
User:CMDR RileySV/Sandbox

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This article is about the civil war. For the loosely organized rebel factions, see Insurrectionist.


Interplanetary War


Human-Covenant War

CMDR RileySV/Sandbox
Origins insurrectionbattle.jpg


2494[1] - c. April 2526[2] (See below)


Various systems in UEG-controlled space


Partial truce between some Insurrectionist forces and the UEG, mostly ending the conflict with the arrival of the Covenant[2][3][4]

  • Various actors continue to fight for years afterwards

supported by

  • Rogue Colonial Military Administration elements (sponsored insurgents until 2497)
  • United Nations Space Command
  • Colonial Military Administration
  • Various militant rebel cells and factions
  • Several dozen outdated frigates and a few hundred corvettes[5]
  • Significant losses of UNSC and CMA personnel and materiel
  • Millions of civilians
  • Large numbers of personnel, materiel, and facilities
  • Millions of civilians

"As William Butler Yeats said: 'The center cannot hold.'"
The Viability of Extended Colonization by Preston Cole[6]

The Insurrection is an undeclared civil war fought between the various policing and military organizations of the Unified Earth Government and various loosely organized groups of rebels over control of the Outer Colonies, which began in the year 2494.

Originally, the breakaway movements started as disquiet against the Colonial Administration Authority's oversight of the Outer Colonies, with the colonists tired of the organization's often overbearing bureaucracy. It first started as peaceful protests, and after years of frustrating negotiations, some groups began to use more forceful methods, eventually abandoning diplomacy in favor of terrorist tactics.

Initially confined to a few systems, the fighting spread across human-controlled space in only several years; as the conflict escalated further, even some Inner Colonies, as inwards as the Epsilon Eridani system and even the Sol system itself, were targeted by rebel militants and terrorists.[7] What had once been widespread support for the Insurrectionists quickly dried up at the outbreak of violence. Though they started out targeting only military and Colonial Administration targets, as the UNSC counterinsurgency operations began, more and more innocent people were caught in the crossfire.[8]

The Insurrection claimed millions of lives between the late 2490s and the mid-2520s. The various rebel groups had become extremely adept at creating improvised explosive devices difficult for the UNSC to detect, and therefore stop, and had struck many high-profile targets, even in orbit above Reach itself. Some opponents of the war believed the simplest solution was to simply give the rebels their autonomy - for the UNSC to pull out, and let the rebels have their independence. However, the value of the colonies made them simply too important to abandon, as it would bankrupt the Inner Colonies.

The Insurrection quickly died down after the onset of the Human-Covenant War that began in 2525. Many Insurrectionists prioritized fighting against the Covenant due to them being a common enemy as well as the outer colonies being the Covenant's first targets.[9] However, few isolated insurgent groups staged operations against the UNSC in a two-front war, throughout the war until 2537.[7] After the end of the war in 2552, some of the surviving Insurrectionist groups—as well as all-new ones—proceeded to resume their fight against Earth. This led to their resurgence after the war, starting with the New Colonial Alliance raiding the UNSC Infinity in 2553, mere months after the Covenant threat had ended. In the post-war insurgency, Covenant splinter groups have sided with the rebels on a number of occasions.[10][11][12] The Insurrection remained active at the time of the Guardians' emergence across human space on October 28, 2558.[13]


The conflict has been referred to primarily as the Insurrection,[14][15] though it has also been called the Outer Colonies Insurgency.[6]

The phrase "the Insurrection" has been used as a label for the various groups of rebels both in the conflict and outside of it.[16] This is done interchangeably with the descriptor insurrectionists[Note 1] and the armed conflict beginning in .[15]


Domus Diaspora

Main article: Domus Diaspora

The beginnings of the Insurrection are closely intertwined with the socioeconomic composition and role of humanity's Outer Colonies as well as the realities of interstellar expansion.[17]

The Unified Earth Government's first wave of extrasolar colonization took place between 2362 and 2390, resulting in the formation of the prestigious Inner Colonies. During the century that followed, new colonies were established at an even more rapid pace as the technologies involved became more widely available and affordable; the worlds settled during this period would become the Outer Colonies. Many of the Outer Colonies were established to supply goods for the Inner Colonies and Earth and entire worlds were established for the purposes of agriculture or mining. Earth and the Inner Colonies became exceedingly dependent on resources produced by the Outer Colonies, prompting Earth to take steps to ensure they stayed loyal to its authority.[18]

From the beginning, the Outer Colonies were bound to become more unstable than the Inner Colonies. Whereas the original settlers of the latter had been carefully selected from Earth's finest, by the time the Outer Colonies were created the recruitment standards had loosened considerably and were no longer as strictly supervised. Many of the corporations contracted for off-world colonization had their interests in obtaining rights to valuable resources, colonial personnel being a secondary consideration: this led to the illegal conscription of colonists or acquiring them from among pardoned criminals. The Outer Colonies also became a haven for Earth and Inner Colony citizens unhappy with the Earth government or otherwise looking for a fresh start, and many fled to the Outer Colonies through both legal and illegal means.[17]

