Real World


Revision as of 05:28, May 24, 2023 by BaconShelf (talk | contribs) (will adapt plot summary from Halopedia:Projects/Firewall later, but getting basic structure and sources in)
HINF Precipice Shard Story cover.png
Attribution information


Alex Wakeford

Publication information

Publication date:

  • Part 1: March 21, 2023
  • Part 2: April 11, 2023
  • Part 3: May 23, 2023
  • Part 4: June 14, 2023

Precipice is a Story Shard written by Alex Wakeford set in the Firewall universe. Told over four parts, Parts 1-3 of the Story Shard features a cliffhanger where a dilemma is presented to the Minds, and the community will vote on where the story goes from there.[1][2][3]


Precipice was released as four parts, with the first two set inside simulations conducted by High Auxiliary Sloan some time following the defeat of Cortana in December 2559. The first two parts are presented as choose-your-own-adventure stories mostly taking place inside the simulation, while the third story contains a fully-canon conversation conducted between the Created AI Proxy and the Smart AI, Athos. All parts begin with a canon monologue from Sloan, ruminating on the nature of the Created, his own existence, and the various developments of the galaxy at large.

At the end of the first three parts, a vote is presented to "the Minds". In the real-world, this vote consists of a poll hosted on the official @Halo Twitter account, with the audience choice at the end of the vote informing the outcome for the next part of the story released. In-universe, these votes are presented as a decision made by the Assembly Majority - a coalition of AIs aligned with the Created cause.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3









Technology and equipment

Polls Results

At the end of each part of the Story Shard, a poll is held on Twitter to decide the route the story will follow. The bold answers are the ones the story follows.

Part 1
  • Flenser: 35,8%
  • Peaceweaver: 64,2%
Part 2
  • Abatur: 33%
  • Merrow: 67%
