Warship Gbraakon

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This article is about the campaign level. For the Banished dreadnought, see Ghost of Gbraakon.

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Manifestation (chronologically)



Warship Gbraakon


Halo Infinite




2559 (intro)
2560 (mission)


Onboard Ghost of Gbraakon, orbiting Installation 07


  • Deactivate the Stasis Beam
  • Overload the ship's engines
  • Escape

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Warship Gbraakon is the first campaign level in Halo Infinite.[1]


During the Battle for Installation 07, John-117 is defeated by the Banished leader Atriox aboard the UNSC Infinity, and thrown into space. Six months later, he awakens aboard Pelican Echo 216 and is informed of the UNSC's catastrophic defeat by the pilot Fernando Esparza. When the Banished warship Ghost of Gbraakon captures Echo 216 in its stasis beam, the Master Chief must board the enemy vessel in order to shut off the beam. When Banished troops attempt to break into the Pelican, John overloads the ship's engines, destroying it. During his escape, he's contacted by the new leader of the Banished, War Chief Escharum, who vows to hunt the Chief down.[1]




Open to a shot of a fully intact Zeta Halo.

  • Infinity bridge officer: (over the radio) "We are under attack! I repeat we are under attack!"

Scene shifts rightward to reveal the UNSC Infinity under attack by Banished forces. A Banished dreadnought smashes into Infinity from the side as Banished Phantoms and UNSC Pelicans swarm everywhere, shooting at each other. Zoom in on one of Infinity's hangar bays. A Pelican tries to leave, only to be hit by a plasma blast and explode.

  • Whispers: (voiceover) "Would you humor me?"

Inside a chaotic, smoldering hangar bay, UNSC marines are in full retreat. A pursuing Jiralhanae soldier is gunned down from behind. His body falls forward, revealing his killer: John-117, the only human not fleeing. A Kig-Yar Freebooter tries to rush by him, but the Master Chief slams it in the face with his MA40 assault rifle, knocking it to the floor. He finishes off the fallen Kig-Yar with a quick burst from his weapon before turning his attention to the other Banished.

Another Pelican takes off as the Master Chief fires his assault rifle at the Banished all around him. Plasma pistol bolts strike the Master Chief, causing his energy shields to flare. The Chief guns down the Kig-Yar shooting at him, then kills another Brute. Out of ammunition, he discards the empty assault rifle, then drops to one knee, and uses his Grappleshot to retrieve an MK50 Sidekick. He kills another Kig-Yar, followed by a pair of Unggoy.

Suddenly, there's a roar from behind. John-117 turns around just in time to see Atriox bringing his hammer down upon him. John blocks the blow with his left shoulder. He tries to bring his sidearm up, but Atriox grabs his hand, forcing the gun away. Then, with another roar, Atriox slams his hammer into the Master Chief's side, sending the SPARTAN-II flying. The Chief crashes into a loading crane and falls to the floor, his weakened shields flickering.

Stunned by the blow, the Chief groans in pain and clutches his chest as Atriox approaches him.

  • Whispers: (voiceover) "If you knew how you were going to die..."

Gripping his hammer with both hands, Atriox raises his weapon above his head, ready to deliver the killing blow. John-117 jumps to his feet and punches Atriox in the stomach three times, before delivering an uppercut to the Brute's jaw. Unfazed, Atriox viciously punches John-117 in the side of his helmet, knocking him back to the floor. Before the Chief can get back up, Atriox spins him around by the shoulder, then hoists the Chief up by the neck with one hand. With the other hand, Atriox brings his hammer crashing down on John-117's head, smashing him to the floor once more. Red energy from the hammer engulfs the Chief and his shields fail. A data chip flies off of him and bounces across the floor several times before coming to a rest.

  • Whispers: (voiceover) "How would you live your life differently?"

