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United States

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Revision as of 04:58, December 13, 2012 by Tacitus (talk | contribs)


Flag of the United States
File:Location of the United States on Earth.png
Location of the USA on Earth in the present day

The United States of America was a federal constitutional republic comprising over sixty different districts. The country was situated almost entirely in the western hemisphere: its fifty contiguous states (four of which being technically commonwealths),[1] and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lay in central North America between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south; the state of Alaska is in the north-west of the continent with Canada to its east, and the state of Hawaii is in the mid-Pacific. U.S. territories, or insular areas, are scattered around the Caribbean and Pacific. As of 2012, it has the third largest population and the largest economy on Earth. As of 2525, the United States has formed a loose association with Mexico and Canada to form the United Republic of North America.[2][3]

United Nations

It is likely that New York City in the state of New York is the location of the United Nations supreme headquarters, as it was established there in the mid-20th century. While HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6, the supreme High Command facility of the UNSC Defense Force, is based in Sydney, Australia, the Supreme Headquarters of the UNSC itself is known to be situated somewhere in the United Republic of North America.[3]

The UNSC also has a number of military bases in the United States. One such facility is the ONI Chawla Base in Boston, Massachusetts.

Notable locations

Possible dissolution

Template:Conjecturalization Evidence suggests that by the 26th century, the United States no longer existed as a political entity. This is supported by the Halo Encyclopedia, which describes the United Republic of North America as being composed of Canada, Mexico, and "the political remnants of the United States," suggesting a dissolution of the Union.[3]

Additionally, in his report on Fleet Admiral Preston Cole, Codename: SURGEON makes reference to the Battle of Gettysburg, which he describes as taking place during "the first American Civil War."[4] This wording strongly suggests that there was in fact at least one more civil conflict, which may or may not have resulted in the dissolution of the Union. It is important to note that the word "first" is not capitalized, indicating that it is not the formal name of the war (unlike, for example the First World War). Therefore, if a second civil conflict did take place, it would almost certainly go by a name other than the "Second American Civil War."

However, just above the noted information in the encyclopedia is a list of "major locations" where it notes it simply as the "United States" instead of the "political remnants". This may be an oversight, or suggest that the United States of the 26th century still exists in a somewhat similar fashion as it does today. For example, in i love bees Rani Sobeck makes direct reference to the Fifth Amendment, implying that the Constitution is still the foundation for law in 26th-century America (though it is possible that the term "plead the fifth" simply remains in the American lexicon as a figure of speech). This is further supported by the continued existence of the IRS,[5] and several characters in Halo canon being described as Americans.

Alternatively, the above information regarding the Constitution and IRS may indicate that the United States' government and systems have been adopted by the United Republic, and thus that the URNA's governmental and social institutions are similar or identical to those of the possibly defunct United States government.

Template:Conjecturalization End


List of appearances


  1. ^ Wikipedia
  2. ^ Halo 3, campaign level, Floodgate
  3. ^ a b c Halo Encyclopedia, page 285
  4. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, "The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole", page 472
  5. ^ i love bees, Axon taxes_suck

See also
