- "This - is everything I had always dreamed it could be."
- — Dr. Catherine Halsey
The MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Mark V was the second major version of the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor series. The initial version of the Mark V powered exoskeleton was issued to the SPARTAN-IIs and several SPARTAN-III commandos on November 24, 2551,[2] while the second version of the armor was unveiled for Operation: RED FLAG on August 29, 2552.[1][3][note 1] The Mark V armor was in service until October 2552, when it was replaced by the MJOLNIR Mark VI.[4]
Development history and design
In 2542, seventeen years after the MJOLNIR Mark IV entered service, production began on the next generation of MJOLNIR armor. A team under the leadership of Chief Scientist Dr. Catherine Halsey would spend the next ten years developing the suit. Using data collected from the Mark IV, hundreds of minor technical improvements, and several major changes, were made to the Mark V; most notably, the suit's armor plating underwent a total redesign and better materials were developed for its use. Separating the Mark V from the previous version of the system were two major breakthroughs in the ways in which the suit improves its wearer's combat effectiveness.[3]
The first major breakthrough, which was introduced with the first generation of the Mark V, was the addition of a self-recharging energy shield system, reverse-engineered from captured Kig-yar point defense gauntlets, which repel objects and energy bursts, plus any other hazardous elemental energies. While impacts on the shield place a substantial drain on the system's power supply, the system's energy regenerates once the user is no longer under fire. However, the adaptation of the shield covering the entire body weakens the magnetic field, making the Mark V's shield system vulnerable to sustained fire. Energy shield technology was first tested on the Mark IV, though such tests were not especially successful.[5][1]
The second major advancement, which was not implemented until the second generation of the suit,[1][3] was the addition of a layer of computer memory superconductor that would allow an artificial intelligence to piggyback into the field with the operator to both provide and gather real-time intelligence. The synthesis of an artificial intelligence with a human brain is not possible without an upgrade to the user's already-specialized neural interface. Like the standard neural interface, the specialized neural lace translates electrochemical signals to digital code and routes them through an interface connection at the rear of the skull. Through this interface, the user's thoughts command the armor's movement and weapons, and input from the on-board sensors is fed directly to the user's mind. In addition, an AI personality and processing matrix can be carried by the armor and delivered to the suit via the specialized neural lace and on-board storage in a crystal data chip no larger than a personal credit card. Without the armor, a Spartan's reaction time is charted at twenty milliseconds; with the Mark V, and a AI on-board, the time required to translate thought into motion is rendered almost instantaneous.
The suit also possesses other upgraded features that enhance its wearer's abilities. It has an upgraded heads-up display linked to sensors that project shield strength and an improved motion detecting system in addition to providing other numerous readouts, including allies' vitality and shield status. These features are maintained and initialized by the Mark V BIOS firmware.
In its second phase, the Mark V MJOLNIR battle armor weighs a quarter ton, and with its SPARTAN wearer. The SPARTAN/MJOLNIR combination is designed to be the most devastating intelligence tool ever created, as the AI can greatly increase the wearer's reaction time and vastly improve intelligence gathering capacity.
John-117 was the first Spartan to test the second-generation MJOLNIR Mark V with a smart AI implemented within the armor during a "live-fire" combat scenario.[1] His test was to ring a bell after going through an obstacle course. This course involved ten Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, a minefield with Lotus anti-tank mines, three automated 30mm chain guns, a forest of wooden poles, and an unexpected SkyHawk jumpjet utilizing four 50mm cannons and Scorpion missiles. This test showed that an AI could vastly improve the armor's reaction times.[6]
Armor variants and upgrades
A large number of variants of the Mark V were manufactured for use in the field. In addition, the armor system is compatible with components and variants created for the earlier or later MJOLNIR generations.
Variants compatible with the Mark V include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- MJOLNIR Mark V[G] - Developed parallel to the M6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle as part of Project GUNGNIR.
- MJOLNIR Mark V[B] - Privately manufactured variant issued exclusively to SPECWARCOM Group Three.
- MJOLNIR/M - Privately manufactured variant designed for security personnel.