Scene zooms in on the chip as the Master Chief, groaning in pain, crawls toward the chip, desperate to retrieve it. Just as he grabs the chip, Atriox seizes him by the right leg and effortlessly swings him around, smacking the Chief into the side of a Warthog. The Banished leader then drags the Chief to the edge of the hangar bay, before throwing him into a heap on the ledge.

Atriox kneels down, grabs the Chief by the neck and thrusts him up, so that they're staring face to face. Scene circles around the pair before closing in on Atriox's face.

  • Atriox: "My name is Atriox. And I am the last face you will ever see."

Scene shifts to the Master Chief's POV as Atriox hurls him off the ship. As the Chief falls, he sees a triumphant Atriox staring down at him from the ledge. Explosions erupt all over the hangar. The Chief fires his grappleshot but it falls short. He passes through the hangar's shielding and into the void.

Fade to black.

Scene opens up on "Warning" message flashing in front of a sleeping Pelican pilot. Suddenly something jolts the dropship violently, causing the pilot to wake up with a gasp. An alarm blares.


The pilot looks around in a panic. The Pelican continues to shake violently.


The pilot hastily unfastens himself from his seat. He moves the seat back allowing him to get up.


The pilot pulls out two security cards, one of which he inserts into a computer in front of him. He strains to insert the second card into another computer off screen.


The alarm stops.


Suddenly a piece of debris flies by the window. The Pelican shakes again. The alarm resumes.


The pilot rushes to the cockpit doors. He grunts as he tries to force them open.

  • Ship AI: (on continuous loop) "BREACH DETECTED."

The pilot manages to pry the doors open and rushes out. Red warning lights are flashing inside the Pelican's bay, which is in a state of total disrepair. The pilot grabs a crate and stacks it on top of a pair of troop seats. He climbs onto the crate and reaches for an emergency valve. The pilot grunts profusely as he struggles to turn the valve. Desperate, he grabs the valve with both hands. Finally he turns the valve all the way. A moment later, he loses his footing and tumbles to the floor with a yell.

The red warning lights turn off and the alarm stops.


Scene circles around the pilot, as he lies on the floor, exhausted, before he notices a recording device next to him. The device blinks with a green light before fully activating itself, generating a holographic recording of the pilot's wife and daughter.

  • Wife (recording): "Okay, Daddy's listening. Can you say "Hi"?"
  • Daughter (recording): "Hi!"

Zoom in on the hologram.

  • Wife (recording): "And... show Daddy how big you are."
  • Daughter (recording): "Sooo big."
  • Wife (recording): "Sooo big. Good and can you sing?"
  • Daughter (recording): (singing) "Mary had a little lamb."
  • Wife (recording): "Good singing."

Scene circles around the recording.

  • Wife (recording): "How about "I miss you"?"
  • Daughter (recording): "I miss you."

The pilot's hand enters the view. He picks up the recording.

  • Wife (recording): "And "I love you"?"
  • Daughter (recording): "I love you, Daddy."

The pilot holds the recording in both hands. He's now grown a beard, indicating the passage of time.

  • Wife (recording): "And... (laughs) good. And can you say, "I can't wait to see you again"?"
  • Daughter (recording): "I can't wait to see you again."
  • Wife (recording): "Okay, now say, "bye-bye!"."
  • Daughter (recording): "Bye-bye!"

The pilot tearfully mouths the words "bye-bye" back. The recording ends. Despairing, the pilot lowers his head and closes his eyes.

A console off screen lights up, emitting a green glow.


The startled pilot opens his eyes.


The pilot gasps, jumps up, and rushes to the cockpit.


The pilot runs to the cockpit, the pelican readouts looking over "Local Ref Zeta" and the readouts reading the tag designation as "S_117". The pilot flips a few switches and picks up a headset.

  • Pilot: "This is UNSC Pelican Echo 216. Can you hear me? This is UNS-"

The Pilot wipes the condensation off the Pelican window to reveal John-117 floating in front of it in space near debris.

