposts, reporting his findings to Spartans Griffin, Bertold Vettel, and Bonita Stone,[40][41] while also attempting to contact other UNSC forces.[42]

On January 20, 2560, Kovan conducted a recon sweep deep inside Banished-occupied territory. She observed that Banished forces were only unified under Escharum, with internal competition among its members. She reported her findings to Griffin, and suggested that an attempt on Banished War Chief Escharum's life may fragment the Banished leadership. Griffin decided their best course of action was to assassinate the War Chief.[43] He decided to send a four-Spartan team to assassinate Escharum, as the other Spartans would be needed to defend the Reverie. The Spartans drew straws, as there were more than four volunteers. In the end, on January 23, 2560, Spartan Griffin led Spartans Panago, Malik, and Sarkar in an assassination mission on the Escharum. Griffin left Bertold Vettel in charge of the UNSC forces at Reverie.[44] However, Escharum anticipated Griffin's actions. His forces ambushed the Spartan team, killing the other three and leaving Griffin badly wounded. Escharum taunted Griffin, letting him know that he'd sent most of his forces to assault the Reverie. Before being captured, Griffin managed to send an encrypted message to warn Reverie before Escharum handed him over to Chak 'Lok for torture.[45] Under the combined leadership of Vettel and counsel of Makovich, the UNSC forces at the Reverie braced for the Banished's attack.[46]

On January 31, 2560,[47] Chieftain Tremonius and Captain Arthoc led a massive Banished force from Riven Gate on an assault against the Reverie.[48] Under an overwhelming assault, the UNSC forces retreated from the crash site on February 2.[49] Following the battle, the crash site surrounding the ship was converted into a Banished outpost. As a reward for Tremonius' victory, Escharum had the outpost named after Tremonius.[48]

The surviving UNSC personnel were forced to conduct mostly defensive tactics over the next few months, losing their last their Forward Operating Base by March 3.[50] Meanwhile, the Banished begun setting up more infrastructure on the ring, using the sensory arrays at the Horn of Abolition and hijacking a Forerunner resonance amplifier to boost their relays,[51] thus always staying one step ahead of the UNSC forces.[52] The UNSC forces were unable to stage any major offensives due to the loss of an organized leadership, but what Spartans remained enacted the Rubicon Protocol: doing all they could to prevent the Banished from taking control of the ring and protect Earth.[50]

With little UNSC resistance, the Banished shifted their attention to excavations, salvaging UNSC hardware to aid their excavation efforts.[53] By April 23, the Banished has found cylixes buried in the ring. Furthermore, upon the discovery of the Conservatory, where the monitor of the installation, 117649 Despondent Pyre, resided, they prioritized on excavating the facility.[54] Spartans Makovich and Theodore Sorel correctly deduced that Escharum was searching for the Monitor, and spent the next few weeks stalling the Banished's excavation efforts.[55]

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Master Chief returns

Echo 216 while floating above the ring would find a floating John-117. After bringing him aboard and a power transfer, John-117 would reactivate.[4] By the time John-117 was recovered by Echo 216, most surviving marines were captured by the Banished, and almost all Spartan-IVs were slain, with the possible exception of Spartan Horvath. It was not until John-117 arrived on the surface that the UNSC managed to turn the tide against the Banished.Template:Fact

John-117 also traveled to a Control room-like facility on the ring.[4] Spartan Griffin would meet his end after being tortured by Warlord Chak 'Lok and freed by John-117, while Escharum himself, slowly dying of old age, would eventually meet his end at the hands of John-117.Template:Fact

Taking down Gorespike cannons and High-value tragets

On May 28, 2560, Echo 216 crash landed on the ring after taking anti-aircraft fire. John and the pilot of the Pelican argued before arriving at a plan: the SPARTAN would take out the AA guns then the duo would attempt to retrieve a working D80 Condor. John-117 left the wreck finding an M12B Warthog. With possession of "The Weapon", he proceeded to one of the AA guns and wanted to have her hack it. He would fight Banished forces along the way.[3]

John 117 eliminated several high-ranking Banished troops some handpicked by Atriox and many whom were wanted dead by the UNSC for how dangerous they were and the terrible things that they had done.

