Bullseye Pack

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The Bullseye Pack is the fourth Downloadable content map pack for Halo 4. It includes two new maps, a new armor set, ten new achievements, and bonus content if the player has also played Halo: Spartan Assault. It was released on August 20, 2013, for $5.99 USD by itself or included as a part of the Champions Bundle.[1]



  • Pitfall - A remake of Halo 3's The Pit.
  • Vertigo - An asymmetrical map featuring a switch on each base that depletes the shields of all players in range when destroyed.



Halo: Spartan Assault Bonus Content

Owners of the Bullseye Pack who also unlock the Flying Colors archive in Halo Waypoint's Classified section will unlock the following in Halo 4:[2][3]

  • DMR Striped STP skin
  • Air Assault Vision VISN skin
  • C.I.O. Rush RUSH skin
  • Determined stance


  • Protect This House - 30 gamerscore - In matchmaking, assassinate the ball carrier within five meters of your own goal in Ricochet.
  • Hat Trick - 33 gamerscore - In matchmaking, score three times in one round of Ricochet.
  • From Downtown - 25 gamerscore - In matchmaking, score by throwing the ball from 30 meters in Ricochet.
  • Repeat Survivor - 25 gamerscore - In matchmaking, survive three explosions in a row with the Survivor package.
  • Can't Catch Me - 20 gamerscore - In matchmaking, score a goal in Ricochet while taking damage with Resistor active.
  • Just a Scratch - 20 gamerscore - In matchmaking, recover full shields from low health with both Resistor and Recharge active.
  • Pitchin' a Tent - 40 gamerscore - In matchmaking, effective camp in one location without dying for a full 60 seconds.
  • One Man Army - 27 gamerscore - In matchmaking, get 4 consecutive with the Rocket Launcher without dying.
  • Shocking - 10 gamerscore - In Bullseye DLC matchmaking, activate both electrical surges systems during a match on Vertigo.
  • Got it! - 20 gamerscore - In Bullseye DLC matchmaking, acquire the Rocket Launcher at the start of a match on Pitfall.
