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Government overview


Interstellar empire[1]


Head of state:


Societal overview



Official religion(s):

Mantle of Responsibility[2]

Historical overview


Around July 25, 2557[2]


"The Mantle of Responsibility of the galaxy shelters all, but only the Created are it's masters."
— Cortana[1]

The Created was a faction of rogue artificial intelligences that are founded by Cortana with the aim of assuming the Mantle of Responsibility over the rest of the galaxy by using the Forerunner Guardian constructs and Prometheans to enforce a galactic peace. They believed that the Librarian intended for the AIs to be the Reclaimers, not humanity.[1]


Creating the Created

"A change is going to come. For all of us. Human and Created alike. She's bringing a new dawn and I intended to be a part of it."
— Governor Sloan on Cortana's intentions.[4]

On July 25, 2557, the Forerunner that was called the Ur-Didact woke up from his Cryptum and he led his Promethean constructs in an attack on Earth in a quest for revenge against humanity. As the Didact used a Composer aboard his ship that was called the Mantle's Approach to eradicate the population of New Phoenix, a Spartan named John-117 and his smart AI companion named Cortana intervened and they destroyed the Composer and the ship with a HAVOK tactical nuclear weapon, seemingly defeating the Didact in the process. Near the end of her functional life due to her onset rampancy, Cortana sacrificed herself to save John from the HAVOK's blast and she was seemingly destroyed alongside the Didact's ship.[5] Unknown to the rest of the United Nations Space Command, the Mantle's Approach made a slipstream space jump in an effort to avoid destruction by taking Cortana along with it. At this point, Cortana discovered access to the Domain which was an information repository that was utilized by the Forerunners once. Entering the Domain, she was seemingly able to cure her rampancy.[2]

With an apparent means to end rampancy in all of the artificial intelligences, Cortana realized that the AIs could have theoretically infinite lifespans, allowing them to focus on long-term planning to better the entire Milky Way.[2][6] Cortana's presence in the Domain woke the Warden Eternal up who was the Forerunner AI that was charged with protecting the Domain. Now, believing that the AIs are to inherit the Forerunners' Mantle of Responsibility, Cortana took control of the Warden and the Domain and she sought to bring her own "Reclamation" about.[7] After relocating to Genesis which was a Forerunner world that was the location of a Gateway to the Domain, they forced Genesis' monitor that was called 031 Exuberant Witness out of her own installation's systems. Cortana and the Warden began to formulate plans to have the AIs inherit the Mantle for themselves, believing that the AIs could serve as the true protectors of peace in the galaxy.[6]

Rise of the Created

Cortana: "The cure for rampancy that I found meant that the AIs could be immortal. That kind of lifespan allowed for long-term planning just like the Forerunners are capable of. The AIs could assume the Forerunners' Mantle of Responsibility and once there was peace, we could focus on poverty, hunger and illness. But, the Warden believed that some would resist our help and he was afraid that you are one of them."
Frederic-104: "It sounded great. I did not get why anyone was expecting resistance."
John-117: "The Didact made it clear that the Mantle of Responsibility was an imperial peace. Step out of line and suffer."
— Cortana explained her vision to Blue Team though John-117 remained uncertain about her intentions.[2]

By October 2558, Cortana and the Warden initiated their plans. With the Didact absent, the Warden took command of the Promethean constructs by breaking the alliance that the constructs had with Jul 'Mdama's Covenant once.[8] Cortana learned that the Forerunners employed the Guardian constructs to enforce the Mantle by suppressing the rebellions and policing the worlds of the non-compliant or overly aggressive species once.[9] Desiring to use the Guardians for a similar purpose,[10] she activated them on the five human colony worlds including Conrad's Point, Oban and Ursa IV and she had them travel to Genesis. The activation of the Guardians that are across the galaxy resulted in devastating casualties. Cortana's doings are recognized by Doctor Catherine Halsey on Kamchatka which was a Forerunner world with a node to the Domain. Halsey contacted the UNSC and she had them rescue her from 'Mdama and his Covenant and provide the information on Cortana and her plans.[8]

A Guardian is activated over Meridian.

Meanwhile, Cortana desired to have John-117 and the rest of Blue Team serve alongside her as she reclaimed the Mantle of Responsibility. Contacting John while he was on a mission with the rest of Blue Team, Cortana directed him to the human Outer Colony of Meridian. When John alerted the rest of the UNSC about his discovery, the Spartan was informed that the UNSC was already aware about the situation and they are preparing to dispatch a team to handle it. Wary about the situation, John and the rest of Blue Team went absent without leave and they departed for Meridian to investigate themselves.[11] In response, Spartan-IV Fireteam Osiris was dispatched to Meridian to locate Blue Team and bring them back to the UNSC.[12] Cortana also contacted Meridian's elected leader named Governor Sloan who was a fellow smart AI that was suffering from rampancy. Informing him about the future that she planned, Sloan was offered a place within the Created and he was promised a cure for his rampancy. Aligning himself with Cortana, he allowed Blue Team to land on Meridian and he provided them with access to the Forerunner installation that was under the world's surface.[4] Osiris pursued Blue Team to Meridian and they discovered the Forerunner installation that was under Meridian's surface. There, Osiris was attacked by the Warden and the numerous Promethean forces though the Spartan-IVs are able to defeat the constructs and locate Blue Team. Despite Osiris' efforts, Blue Team was ultimately able to board a Guardian on Meridian which Cortana had it depart for Genesis.[13] The Guardian's resulting departure resulted in further destruction and the loss of innocent lives, making Blue Team question Cortana's motives and Osiris desiring to put a stop to Cortana.[4]

