
Weapon skins (Halo 4)

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For other uses, see Weapon skins.

Weapon skins in Halo 4 allow players to customize the appearance of their Spartan's loadout weapons. Weapon skins can be unlocked via progression in Specializations, purchasing specific editions of the game and DLC, and finally, by buying specific figures from Series 2 of the McFarlane line of figures.


Halo 4 was the first game in the Halo franchise to feature weapon skin customization, with the player being able to swap preset patterns on their weapon in the loadout modification menu. Then, when spawning with that loadout, their chosen skin will be permanently applied to that weapon; even if dropped or picked up by another player. A player's skin is only applied to weapons the player spawns with via loadout, with weapons found on the map retaining the default skin regardless of the player's selection. Additionally, in the Xbox 360 version of Halo 4, the player will always spawn with the default skin in gametypes where loadouts are disabled.

Coinciding with Halo 4's release on PC as part of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, the weapon skin system was modified in the MCC version of the game. It now allows the player to select a base skin for all weapons that support them, independent of loadout. This selection will be applied to spawn weapons in gametypes like SWAT or Legendary Slayer, where custom loadouts are disabled. Should the player choose to, they can also override this skin selection per-loadout, allowing them to choose particular skins for particular loadouts, regardless of their global skin choice for the weapon.

Unlock requirements

Specialization skins

A number of weapon skins are unlocked through the game's Specializations system. Each specialization has exactly one weapon skin tied to it, and it is earned when you reach Spartan Rank 5 within that specialization. For instance, reaching Spartan Rank 5 within the Wetwork Specialization, the "Noble" DMR skin is unlocked.

All specialization skins were available in the original Xbox 360 game at launch, and were unlocked by default in MCC.

Pre-order skins

Specific editions of the game, such as the Halo 4 Limited Edition included special weapon skins for buyers. The Limited Edition includes the "Prime" assault rifle skin, specifically. Meanwhile, the Battle Rifle skin "Arctic" was unlocked by pre-ordering the game from specific retailers. These skins were later made available for buyers of the Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition. The Halo 4 Xbox 360 console includes the "Imprint" lightrifle skin, though this was not made available for buyers of the Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition.

As with specialization skins, these skins were present in the original Xbox 360 game at launch, and upon the launch of MCC in 2014, were unlocked by default in its version of Halo 4.

DLC skins

DLC skins refer to skins that were available through downloadable content. In particular, the Steel Skin Pack included a set of steampunk-inspired skins, one for each weapon. Meanwhile, the Champions Bundle included the Steel Skin Pack (among two other DLCs) and a further five extra skins, with a hidden sixth skin being unlockable by playing Halo: Spartan Assault. These skins were not added into the Spartan Ops map files, so they can not be used in it; if you select a loadout which uses one of them, the weapon will simply adopt the default skin.

The DLC skins were initially not available in Halo: The Master Chief Collection but were added in a post-launch update, and are all available for unlock in Season 4: Reclaimer.

Figure skins

A number of skins were obtained by buying Halo action figures produced by McFarlane Toys. These were unlocked by purchasing specially marked figures from Series 2 of the toy line launched in 2013. For example, purchasing the Elite Ranger figure will unlock the "Chill" skin for the storm rifle. These skins were also initially not available in Halo: The Master Chief Collection but were included a post-launch update and can be unlocked in Season 7: Elite.

Cut skins

At least two skins were known to be produced during the lifespan of the initial release of Halo 4 on Xbox 360, but were never released: "Concrete" and "Blast". They were present in the game files as of the 8/19/2013 update, but could not be unlocked legitimately. However, they were accessible in custom games, through the use of a glitch.[1] Renders of these weapon skins were later discovered in the game files of the "FireFlight", a public test of Halo: Reach's Firefight in the lead-up to Halo: The Master Chief Collection's PC release.[2]

Eventually, both "Blast" and "Concrete" were included in the Halo: The Master Chief Collection version of the game, with "Blast" being a seasonal challenge reward in Season 4: Reclaimer and "Concrete" featuring as an unlock in the Season Pass for Season 7: Elite.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection-exclusive skins

A number of Halo 4 weapon skins were also added to Halo: The Master Chief Collection in updates, which were not known to exist beforehand. They may have been cut during the development of Halo 4 but not publicly shared, or specially made as post-launch content for MCC. The first to release was "Blood" for the DMR, as part of a seasonal challenge in Season 4: Reclaimer, which featured a pattern akin to the "Trauma" skin of Halo 4's assault rifle.