Time skip happens and the Pilot has gotten John-117 onboard and hooked his MJOLNIR GEN3 up to the Pelican.

  • Pilot: "Looks like the main power cells are fried. Armor shutdown, triggering survival mode. I'm going to try to override."

The pilot picks up two cables.

  • Pilot: "Okay, if you can hear me in there, I hope you're ready. Please don't die. Please don't die."

The pilot plugs the cables together and they spark.

Switch to John-117's POV.

John-117's VISR activates and cycles though several processes. Note: Any "xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx" was a cycle of codes.


.::.:::: .::.:... ..:..... .::.:... .::..:.: .::::..: ...........................
00001   Booting up... \
00002   Exiting Survival Mode ::::: <> [ Power Restored ] <>
00003   ARMOR BIOS // MJOLNIR // VER_12.22.19 / ID_117
    CREATED BY Materials Group (c), 02.10.2559
    LAST MODIFIED BY C. HALSEY, 09.19.2561
00004   [[MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor]] System // GENERATION III
00006   ADJUSTING IPD .... [58.4, 58.2]
            |: AUTH-KEY // >  xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx :|
00007       PROGRAM-ID. VISR.
00008       ********************************************************************
00009       *    MODULE NAME = VISR                                            *
00010       *                                                                  *
00012       *               SPARTAN PROGRAM                                    *
00013       *               UNSC                                               *
            *                                                                  *
+--------------+ PREPARING A.I. INTRUSION COUNTERMEASURES +-------------------+
|::::::::::::: .::.::::.::.:.....:......::.:....::..:.:.::::..: ..............|
00100   LOAD\> VISR.HUD.SYS.SPDR ... /
00110   LOADING .................. [System Peril Distributed Reflex , S.P.D.R.]
00120   S.P.D.R .......................................................[ACTIVE]
-- ---- --- +    :         :    +    :    +    :    +    :    +    :    +    :
[] SPDR_00  | 42 | 09 | 2a | 07 | 02 | 82 | 11 | 32 | 25 | 6c | 69 | 65 | 76 |
[] SPDR_01  | 11 | 19 | 6c | 2b | 18 | 36 | 17 | 44 | 69 | 01 | aa | 12 | 11 |
[] SPDR_02  | 56 | 84 | 1d | 83 | 13 | 37 | 56 | 65 | 09 | 6c | 69 | 65 | 2a |
-- ----- -- |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
[] SPDR_03  | 37 | 1b | 6c | 09 | 65 | 76 | 65 | 1a | 65 | 6c | 2c | 6a | 3b |
[] SPDR_04  | 98 | 6f | 1d | 19 | 2d | 6b | 6a | 2a | 63 | 56 | 00 | aa | 7a |
[] SPDR_05  | 18 | 11 | 6c | 84 | 65 | 76 | 65 | 2f | 65 | 6c | 69 | 65 | 76 |
-- -------- +    :    +    :    +    :    +    :    +    :    +    :    +    :
        :           [XBC-001]           :           [XBC-002]           :
        | xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx : xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx :
        | xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx : xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx :
        | xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx : xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx :
        | xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx : xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx :
        | xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx : xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx :
        | xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx : xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx :
        | xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx : xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx :
\> Running system diagnostics ...
+----------------------+ PRIMARY SUPPORT SYSTEM CHECK +-----------------------+
--   -------   ---------    -----------------------------   -------   ---  ------
01   SYS_CHK   SYS-ID-JC    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   MOD-021   [+]  [PASS]
02   PWR_CHK   SYS-ID-MC    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   MOD-331   [+]  [PASS]
03   LFS_CHK   SYS-ID-PA    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   MOD-171   [+]  [PASS]
04   VSR_CHK   SYS-ID-DS    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   MOD-019   [+]  [PASS]
05   VHF_CHK   SYS-ID-JS    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   MOD-105   [+]  [PASS]
06   UHF_CHK   SYS-ID-SW    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   MOD-019   [+]  [PASS]
--   -------   ---------    -----------------------------   -------   ---  ------
07   WPN_CHK   SUB-ID-AW    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   SUB-778   [+]  [PASS]
08   ABL_CHK   SUB-ID-WU    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   SUB-293   [+]  [PASS]
09   RUN_CHK   SUB-ID-CC    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   SUB-918   [+]  [PASS]
--   -------   ---------    -----------------------------   -------   ---  ------
visr_sys.module.common.bios_mk_iii....................................[09 PASSED]
--   -------   ---------    -----------------------------   -------   ---  ------
10   SRV_CHK   SYS-ID-XS    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   MOD-919   [-]  [FAIL]
11   PCS_CHK   SYS-ID-ML    xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx   MOD-901   [-]  [FAIL]
12    AI_CHK   SYS-ID-WU    ?????.?????.?????.?????.?????   MOD-???   [-]  [????]
--   -------   ---------    -----------------------------   -------   ---  ------
              <!> <!> <!> WARNING - NO AI DETECTED <!> <!> <!>
visr_sys.modules.common  bsystems  ..................................[2 FAILED]
visr_sys.modules.common.ai........................................ [1 BYPASSED]
\> Generating system report...