- MJOLNIR/CQC - Designed for close-quarters combat. Precursor of the MJOLNIR/C variant.
- MJOLNIR/C - A more advanced close-quarters combat variant.
- MJOLNIR/HAZOP - A variant for missions considered too hazardous for standard equipment.
- MJOLNIR/HP/HALO - Additional armor plating and hard points for missions involving High-Altitude Low Opening jumps.
- MJOLNIR/EOD - A variant designed for explosive ordnance disposal.
- MJOLNIR/AA - An "Air Assault" variant, developed as a part of a project to improve the ODST helmet and issued to Army Airborne units.
- MJOLNIR/MP - A variant of the standard-issue CH252 helmet. A shared asset among all UNSCDF branches, primarily Beta-5 military police.
- MJOLNIR/FJ/PARA - A lightweight variant for airborne units.
- MJOLNIR/S - A variant with limited stealth capabilities, developed parallel to the R variant.
- MJOLNIR/R - A variant specialized for reconnaissance missions, developed parallel to the S variant.
- Asymmetrical Action Group Operator armor - A variant used by Beta-5's Asymmetrical Action Group.
- ODST armor - The Mark V is compatible with several parts of the ODST armor, including the helmet, chest-piece, and shoulder pauldrons.
Various upgrades were also designed along with the standard Mark V, in ONI's CASTLE Base on Reach to aid certain Spartans' abilities in combat. The following is a list of known upgrade components and variants:
- Neural induction circuits - Allowed the armor to respond to the wearer's movement at a faster rate.[7]
- Linear accelerator - Doubles the strength of the energy shield system and allows the MJOLNIR to take more hits before failing.[7]
- Image enhancing computer - Better visual display on the MJOLNIR's heads-up display.[7]
- Improved tracking system - Better tracking system on the MJOLNIR'S heads-up display, which improved accuracy at distances up to a thousand meters.[7]
- Improved motion sensors - Improves sensitivity readings on the motion tracker allowing for more accurate readings.[7]
In addition, the Mark V armor supports different types of additional attachments, which enable various abilities. Some of these may be related to the add-ons described above. The armor is also compatible with various types of propulsion equipment, such as thruster packs and portable jump-jets.
- Armor lock - A compact generator device on the back of the user generates a powerful shield, whilst simultaneously engaging the suit's lockdown system. This offers temporary near-invulnerability to all ground weaponry and sends out an electromagnetic pulse once the lockdown is disengaged.
- Active camouflage emitter - The active camouflage plug-in can make the user nearly invisible for brief periods of time. As a drawback, the more the user moves, the more visible he/she becomes. In addition, all sound is muffled to the user while the camo is engaged, and the motion sensor is rendered virtually inoperative.
- Hologram module - A device on the back of the armor allows a hologram to be sent out to draw enemy fire.
- Sprint module - A module that bypasses the safety limiters of the suit's actuators and "muscles", allowing better performance at the expense of heat regulation, overheating and fatiguing the user if used for prolonged periods.
Armor components
- Helmet: The helmet is one of the most crucial aspects of the MJOLNIR system. It is made of titanium and contains key features like a heads-up display that links to the brain and hands, and can identify equipment and display information about it when it is picked up by the wearer. Another feature is the direct neural interface system which connects to the wearer's neural implants. Two core processor chips are implanted into the subjects skull in the rear of the head. This is essentially comparable to an on board computer using parts of the human brain for processing, when the connector at the rear of the subjects head and receptors in the brain link to the helmets onboard sensors it creates the neural link needed to move the MJOLNIR suit. The helmet also contains other equipment to protect and aid the user in hostile conditions. This includes filters to remove toxins from the atmosphere, a supply to provide air to the wearer during EVA, thermal and motion sensors, communications, solar-powered lighting, and imaging and video gear. The helmet also contains the AI housing, where a ship-borne AI chip can be inserted, located on the back of the helmet. The Mark V helmet is an upgraded version of the Mark IV helmet, modified to function with the Mark V's energy shield systems,[8] though, like the rest of the Mark V system, it likely incorporates several other changes as well. The helmet supports various external upgrades, such as a Command Network Module and Up-Armor plating.