Later, in Season 7: Elite, several more MCC-exclusive skins were added, including another "Blood" skin - this time for the Magnum - and a number of new sets of weapon skins, such as "Pixel", "Maw" and "Edgework", each of which could be applied to various human loadout weapons. Some of these are unlocked through the Season Pass, while others are available via seasonal challenges.

Known weapon skins

Assault Rifle

Skins for the Assault Rifle.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Prime (PRM) Unlocked by purchasing the Halo 4 Limited Edition or the Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition Unlocked by default Customized with the PRIME skin.
Render of the Assault Rifle's Predator skin.
Predator (PDT) Reach Pathfinder Rank (Halo 4)Rank (Halo 4) Unlocked by default Customized with the PREDATOR skin.
Render of the Assault Rifle's Turbine skin. Taken from The Master Chief Collection, and added since it's an erroneously flipped model. Resulting in improper charging handle placement.
Turbine (TBN) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 45 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the TURBINE skin.
H4 Skin Teeth.png
Teeth (TTH) Purchase the Champions Bundle Season 4, Tier 11 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the TEETH skin.
H4 Skin Trauma.png
Trauma (TRM) Purchase the Champions Bundle Season 4, Tier 48 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the TRAUMA skin.
H4 - Riptide skin (transparent).png
Riptide (RPT) Purchase the Master Chief figure from the Series 2 line of McFarlane figures for Halo 4. Season 7, Tier 19 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the RIPTIDE skin.
H4 Render AR-PIXEL.png
Pixel (PXL) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 87 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the PIXEL skin.

Battle Rifle

Skins for the Battle Rifle.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
BR85HB SR (arctic camouflage).png
Arctic (ACT) Unlocked by pre-ordering Halo 4 at specific retailers, or by purchasing the Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition Unlocked by default Customized with the ARCTIC skin.
Dunes (DNE) Reach Stalker Rank (Halo 4)Rank (Halo 4) Unlocked by default Customized with the DUNES skin.
Render of the Battle Rifle's Steam skin.
Steam (STM) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 46 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the STEAM skin.
H4 Skin Salvage.png
Salvage (SLV) Purchase the Champions Bundle. Season 4, Tier 45 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the SALVAGE skin.
H4 Render BattleRifle-BLAST.png
Blast (BLS) N/A (Cut) Season 4 Challenge: Fireteam Frenzy Customized with the BLAST skin.
H4 Render BR-EDGEWORK.png
Edgework (EWK) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 67 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the EDGEWORK skin.
H4 Render BR-PIXEL.png
Pixel (PXL) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7 Challenge: Pixel Perfect Customized with the PIXEL skin.
H4 Render BR-MAW.png
Maw (MAW) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 74 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the MAW skin.


Skins for the DMR.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Noble (NBL) Reach Wetwork Rank (Halo 4)Rank (Halo 4) Unlocked by default Customized with the NOBLE skin.
Render of the DMR's Monocle skin.
Monocle (MCL) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 14 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the MONOCLE skin.
H4 - Striped skin (transparent).png
Striped (STP) Unlocked by purchasing the Bullseye Pack and unlocking the classified Draetheus V archive in the Halo Waypoint app, by earning achievements in Halo: Spartan Assault. Season 4, Tier 33 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the STRIPED skin.
H4 - Bones skin (transparent).png
Bones (BNS) Purchase the CIO Spartan figure from the Series 2 line of McFarlane figures for Halo 4. Season 7, Tier 29 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the BONES skin.
H4 Render DMR-CONCRETE.png
Concrete (CTE) N/A (Cut) Season 7, Tier 78 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the CONCRETE skin.
H4 Render DMR-Blood.png
Blood (BLD) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 4 Challenge: Fireteam Spree Customized with the BLOOD skin.
H4 Render DMR-PIXEL.png
Pixel (PXL) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 96 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the PIXEL skin.
H4 Render DMR-EWK.png
Edgework (EWK) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 92 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the EDGEWORK skin.


Skins for the Magnum.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Render of the M6H's Static skin.
Static (STC) Reach Operator Rank (Halo 4)Rank (Halo 4) Unlocked by default Customized with the STATIC skin.
Render of the Magnum's Combustion skin.
Combustion (CBN) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 9 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the COMBUSTION skin.
Indigo (IND) Purchase the Champions Bundle Season 4, Tier 6 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the INDIGO skin.
Flare (FLR) Purchase the Champions Bundle Season 4, Tier 28 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the FLARE skin.
H4 Render Magnum-BLOOD.png
Blood (BLD) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 24 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the BLOOD skin.
H4 Render Magnum-MAW.png
Maw (MAW) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 81 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the MAW skin.
H4 Render Magnum-EWK.png
Edgework (EWK) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 13 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the EDGEWORK skin.
H4 Render Magnum-PIXEL.png
Pixel (PXL) N/A (MCC-exclusive) Season 7, Tier 79 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the EDGEWORK skin.