Test of legends

"Our battle ends here. Bear weakness! Our story will become legend. Told by those that survive you."
— Escharum to John-117 as he prepare to fight John-117.

During one particular battle, the Master Chief rescued Fernando Esparza and killed the Banished War Chief Escharum.[56]

John-117 entered the Silent Auditorium into a Forerunner facility on the ring with numerous Banished standing guard.[57] During this, John-117 and the Banished allied Harbinger fought one another.[58]


December 12, 2559

  • A fleet of UNSC vessels led by the UNSC Infinity is ambushed by Banished forces over Installation 07. Captain Lasky orders all hands to abandon ship.
  • John-117 engages Atriox in a hangar onboard the Infinty and is thrown into space. The ship is subsequently destroyed.
  • The surviving Infinity crew land on the Ring and attempt to take out Banished artillery.

December 13, 2559

  • In an effort to stop Atriox from using the Ring, Cortana destroys a portion of the installation, killing herself in the process. The UNSC survivors on the Ring's surface attempt to escape the destruction, Cortana's activities unwittingly leveling the playing field by taking out one of the Banished artillery positions.
  • Spartan Tomas Horvath is separated from the rest of Fireteam Intrepid in the chaotic aftermath of Cortana's actions.

December 15, 2559

  • Spartan Makovich discovers the crash site of the UNSC Mortal Reverie and determines it to be a viable location for the UNSC's base of operations.

December 18, 2559

  • Spartan Bonita Stone debriefs Spartan Hudson Griffin about Banished activity on the Ring

December 26, 2559

  • Spartan Horvath of Fireteam Intrepid attempts to send a transmission to other UNSC survivors and encounters Brutes, seeking to reinforce a key chokepoint. He narrowly avoids detection.

December 28, 2559

  • Spartan Theodore Sorel and a group of marines observe Zeta Halo's self-repair functions as Sentinels repair the damage done by Cortana.

January 8, 2560

  • Spartan Horvath makes his way to a Banished gun battery and attempts to contact any other UNSC survivors, but none are in range. He overhears two Elites discussing the Banished victory.

January 20, 2560

  • Spartan Nina Kovan scouts the Banished deep within the red zone, discovering a potential vulnerability of the enemy in that without Atriox, many are now infighting. Only Escharum's leadership keeps them in check.

January 23, 2560

  • Spartan Griffin organizes a mission to assassinate Escharum via a four-man team led by himself. He leaves Spartan Vettel in charge of the forces at the Reverie.

January 30, 2560

  • Spartan Griffin's team is ambushed by Escharum and all are killed except him. Escharum informs him of his team's demise and of the Banished's impending assault on the Mortal Reverie. Griffin is able to send out an encoded message, warning the other UNSC survivors and telling them to abandon the vessel.
  • The survivors at the Reverie are only able to receive part of Griffin's transmission and, having not heard his order to flee, dig in for an assault by the Banished.

January 31, 2560

  • While preparing for the Banished assault, Spartans Makovich and Vettel discuss the UNSC's inability to win the upcoming battle and their dwindling options for the future.
  • Spartan Stone recons Riven Gate with Boulder Squad and reports a massive Banished invasion force headed for the Reverie, and that they would be there by nightfall.

February 2, 2560

  • Spartan Vettel orders the UNSC survivors to retreat from the Banished assault.

March 3, 2560

  • The UNSC loses all of its remaining Forward Operating Bases on the Ring by this date.
  • Spartans Makovich, Stone, Vettel, and Sorel regroup with some survivors.

April 23, 2560

  • Spartan Stone recons Outpost Tremonius and sends a transmission to the other Spartans that the Banished are sending forces to another excavation site.
  • Spartan Vettel ambushes a Banished patrol to inquire about the whereabouts of Spartan Griffin's team.

April 24, 2560

  • Spartans Makovich and Sorel observe Banished activity around the Conservatory and realize the Banished are looking for Installation 07's monitor.