- Titanium alloy outer shell: The outer shell of the MJOLNIR armor is comprised of a fairly thick titanium alloy. This plating covers the chest, arms, hip, legs, calves, feet and hands. This alloy is very resilient, can take significant punishment, and is nearly impervious to small arms fire. While enough shots from armor piercing rounds will breach the outer shell, the suit can take a few glancing blows from them without compromising the armor. The outer shell of all the MJOLNIR suits is covered with a refractive coating to help disperse the heat experienced from Covenant energy weapons. However one or two direct hits from any Plasma weapon will compromise the armor plating.
- Titanium nanocomposite bodysuit: Sandwiched between the external armor and the internal padding is a thick black armored bodysuit. This suit has numerous functions, small but vital to the safety and survival of the wearer. The bodysuit is made of a titanium-based material, making it very strong and yet very flexible. It also serves as another layer of protection against ballistics attacks and is coated with a heat resistant material to disperse heat from plasma weapons.
- Hydrostatic gel layer: Underneath the armored bodysuit is a gel-filled layer, this gel layer regulates the temperature of the suit and can reactively change its density to conform to the wearer's shape, the temperature inside the suit is controlled by the moisture absorbing cloth suit underneath the hydrostatic layer. The hydrostatic gel layer can also be pressurized to various levels to potentially save the wearers life should the wearer be subjected to high G forces or a high velocity impact; however, over pressurizing this layer can cause nitrogen embolisms.[9][10]
- Reactive crystal layer: Sandwiched between the external armor and the internal padding is a layer of piezoelectric material that deforms along a preferred axis when exposed to a electric charge. When creating the suit, the liquid crystal material is poured into a capillary system where electric charges can direct the formation of crystal geometries.[11] This layer acts as synthetic muscle, allowing the Spartan access to approximately twice their normal strength. This is not due to a "Leverage Effect," but rather that a human-sized suit will provide about six hundred kilos of lifting power, in addition to an average Spartan's six hundred kilos of lifting power. Assuming a Spartan has an average body weight of 200 kilos, and that CPO Mendez's assertion that: "They can lift three times their body weight- which, I might add, is almost double the norm due to their increased muscle density," is indeed accurate.[12]
- Memory-processor superconductor layer: A layer relatively new to the MJOLNIR line, introduced with the Mark V, that is capable of housing an A.I. Comprised of the same material as a starship's A.I. system, this layer allows an A.I. to travel with a soldier into the field. The A.I. can then aid the soldier in software inrtusion, hardware hacking, and espionage by listening to enemy chatter.[13] As a side note, this layer is often confused with the Reactive Metal Liquid Crystal layer, which due to the latter's piezoelectric properties is impossible.
- Magnetic weapon holder strips: The MJOLNIR armor features very small, yet powerful magnets placed on the legs, waist, and back of the suit that are used to hold any equipment or any weapons with a magnetic property. The suit also contains a magnet system within its boots that allows its wearer to stay attached to a metal surface in zero G environments and can be toggled on or off by the wearer.
- Energy shields: First used on the Mark V, and later refined on the Mark VI, the energy shield device is reverse engineered from Covenant technology. Beginning in 2532[14] forty scientists and technicians would spend the next twenty years attempting to make some use of the technology. For decades the attempts at cracking their technology had met with failure after failure; some had given up and others in the scientific community believed the energy shield technology could never be cracked. However at some point before 2552 a breakthrough was made and for the first time the UNSC had successfully cracked and improved upon the technology.[15]
- Pressure seal: The pressure seal is a vital component to the MJOLNIR system; it keeps the system airtight underwater or in space. The seal is very strong, only breaking under extreme pressure, such as in a high velocity impact or when the hydrostatic gel has been overpressurized.
- Biofoam injection port: The biofoam injectors on the Mark V is a port where a direct supply of biofoam or other medicines, must be administered from a standard military first aid kit when the wearer is injured, as the suit does not hold or generate its own supply inside the suit.