Storm Rifle

Skins for the Storm Rifle.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Compression (CMP) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 4 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the COMPRESSION skin.
H4 - Chill skin (transparent).png
Chill (CHL) Purchase the Elite Ranger figure from the Series 2 line of McFarlane figures for Halo 4. Season 7, Tier 35 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the CHILL skin.

Covenant Carbine

Skins for the Covenant Carbine.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Reign (RGN) Reach Rogue Rank (Halo 4)Rank (Halo 4) Unlocked by default Customized with the REIGN skin.
Locomotive (LMV) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 17 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the LOCOMOTIVE skin.
H4 - Engage skin (transparent).png
Engage (ENG) Purchase the Storm Jackal figure from the Series 2 line of McFarlane figures for Halo 4. Season 7, Tier 85 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the ENGAGE skin.

Plasma Pistol

Skins for the Plasma Pistol.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Render of the Plasma Pistol's Fracture skin.
Fracture (FTC) Reach Pioneer Rank (Halo 4)Rank (Halo 4) Unlocked by default Customized with the FRACTURE skin.
Render of the Plasma Pistol's Boilerplate skin.
Boilerplate (BPL) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 20 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the BOILERPLATE skin.


Skins for the Suppressor.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Render of the Suppressor's (real) Shatter skin.
Shatter (SHA) Reach Engineer Rank (Halo 4)Rank (Halo 4) Unlocked by default Customized with the SHATTER skin.
Mechanical (MCN) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 26 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the MECHANICAL skin.
H4 - Refractive skin (transparent).png
Refractive (RFC) Purchase the Ur-Didact figure from the Series 2 line of McFarlane figures for Halo 4. Season 7, Tier 83 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the REFRACTIVE skin.


Skins for the LightRifle.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Imprint (IMP) Unlocked by purchasing the Halo 4 Xbox 360 Unlocked by default Customized with the IMPRINT skin.
Industrial (IDT) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 41 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the INDUSTRIAL skin.


Skins for the Boltshot.

In-game Appearance Name Unlock Requirements (Halo 4) Unlock Requirements (MCC) Description (MCC)
N/A Default Unlocked by default Unlocked by default Default Skin applied.
Render of the Boltshot's Piston skin.
Piston (PST) Reach Tracker Rank (Halo 4)Rank (Halo 4) Unlocked by default Customized with the PISTON skin.
Engine (ENG) Purchase the Champions Bundle or Steel Skin Pack. Season 4, Tier 26 (Spartan Point 1) Customized with the ENGINE skin.

Production notes

The Suppressor's Shatter skin was originally a vibrant blue with black stripes lining the weapon. This was changed before release, replacing the blue details with a light grey, contrasting slightly against the slate grey of the weapon beneath. However, the weapon's menu icon was not changed accordingly, and in the Xbox 360 version of Halo 4, the icon still used the original blue colour. This issue was fixed in the Halo: The Master Chief Collection version of the game.

During the “What’s Next: Halo 4 Summer 2013″ panel at RTX 2013, 343 Industries' promotional art for the bundle featured the "Bones" and "Striped" M395 DMR weapon skins as part of the content update's bonus content. The "Bones" skin would later be relegated to a code found with the CIO Spartan in Series 2 of McFarlane's Halo 4 line of figures, while the "Striped" skin could be unlocked through earning certain achievements in Halo: Spartan Assault.


Upon the release of Season 4: Reclaimer and the addition of the Champions Bundle weapon skins to the Halo: The Master Chief Collection, the newly updated menu featured erroneously flipped MA5D renders for the Turbine and Teeth skins, resulting in the charging handle being placed on the wrong side of the weapon.

With the addition of the previously-missing figure skins to MCC in Season 7: Elite, the Storm Rifle's Chill skin is missing certain textures in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. On the Xbox 360 edition of Halo 4, the weapon's barrel, rotating coil, and small sections of the topside of the weapon are colored mint green. In Halo: The Master Chief Collection, these mint green regions are missing, and are erroneously colored with the weapon's base gray-silver.


The DMR's launch skin's name references NOBLE Team, with the pattern of the skin being the team's emblem.


Launch skins

Steel Skin Pack skins

Champions Bundle bonus skins

Figure skins

Cut skins