April 26, 2560

  • Spartan Stone, having made it into the Ring's subsurface infrastructure, finds the Cylixes holding the Endless. She picks up a UNSC signal deeper inside the Ring and follows it. She is discovered by Banished forces and subsequently killed.

April 29, 2560

  • Spartan Vettel sends out a signal to any remaining UNSC transmitters that he intends to assault Chak Lok's fortress and rescue Spartan Griffin.

May 15, 2560

  • Spartans Makovich and Sorel follow the Banished into the Conservatory with the intent to deny them from finding the monitor.
  • Inside the Conservatory, the two Spartans encounter Jega 'Rdomnai. Makovich stays behind to face off against the Sangheili and orders Sorel to go on without her. She is killed by the stealthed 'Rdomnai with a single stab to the back.
  • The wounded Sorel encounters a Banished force led by Hyperius and Tovarus. He manages to take out many Banished before being slain.

May 26, 2560

  • Far from any surviving UNSC personnel, Spartan Horvath makes a final transmission on UNSC channels that he is heading up-spin beyond the reach of the Banished to look for survivors and Fireteam Intrepid. Having had no contact with any UNSC personnel, he makes an open plea to the Master Chief that they need him now more than ever.




Fleet Class Name Status
Unknown Infinity-class supercarrier UNSC Infinity Destroyed
Mulsanne-class frigate UNSC Mortal Reverie Destroyed

Military personnel

Branch Rank Name Status
UNSC Navy Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 Survived
Captain Thomas Lasky Unknown
Spartan Operations Spartan Bertold Vettel Unknown
Bonita Stone KIA
Dimka Unknown
Henri Malik KIA
Hudson Griffin KIA
Intrepid One Unknown
Jameson Locke[59] Unknown
Nina Kovan Unknown
Oshiro Unknown
Panago KIA
Sarkar KIA
Theodore Sorel KIA
Tomas Horvath Unknown
Vedrana Makovich KIA
Jaide[60] Unknown
Unknown Spartan[62] Unknown
UNSC Marine Corps First Lieutenant Floyd Unknown
Private First Class Miyazaki Unknown
Private Chamberlain Unknown
Civilian contractors N/A Fernando Esparza Survived


Type Name Status
Pelican Echo 216 Unknown

Artificial intelligence

Main article: Artificial intelligence
Name Status
Roland Unknown
"The Weapon" Survived



Fleet Class Name Status
Unknown Banished dreadnought Ghost of Gbraakon Destroyed

Military personnel

Branch Rank Name Status
Command Warmaster Atriox Survived
War Chief Escharum KIA
Hand of Atriox Blademaster Jega 'Rdomnai KIA
Unknown Tovarus KIA
Unknown Hyperius KIA
Beholders of the One Vapor High Sumpter Briglard KIA
Bloodbrave Blademaster Okro 'Vagaduun KIA
Bloodstars Arch Khordat Barroth KIA
General Inka 'Saham KIA
Brothers of Unending Ire Captain Arthoc KIA
Bulwark of Bone Chieftain En'Geddon KIA
Exodus Guard Captain Balkarus KIA
Heart of Tala Unknown Bipbap KIA
Hordeworms of Svir Unknown Myriad KIA
Kaepra's Grief Wraithmaster Ordo 'Mal KIA
Lance of the Writhing Star Battle Officer Zeretus KIA
Thieves of the Claw Skirmisher Writh Kul KIA
Warial's Wrath Chieftain Ik'Novus KIA
Warriors of Malaston Kaidon Thav 'Sebarim KIA
Unknown Warlord Bassus KIA
Tremonius KIA
Warlord Chak 'Lok KIA
Communications Officer Glibnub Unknown
Spoilers end here.