- Fusion reactor: The fusion reactor is the most essential part of the MJOLNIR system, as it provides power to all equipment used by the armor, the reactor is built into the suit and allows for nearly unlimited movement. The fusion reactor in all versions of the MJOLNIR armor are half the size of a normal fusion pack that conventional marines carry around.[16]
- Force-multiplying circuits: Located throughout the armor, these systems boost the force applied by the user. They make hand-to-hand combat easier, but also make the armor difficult to adjust to; a slight motion can be translated into a potentially harmful one if not conducted correctly. For this reason it is only possible for Spartans to use this armor, as their strengthened bodies are able to withstand the increased power and speed of movement, which, in unaugmented human bodies, results in broken bones or death due to spasms caused by the pain of broken bones.
- Reactive circuits: Reactive circuits are systems directly linked into the wearer's neural interface. They amplify the wearer's reaction time by connecting directly to the thoughts of the wearer, making it much easier to control and allowing for the soldier to be both more efficient and have a higher survival rate in combat.
- Power supply control unit: The power supply control unit controls the power supply of the armor.
- MJOLNIR Mark V BIOS: The basic input/output system, standard firmware interface for the Mark V.
- Lock-down system: The lock-down system protects muscles and joints from traumatic, high-impact injuries by seizing the suit into a rigid posture through modifying the density of the hydrostatic gel layer.[17][18][19][20]
- Fail-safe detonation system - This system functions as a self-destruct mechanism in order to prevent a dead Spartan's armor from being compromised by hostiles. It is activated by a series of digits that only the Spartans know. When engaged, it produces a reactor overload that burns everything within a ten-meter radius, then produces a large blast.[21]
In-game armor permutations
Halo 3
The Mark V Helmet is the only part of the armor available to the player, it is unlocked by getting the UNSC Spartan achievement.
Halo: Reach
The Mark V helmet and shoulder pauldrons are available as armor permutations in Halo: Reach. The helmet is first viewable at the rank of Captain, and purchasable at Lt. Colonel, while the shoulders require the rank of Brigadier.
It is possible to recreate the standard Mark V armor in Halo: Reach by equipping the Mark V helmet, Mark V shoulders, gold visor, and leaving all other armor options at their default settings.
Appearance disparities
A video on Halo Waypoint, "Defiant to the End", depicts John-117 and other SPARTAN-II commandos in MJOLNIR Mark V armor. In this video, the only non-default piece of equipment that John-117 wears is the Mark V helmet. This directly contradicts his appearance in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary and Dr. Halsey's personal journal, as well as in the cryo Easter egg in Halo: Reach.
During the early development stages of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, John-117 wore the first-generation Mark V armor seen in Halo: Reach's armor permutations,[22] though he had canonically already upgraded to the second-generation version. In the final game, he wears a second-generation suit, like he wears in the original game and in canon, which appears greatly different from the first-generation suit seen in Halo: Reach. While this conflicts with his appearance in the cryo Easter egg from Halo: Reach, his armor is not meant to be seen in any great detail in the Easter egg, making this discrepancy inconsequential.
Knee guards
Concept art of the Mark V for Halo: Combat Evolved had the armor's knee guards being noticeably larger than the final character model's, which were reduced in size and function to being somewhat square plates of metal partially wrapping around the knee. In the context of Halo: Reach, the earlier concept art and Halo 3-era reduxes closely resemble the knee guards of the Grenadier variant. However, when taking into account graphical and aesthetic changes made since the first game, the default knee guards match their counterparts on the first game's character model in terms of size and the manner in which they wrap around the user's knee caps. Still, it should be noted that even the FJ/PARA knee guards bear some resemblance to the original game's knee guards, the main difference being that the original knee guards were square and did not have the extra bits on the sides. Knee guards in Halo: Reach-era concept art resemble both FJ/PARA and default knee guards.
During the development of Halo: Reach, what was to labeled as the FJ/PARA knee guards were often used as if they were standard Mark V knee guards, given the fact that the player's character was often wearing them. For unknown reasons, towards the end of the game's development cycle, these knee guards were established as a secondary type rather than the standard, which was added during this period of time. The default Mark V knee guards in Halo: Reach cannot be affected by custom coloration as they will always appear as gray, unlike the other knee guard types or the Mark V knee guards in Halo: Combat Evolved.
