Forerunner Cylix


Genetic repository


A Cylix is a genetic repository used by Forerunners to store and catalogue indexed specimens. Functioning as instrumental tools for the Lifeworkers Conservation Measure, cylixes were mainly used to protect population samples in order to later reseed life in the galaxy after the activation of the Halo Array.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Cylixes take the form of large slabs with stylized hardlight carvings depicting the type of specimen that resided within them. While their main purpose was to facilitate the repopulation of the galaxy, in some cases the Forerunners used cylixes as prisons for entities that were deemed to be a threat.

Cylixes within Installation 07 contained species such as humans, Sangheili, Jiralhanae, and Unggoy, in addition to the Harbinger and Endless.

Spoilers end here.


List of appearances