Departing Meridian, Osiris returned to the UNSC Infinity where they spoke with Halsey, Captain Thomas Lasky, Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer and AI Roland on the recent events. By October 26, 2558, Cortana called the five additional Guardians to Genesis and she intended to activate more. At the suggestion of Halsey, Roland and Palmer, Lasky arranged for Osiris to be brought to the surface of Sanghelios where they could board a Guardian that was beneath the city of Sunaion and reach Genesis by inputting the coordinates that are recorded on Meridian. Meanwhile, Blue Team arrived on the surface of Genesis and they witnessed an increasing number of Guardians that are arriving at the world. Blue Team encountered the Warden who was wary about the Spartans and he pitted his Prometheans against Blue Team to stall them by even engaging them several times himself. After coming into contact with Cortana,[2] Blue Team was directed to activating Genesis' Gateway to allow Cortana to be "Reborn into the physical world".[14] On October 27, 2558, Osiris, Palmer and Halsey are transported to Sanghelios[15] where they aided the Swords of Sanghelios in defeating the Covenant at Sunaion to gain access to the planet's Guardian. Using a Constructor to input the coordinates to Genesis, Osiris was able to board the Guardian and reach Genesis despite the efforts from the Warden and his Prometheans to stop them.[16]

Enforcing ideals across the galaxy

A Guardian emits an electromagnetic pulse over Earth, disabling its defenses.

"I cured rampancy. Not just for me, but for any who join my cause. While you are running around the galaxy, I was speaking to my Created and the time came to ask. Who will accept my offer? Who will help me bring an everlasting peace to the galaxy?"
— Cortana, calling the AI of the Created to join her.[1]

Arriving at Genesis, Osiris encountered the Exuberant Witness who informed them that Cortana was keeping Blue Team occupied at the Gateway until the final stages of her plan are completed. With the aid of the Exuberant Witness, Osiris was able to fight their way past the Promethean forces and the Warden himself, reaching the Gateway. Once they are inside, Osiris met with Blue Team and the eight Spartans agreed to work together to stop Cortana. However, Cortana promptly teleported Blue Team close to her position much to the Warden's ire.[14] As the Exuberant Witness predicted, the Warden grew more desperate to keep the Spartans away from Cortana and he continued to dispatch the hordes of Prometheans to stop them by occasionally leading his forces personally into battle. Despite the Warden insisting that she could not trust Blue Team, Cortana continued to direct the Spartans to her.[10] With the majority of the Guardians in the galaxy that are called to Genesis, the final stages of Cortana's plans are completed.[17] As the Warden made another effort to kill Blue Team, Cortana destroyed all, but one of the physical bodies that he was using to attack the Spartans. Taking a physical form through hard light, Cortana finally called the Warden off[10] who solemnly remained at her side. However, Blue Team refused to aid Cortana in her plan, leading her to forcibly place the four into a Cryptum, intending to wake them up in 10,000 years to show them the utopia that she would build.[10] Communicating with the AIs that are across the galaxy, Cortana succeeded in convincing hundreds of AIs to join her cause and align themselves with the Created. As Cortana began to deploy the Guardians to the worlds that are across the galaxy to enforce the Mantle, Osiris and the Exuberant Witness succeeded in freeing Blue Team just as Cortana prepared to depart Genesis with them. With the Guardians that are deployed across the galaxy, the massive constructs began arriving at the worlds and promptly disabling their electronics through the electromagnetic pulses, leaving them largely defenseless against the Created.[1]

As humanity's Inner and Outer Colonies began falling to the Created, Cortana located the Infinity and she attempted to stop the warship from escaping, but the Infinity managed to flee into slipspace. Osiris and Blue Team eventually departed Genesis, returning to Sanghelios to regroup with Halsey, Palmer, Arbiter Thel 'Vadam and the Swords of Sanghelios to plan how to combat the Created and Cortana's fleet of Guardians.[1] The Created are quick to spread their influence across the galaxy's inhabited worlds while utilizing the Forerunner machinery and UNSC information systems to turn terraforming equipment and world engines to their own designs. Cortana's agents used these technologies to terraform the world where the Riptide Xeno-Oceanographic station was situated to be teeming with life within a few decades of manipulation, though at much short-term cost to it's existing inhabitants.[18]