List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo Infinite E3 2021 showcase
  2. ^ Halo Infinite: Infinity Down
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i Halo Infinite, trailer: Campaign Gameplay Premiere Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Premiere" defined multiple times with different content
  4. ^ a b c Discover Hope
  5. ^ a b Halo Infinite, campaign level Silent Auditorium: "Look around, Cortana. Your Empire. Over! Your great plan? Ended at the hands of those who made you." - Atriox
  6. ^ a b Halo Infinite, campaign level The Sequence
  7. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named GIInf
  8. ^ a b Game Informer, Issue #341 - page 43
  9. ^ a b Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Hi
  10. ^ Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level Guardians
  11. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named h5
  12. ^ Halo: Fractures - What Remains
  13. ^ Halo Infinite, campaign level Repository
  14. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Infinity's Approach #02 - Captain's Report
  15. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Infinity's Approach #03 - Duty Clearance
  16. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Recovered Files #04 - The Weapon
  17. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Infinity's Approach #01 - Preparations
  18. ^ a b Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Infinity's Approach #04 - Arrival
  19. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Infinity's Approach #07 - Objectives
  20. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Infinity's Approach #05 - Zero Hour
  21. ^ a b Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Evacuation #01 - Infinity Down
  22. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Infinity's Approach #10 - Priorities
  23. ^ Halo Infinite, Warship Gbraakon
  24. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Evacuation #07 - Intrepid Descent
  25. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Ringfall #01 - Enemy Territory
  26. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Ringfall #02 - The Calm Before
  27. ^ a b Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: evacuation #03 - Touchdown
  28. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: evacuation #06 - Buying Time
  29. ^ Halo Infinite, campaign level Silent Auditorium: "I have learned so much, Cortana. this Ring is different. It has secrets within... That I will have. This... Silent Auditorium. Do you know its history? Its true purpose? I have little needs for a failed god. This Ring is all I need. Surrender it to me." - Atriox
  30. ^ a b Halo Infinite, campaign level Silent Auditorium: "It was her. She destroyed the Ring. Stopped my deletion." - The Weapon
  31. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Reverie #04 - On the Mend
  32. ^ Halo Infinite, campaign level Spire
  33. ^ Halo Infinite, post-credits cinematic
  34. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named wg
  35. ^ Halo Infinite, campaign level Foundation (Halo Infinite)
  36. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Ringfall #07 - Alone
  37. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Ringfall #04 - Run and Guns
  38. ^ Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - Parallel Threads (Retrieved on Jun 25, 2021) [archive]
  39. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Reverie #01 - Home Away From Home
  40. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Outpost Intel #02 - No Entry
  41. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Outpost Intel #10 - Making Ends Meet
  42. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Outpost Intel #13 - Trench Warfare
  43. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Reverie #06 - Weakness
  44. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Retaliation #02 - Those Left Behind
  45. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Retaliation #03 - Confrontation
  46. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Retaliation #06 - Drawing the Line
  47. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Retaliation #07 - Red Tide
  48. ^ a b Halo Infinite, Banished Audio log: Outpost Intel #15 - In Your Honor
  49. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Retaliation #08 - The Retreat
  50. ^ a b Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Scattered #01 - Rubicon Protocol
  51. ^ Halo Infinite, Banished Audio log: Outpost Intel #03 - A Boon
  52. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Outpost Intel #04 - They are Listening
  53. ^ Halo Infinite, UNSC Audio log: Outpost Intel #10 - Making Ends Meet
  54. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Scattered #02 - What Lies Beneath
  55. ^ Halo Infinite, Spartan Audio log: Scattered #04 - The Prize
  56. ^ Halo Infinite
  57. ^ Halo Waypoint, Inside Infinite - April 2021 (Retrieved on May 10, 2021) [archive]
  58. ^ YouTube - Xbox, Halo Infinite - Campaign Overview: Campaign overview for Halo Infinite. (Retrieved on Oct 25, 2021)
  59. ^ Halo Infinite, campaign mission Graveyards: Pelican Down (Halo Infinite level)
  60. ^
  61. ^
  62. ^


  1. ^ Escharum expresses that "a thousand legions occupy this world!" however due to his exaggerated speech his usage of the term "legion" appears colloquial, opposed to the specific 9,000-20,000 infantry sized formal legions of the Banished.