There are several instances where the Mark V has been depicted with knee guards other than the default ones. In Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, the default MJOLNIR Mark V is depicted with FJ/PARA knee guards. In addition, the SPARTAN-II in the drawing next to the 08/07/2552 entry in Dr. Halsey's journal seems to be wearing Grenadier knee guards. Early in the development of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, the Reach-era Mark V worn by the Chief was equipped with FJ/PARA knee guards, and later Grenadier knee guards, as shown in the BTS: Anniversary Campaign video.[22]
In Halo 3, the Mark V helmet featured a small box-like outline near the back end of the helmet's top portion and appears at the same location in the Halo: Reach variant of the helmet. However, the outline appears as though the area outlined in Halo 3 version was cut out and extracted from the helmet. It is possible that the outlined area in Halo 3-era helmet had a component installed in the idented area; thus explaining how the Mark V helmet in Halo 3 was modified for compatibility with all Mark VI MJOLNIR armor.
- Masterchief sheik.png
Shi Kai Wang's preliminary sketch of the Master Chief in early design of MJOLNIR armor.
- SPARTAN - Mark V.jpg
Concept art of the MJOLNIR Mark V.
- SPARTAN - Mark V Helmet.jpg
Concept art of the MJOLNIR Mark V helmet.
- SPARTAN - Mark V detail.jpg
Concept studies of the MJOLNIR Mark V armor.
- Awakening.jpg
Concept art of UNSC technicians outfitting a SPARTAN-II with the Mark V.
- VanityMkV.png
The initial version of the MJOLNIR Mark V Powered Assault Armor issued on November 24, 2551.
- Mjolnir Mark V-transparent.png
The Mark V as it appears in Halo: Combat Evolved.
- Mk V final.jpg
A study of the MJOLNIR Mark V armor.
Kelly-087 wearing the Mark V armor during the Battle of Onyx.
- Gallery 6889 853 280617.jpg
A redux of the MJOLNIR Mark V as seen in the Art of Halo 3.
- CurrentMarkV.png
Upgraded Mark V helmet from Halo 3.
- Ih mjolnir 1.jpg
Concept art of the base Mark V armor for Halo: Reach.
NOBLE Team wearing permutations of the MJOLNIR Mark V.
John-117 in an old design for the Mark V armor in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary.
List of appearances
- ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo Waypoint's MJOLNIR Project 2 video state that the Mark V was issued on August 29, 2552. However, a number of later sources, including the aforementioned Weekly Update, Dr. Halsey's personal journal, the 2011 edition of the Halo Encyclopedia, and Halo: The Essential Visual Guide retcon this, clearly stating that the Mark V was issued on November 24, 2551. The two latter sources reveal that the suit issued in November 2551 was a prototype of the one issued in August 2552, explaining its noticeably different appearance in Halo: Reach. While John-117 indeed tested the performance of the second-generation Mark V system, ONI was actually evaluating the Spartan-AI pairing made possible by the second-generation Mark V suit.
- ^ a b c d e Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 119
- ^ Bungie.net: Bungie Weekly Update, 1/29/10
- ^ a b c Halo Encyclopedia (2011), page 97
- ^ Halo 2, campaign level The Armory
- ^ Dr. Halsey's personal journal
- ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page ???
- ^ a b c d e Halo: First Strike, page 140
- ^ Halo: Reach, Armory
- ^ Halo: First Strike, "Chapter 2", page 13
- ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 36
- ^ Dr. Halsey's Personal Journal, September 1, 2525
- ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 92
- ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 286
- ^ Halo Encyclopedia, "Chapter 3", page 89
- ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 249
- ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 114; page 248
- ^ Halo 3, campaign level Arrival
- ^ Halo Encyclopedia, page 91
- ^ Halo: Reach, campaign level Tip of the Spear
- ^ YouTube: Halo Reach Legendary Edition Developer Commentary Part 4
- ^ Halo: First Strike, page 315
- ^ a b Halo Waypoint: BTS: Anniversary Campaign