Messages on bomb

Revision as of 19:03, July 6, 2010 by Nicbot (talk | contribs) (Robot: Text replacement(s), replaced: Image: → File:)


One Message that states, "HOLD ONTO YER BUTT"

When you drop the assault bomb on any assault game of Halo 2 Multiplayer, there is a hidden message that you can see as it falls. These are visible in The Art of Halo.

The best way to see it is to perform the no weapon glitch and pick up the bomb, walk to a wall and hold R so the bomb is quickly bouncing between you and the wall. If this does not work because the wall is too light/the bomb is too much to one side of the screen then look directly up and hold R and you can see it as its thrown into the air. Also, it helps to use a Spartan player, as opposed to an Elite, because the dropping animation is different. This difference means that the bomb drops directly down, not forward first.

An alternate method is to simply grab the bomb and to drop it into a shiny area of the map, and then zoom to focus at the bottom of the bomb with a Sniper/Beam rifle. The messages are much more visible in these conditions.

This easter egg also appears in Halo 3. In Halo 3 however, there are only two messages.

Halo 2 Messages

The messages seem to correspond to what map is used:

'Thus I Refute Thee':

'Hold Onto Yer Butt':

'Kiss It Goodbye':

A hieroglyph of a Spartan helmet, the two fingered peace symbol followed by "xoxo ♥":

Halo 3 Messages

In Halo 3, this easter egg is easier to see in Forge, but can be done in Custom Games, Matchmaking, or Theater.

Which message you see depends on one thing: whether or not you are the Connection Host. If you are, the message you see is "Hold Onto Yer Butt." If you are not the connection host, the message you see is "Thus I Refute Thee."