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Metrome system[1]


Two: Mistral and Levante[2]



Human (Non-native)


"Almost a million people" [3]




Unified Earth Government


Boundary is a human colony world in the Metrome system.[1]


Environmental features[edit]

Boundary's poles are encompassed by massive ice sheets, extending down towards a band of fertile terrain at its equator.[2]



In the fertile region at its equator, Boundary has dense forests of ancient coniferous and deciduous trees,[4] including one coniferous species that climbs hundreds of feet into the air. Some have root structures the width of a Shearwater aerodyne, large enough for a MJOLNIR-clad SPARTAN-II to pass directly underneath without ducking their head. Dense underbrush covers almost every meter of the ground in these forests,[2] including sparse orange and red vegetation[5], boscage and brush,[6] and large-bladed pale-green grass.[7]

Some animals on Boundary are larger than most other worlds because the ecosystems are so densely packed around the equator. The list of wildlife considered hostile in the wilderness around Tyrrhen is said to be "considerable". Boundary is home to many woodland creatures which clamber from tree to tree, small rodents, large birds, as well as a predatory animal known as a panthedron.[2] The panthedron is a large, predatory feline capable of reaching more than five meters in length, notable for being virtually blind and using a large crest on its skull for echolocation.[8]

Some areas on the planet are cultivated by colonists as recreational parks[9] and grazing pasture for livestock, including cattle.[7][10]

Known residents[edit]


Forerunner era[edit]

During the Forerunner ecumene, Boundary was one of their worlds. It had a Lithos on it, serving as a gateway into the Domain. The Lithos later became buried.[13]

Rise of humanity[edit]

It was settled in 2419, presumably making it a member of the Outer Colonies.[1]

Human-Covenant War[edit]

Main article: Human-Covenant war

In 2539 the planet was attacked by the Covenant as part of their genocidal war against humanity, though the planet was not fully glassed.[1]


Main article: Battle of Boundary
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List of appearances[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d e Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 50
  2. ^ a b c d Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 21
  3. ^ Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 35
  4. ^ Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 29
  5. ^ Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 22
  6. ^ Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 25
  7. ^ a b Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 28
  8. ^ Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 37
  9. ^ Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 24
  10. ^ Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 30
  11. ^ Halo Waypoint, Walter Vickers (Retrieved on Jul 23, 2021) [archive]
  12. ^ Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn marketing, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn: Squad
  13. ^ Halo: Empty Throne