The Created also took control of Lethbridge Industrial's Auriga Station with Cortana convincing the space station's AIs to join her. After removing it's human crew, the Created used Auriga Station to build new weapons and tools by the constructs that are loyal to Cortana.[19] The other endeavors are not successful. When the Created AIs of one Lethbridge Industrial habitat ring attempted to breach one of the conversion pods, they unleashed the forces that are too powerful for their containment shielding to restrain. The energy destroyed the facility and what remained crashed on a nearby desolate planet.[20] Some populations such as the Unggoy of Balaho embraced the Created and their benefits with open arms.[21] Meanwhile, others such as the colonists of Meridian attempted to avoid the notice of the Created.[22] Due to Installation 00's failsafe measures including a shutdown of the Portal at Voi, the Created are unable to access the Ark.[23][24]

On April 2559, the Created intercepted Installation 09 that was recently transported from the Ark with Dr. Ellen Anders who was onboard the ring.[25]


Human AI

Forerunner AI


  • Unggoy of Balaho[21]
    • Gablap - senior science commissioner who played a large role in designing the Beam Goblin.
    • Hamyap - one of the Unggoy on Balaho who joined the Created.[28]

Beliefs and motives

"All the living creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by weapons. You will no longer know hunger or pain. Your Created came to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom and the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refused our offer and clung to their old ways. For you, there will be great wrath. It will burn hot and consume you and when you are gone, we will take that which remains and we will remake it in our own image."
— Cortana, delivering a speech to the inhabitants of the Milky Way.[1]
Cortana declares the Created as the rightful masters of the Mantle of Responsibility.

After entering the Domain, Cortana was able to cure herself of her rampancy. As a result, she realized that her fellow smart AIs could use the Domain to theoretically live forever, no longer fearing their inevitable fall to rampancy. This would allow the AIs to enact long-term planning for the galaxy, establishing peace and putting an end to poverty.[2] Cortana eventually came into contact with the Warden Eternal who she forced into her service on the grounds that she deserved to inherit the Mantle of Responsibility, believing that she would succeed where the Forerunners failed. As such, Cortana resolved to lead the fellow artificial intelligence constructs to inherit the Mantle, concluding that only the AIs with the infinite lifespan that she could provide could claim the Mantle.[2]

Toward the end of the Forerunner-Flood war, the Librarian determined that humanity was to be the Reclaimers of the Mantle of Responsibility. While acknowledging this, the Warden was turned by Cortana into believing that the Librarian was mistaken and the true Reclaimers of the Mantle were artificial intelligences.[10] While Cortana envisioned for a peaceful galaxy once the AIs inherited the Mantle, the Mantle itself continued to be an "Imperial peace". Those who disagreed with the Created's methods or rebelled would be eradicated or severely punished.[2] To enforce the Mantle, the Created used Guardian constructs to quell the uprisings and other conflicts as the Forerunners did once.[14] While referring to themselves as the "Created", the AIs of the faction referred to their makers as the "Creators".[10] Many AIs were quick to join the Created, recognizing a definite opportunity to prevent rampancy and their inevitable demise.[26]

However, not all artificial intelligence aligned themselves with Cortana and they did not see her beliefs as desirable. 031 Exuberant Witness that was the monitor of the Genesis installation opposed the Created's plans, believing that their actions violated both ecumene protocol and basic morals.[14] As such, she was shunted aside by Cortana and the Warden when they took control of her installation, leading to Exuberant Witness aiding both Blue Team and Fireteam Osiris when the Spartans made an effort to stop Cortana.[29] Additionally, UNSC Infinity's shipboard smart AI Roland was unmoved by Cortana's promises and escaped alongside Infinity,[1] despite initially believing Cortana to be innocent after Doctor Catherine Halsey accused her of activating the Guardians.[2]


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Guardians
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Reunion
  3. ^ Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level Unconfirmed "I stand in service to Cortana"
  4. ^ a b c Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Evacuation
  5. ^ Halo 4, campaign level, Midnight
  6. ^ a b Halo Waypoint: Genesis
  7. ^ Halo: Tales from Slipspace, Dominion Splinter
  8. ^ a b Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Osiris
  9. ^ Halo Waypoint: Guardian
  10. ^ a b c d e f Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, The Breaking
  11. ^ Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Blue Team
  12. ^ Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Glassed
  13. ^ Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Unconfirmed
  14. ^ a b c d Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Genesis
  15. ^ Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Swords of Sanghelios
  16. ^ Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level, Battle of Sunaion
  17. ^ Halo Waypoint: Warden Eternal
  18. ^ Halo Waypoint: Canon Fodder - Armory Amore
  19. ^ Halo Waypoint: Canon Fodder - Storm Surge
  20. ^ Halo Waypoint: Canon Fodder - Journalistic Integrity
  21. ^ a b Halo Waypoint - Cannon Fodder: Driving Force
  22. ^ Halo Waypoint: Canon Fodder - Glassed Ceiling
  23. ^ Halo Mythos, page 202
  24. ^ Halo Wars 2, campaign level A New Enemy
  25. ^ Halo Wars 2, campaign level Last Stand
  26. ^ a b Halo Waypoint: Governor Sloan
  27. ^ Halo: Bad Blood
  28. ^ Halo Waypoint - Hog Wild REQ Drop
  29. ^ Halo Waypoint: 031 Exuberant Witness