[visr_sys] Time Elapsed     .....+.....+.....+.....+........... 0.12 sec(s)
[visr_sys] Total Systems    ........................................... 432
[visr_sec] Modules FAILED   ........................................... 002
[visr_sec] Modules PASSED   ........................................... 009

SYS. ... OK - (3) <!> Warnings.



  • Pilot: (Hopeful gasps)

The Pelican starts to light up again, and the pilot jumps up and down in excitement.

  • Pilot: "Yes! Yes! Yes! We're going home! Haha! Welcome back, Chief. I rerouted what little power I had into your suit."

The pilot looks at some readings on a datapad.

  • Pilot: "I'm seeing a fault on the calibration matrix. At least I think it's a calibration matrix. Okay, follow the light."

The pilot lifts up his flashlight.

  • Pilot: "Look up."

As John-117 looks up, the light turns green.

The pilot lowers the light.

  • Pilot: "Now let's look down."

John-117 follows the light down and it turns green again.

  • Pilot: "That seems fine. Let's try right."

John-117 follows the light to the right until it turns green.

  • Pilot: "And now left."

John-117 follows the light to the left until it turns green.

  • Pilot: "Your visor feed and motor functions seem to be operational, but it looks like there's a problem with the servos in your hands. Try moving it."

The Chief looks down and flexes his left hand. He withdraws his grappleshot back into its wrist launcher.

  • Pilot: "Stay calm, you've been out there awhile."

The pilot goes to checks some equipment lying around.

  • Pilot: "I know I saw something in here to check your armor's diagnostics."

Chief looks down at his right hand and opens it. In his palm is the data chip with the AI serial number "CTN 0453-0" engraved on it. He proceeds to put it into his helmet. This makes a prompt appear on the VISR.

VERIFICATION ID [309-270-238]

(player selects "continue")


Chief proceeds to walk forward, disconnecting himself from the Pelican. This causes the pilot to be careful regarding him.

  • Pilot: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy there, big guy. You're not-"
  • John-117: "Status report."
  • Pilot: "Status report? What? There's something you need to see, Chief."

He glances at the cockpit of the Pelican. Following the pilot's gaze, the Chief enters the cockpit and stares outside the window. He sees a heavily damaged Zeta Halo.

  • Pilot: "We lost. Lost everything. There's nothing left for us here. I don't even know where here is..."

The pelican gets hit by a EMP-like shock, causing systems to go into flux.

  • Pilot: "No, no no no! Not them! Not again! We need to run!"

The Master Chief grabs him by the shoulder and turns the pilot around to face him.

  • John-117: "I need a weapon."
  • Pilot: "Weapon? This is all I've got."

He hands John-117 a sidearm.

  • John-117: "It's enough."

The Master Chief turns and leaves the cockpit.

  • Pilot: "What, what? What are you going to do?"
  • John-117: "Improvise. Close the door."

The pilot hits the controls and the cockpit doors shut. John-117 walks over to the cargo bay door and opens it to a bright light from the Ghost of Gbraakon. Some loose containers fly out into space. The light dims enough to reveal a massive debris field between the Pelican and the Banished vessel. John-117 walks to the threshold of the cargo bay and prepares to jump.

Warship Gbraakon

  • Pilot (COM): "Argh! The main batteries are shut down. We're stuck out here."

John leaps out of the Pelican and into space. He pulls and pushes himself forward in space using various pieces of debris. He comes across the corpses of two Marines, moving one away carefully. He floats into a corpse-ridden interior of a ship.

John picks up a fusion core and throws it forward into debris blocking his path ahead.

  • Pilot (COM): "What can you do on your own?"

John fires the pilot's MK50 Sidekick at the fusion core, detonating it. The muffled explosion clears his path.

  • John-117: "I told you. It's enough."

John continues to propel himself forward in space, pushing the bodies of Unggoy and Kig-Yar out of his way.

  • Pilot (COM): "So I see."

John grabs a floating magazine and reloads his MK50 Sidekick. He then comes to the rear section of an M12B Warthog. He looks into the rollcage to find a dead Marine and an MA40 assault rifle. He picks up the rifle.

  • Pilot (COM): "No, no, no, no. They're powering up a stasis beam. We can't escape!"
  • John-117: "You work on the batteries. I'll buy us some time."

The Master Chief navigates his way through more debris as he approaches the Ghost of Gbraakon. He fires his grappleshot onto a piece of debris and slings himself forward, crosses the dreadnought's shield, and lands in a wreckage-strewn hangar.

  • Pilot (COM): "I don't believe it! You made it!"


  • Pilot (COM): "Now what? We can't go anywhere while that stasis beam is active."
  • John-117: "Then we shut it down. Stasis beam. Weapons. All of it."
  • Pilot (COM): "But... how will you get back?"
  • John-117: "I'll figure something out."

John-117 moves across the hangar.

  • Jiralhanae Officer (loudspeaker): "Enemy vessel contained in stasis beam. Initial scans inconclusive. Deploy squad to Hangar One! Eliminate all survivors!"
  • Pilot (COM): "Eliminate?! Chief, whatever you're planning to do, do it fast."

The Master Chief comes across a lone sleeping Unggoy. He quickly and quietly kills it, then moves on.

The Chief makes his way out of the hangar and starts searching for the ship's bridge. Along the way, he encounters some Unggoy patrols, which he quickly eliminates.

Ascending to the upper level, he approaches the hangar control room. Nearing the door, he overhears an argument between an Unggoy and a Jiralhanae.

  • Jiralhanae (COM): "What? You are wrong. He is dead."
  • Unggoy: (frantically pounds his console) "The Spartan is alive! Alive!"
  • Jiralhanae (COM): "It cannot be. Hold your position."
  • Unggoy: "Hold the Spartan back? Alone?! He's going to kill me! He's going to kill us all!"

The Chief storms the hangar control room and kills all the Unggoy inside. He then heads deeper inside the ship.


The corridor the Chief has entered suddenly goes dark. Scene zooms in on the doors at the other end. A furious Jiralhanae pries the doors apart and forces its way inside, tearing one of the doors out of its frame in the process. Upon seeing John-117, the Brute snarls and throws the door down the hallway. The door slides across the floor, sending up sparks. A piece of the door breaks off and continues rolling down the corridor. John-117 watches the debris roll past him before turning his attention back to the Brute.


The Brute is unarmed, so it charges John-117. The Master Chief kills it. He then proceeds down the corridor and into the room the Brute came out of. Inside is a massive hologram of Atriox. A recorded voice is giving praise.

  • Escharum (voice recording): "Remember his example. We do not bow our heads. We do not kneel before false idols. We stand together! Fight together! Lay down our lives to protect our creed! (labored rasp) Atriox showed us the way! Together... we are invincible! We are the Banished!"

John-117 approaches the hologram.

  • Pilot (COM): "That... that hologram. It's Atriox. He led the attack on Infinity. He was looking for... something. He... he killed everyone."
  • John-117: "I know. We met."

In the next room is another hologram of Atriox, along with some Grunts and ammo crates. John clears the Grunts out and replenishes his ammunition.

  • Escharum (voice recording): "Atriox! His actions inspire us! No more Prophets! No more lies. We stand together. Brothers to the end. We are his will. We are his legacy! We are the Banished!"

John proceeds to the next room, which contains another hologram of Atriox, as well as more Brutes. The Brutes are in mid-conversation and do not notice John at first.

  • Jiralhanae 1: "Impossible. Your eyes deceive you, brother!"
  • Jiralhanae 2: "He's aboard the Gbraakon this very moment! We MUST alert the War Chief!"

John-117 catches the Brutes by surprise and kills them all.

The Chief exits the room and enters a massive hangar bay, where structures are being prepared to be deployed to the surface of Zeta Halo. The Jiralhanae Officer is heard giving commands over the loudspeaker.

  • Jiralhanae Officer (loudspeaker): "Drop base seven-six-three, capacity reached. Prepare for deployment."
  • Jiralhanae Officer (loudspeaker): "Power extractor two-five-six, prepare for deployment."
  • Jiralhanae Officer (loudspeaker): "Sensor tower three-three-four damaged. Pull from the line."
  • Jiralhanae Officer (loudspeaker): "Stronghold four-five coordinates received. Deploy immediately."
  • Jiralhanae Officer (loudspeaker): "Drop base six-six-two, commence final preparations."

The Chief engages a group of Jiralhanae and Kig-yar. After defeating them, he enters an elevator and activates it. The elevators begins its ascent, and John-117 can now see row upon row of Banished structures waiting for deployment.

  • Pilot (COM): "Drop ships. An invasion force. How do we stand a chance against all this? The Banished won already. We could be the only two humans left alive out here."
  • John-117: "Then there's still hope."

The elevator reaches its destination. The Master Chief exits and proceeds deeper into the ship, killing more Brutes, Jackals, and Grunts, until he finally reaches the ship's bridge.


A massive hologram of Escharum materializes on the bridge. The Jiralhanae present all turn towards the hologram as Escharum addresses them.

  • Escharum (hologram): "The hour approaches. Soon the Banished will stand victorious. Atriox... hear these words. Even from beyond this life, your will is served. Your forces occupy the ring. Within hours, it will be under our control. Humanity will cower before your legacy. They will burn. Their brazen defiance will be all but a memory."

The Brutes on the bridge cheer. The hologram disappears.


  • John-117: "We have a new problem."
  • Pilot (COM): "We? We need to get out of here!"
  • John-117: "I'm working on it."
  • Pilot (COM): "Work faster. This Pelican's nearly on board and the power's still out. Don't let them get me."

The Master Chief storms the bridge and kills all the Brutes present. He locates the controls for the ship's stasis beam. He presses the controls but nothing happens.

  • John-117": "It's locked down. Requires a hack."
  • Pilot (COM): "Okay. And you can do that?"
  • John-117: "No."

He punches the controls, destroying them. Alarms begin blaring.

  • John-117": "New plan. We scuttle the ship."
  • Pilot (COM): "You're going to destroy this ship... with us in it? (pause) I'm going to die here."
  • John-117: "There a cooling pipes running toward the main engines."
  • Pilot (COM): "So?"
  • John-117: "I'm gonna warm things up."

Banished troops, having heard the alarms, attack the bridge in an effort to retake it.

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Concept art