In the early days of human colonization, UNSC Naval escorts and shipboard Marine complements had accompanied the outbound colony ships in order to maintain security as well as to justify the continued upkeep of the UNSC's massive military, which had not been needed in its original capacity for well over a century.[19] As colonization became more affordable and widespread following the settlement of the Inner Colonies, the nascent Outer Colonies initially lacked a pervasive military presence—apart from the Colonial Military Authority, whose true loyalties ultimately lay with the colonies over Earth.[20] As piracy began to plague the colony systems, some of the colonies appealed to the UNSC for protection, which began the UNSC's involvement in the Outer Colonies.[21]


Following the rapid volumetric growth of the region of space controlled by the human race throughout the Domus Diaspora, the UEG found it increasingly difficult to maintain its hold over the Outer Colonies, hundreds of which were scattered across exceedingly large swathes of space. By 2490, the Outer Colonies surpassed the core worlds in number by several hundred. Despite their more discrete composition, the Outer Colonies proved an ample breeding ground for a strong nationalist sentiment among their citizens which in turn led to their perceiving the Earth government—and the UNSC which imposed its will—as a draconian outside force.[17] Civil disobedience was not uncommon, often taking the form of refusal to pay taxes and the establishment of unauthorized settlements outside government oversight.[22] On some cases, the Colonial Administration Authority made concessions to ameliorate the situation; for example, the registration of births to government records was kept voluntary.[23] On the other hand, most Outer Colony citizens took advantage of the benefits offered to them by the CAA, including the free vaccination program.[23][24] UNSC Navy Admiral Gabriela Castaneda was among the more profound voices advocating for diplomacy, though ultimately served as an impressive tactician and leader during the conflict towards the end of the 25th century.[25]

An insurrectionist leader addressing a crowd.

As a result of the growing rumblings of discontent, many inhabitants of Earth and the Inner Colonies began to feel threatened by the Outer Colonies surrounding them. The UEG and its colonial governing and military entities—the CAA and initially the Colonial Military Administration—continued to maintain their military presence and economic control over the colonies with trade restrictions and taxes, engendering further dissatisfaction among the colonists and provoking the more radical secessionist elements.[24] Civilian uprisings against UEG rule began to break out between 2475 and 2483. The CMA's response was swift and severe, but their heavy-handed tactics backfired, only hardening the resistance against them and further radicalising the population against them. Stronger and more aggressive dissidents began to take to the political stage, plunging the colonies further into civil unrest.[1]

While outspoken and violent resistance against Earth was initially confined to disparate insurgent organizations, even the leadership of some Outer Colonies would eventually be sympathetic to the insurrectionist cause.[24] Eventually, the People's Occupation and Secessionist Union were formed, uniting many of the dissenters under a single banner. In 2487, these newly established organisations jointly submitted formal requests for independence to the UEG on behalf of a dozen colony worlds.[1] As well, as these sentiments spread, even some scattered elements of the CMA became increasingly sympathetic to the rebels, eventually providing them with information, funding and equipment. The involvement of these sects of the CMA with the rebels went public in 2497, leading to the organization's gradual dismantling and its supplantment by the UNSC as the primary military force in the colonies.[20]

In 2491, Dr. Elias Carver presented a set of theories known as the Carver Findings to the UNSC High Command. According to a projection algorithm devised by Dr. Carver, social order in the Outer Colonies would break down completely in the near future. To stabilize the colonies, Carver recommended a swift and extensive military action on part of the UNSC.[26] Carver's critics asserted that the situation between the core worlds and the Outer Colonies could be stabilized through diplomacy over enough time; however, the UNSC military adopted the Carver Findings as their standard model for the years to come and sought to curb any major unrest with military intervention.[24] In the same year, the UNSC resurrected the mothballed ORION Project, creating the first generation of supersoldiers designed to surgically remove rebel leadership.[27] Carver's proposal also informed the creation of the subsequent SPARTAN-II Program, although by the time of its creation the predicted scenario was even bleaker: an endless, apocalyptic civil war between the Inner and Outer Colonies.[24]

Far Isle rebellion

Main article: Far Isle rebellion
A wing of five Longswords seen dropping bombs on a city, in Halo Legends: Origins II.
GA-TL1 Longswords releasing their payloads over an unidentified human city during the Insurrection.

Perhaps the most notorious instance of the brutal and heavy-handed approach the UNSC and CMA took to quelling rebellions in the late 25th century was that of Far Isle. In 2492, in the midst of the rising tensions throughout the colonies, Far Isle was among the first of the colonies to go into a full-scale revolt. Despite their best efforts, the UNSC were unable to contain the rebellion, and as a result, they resorted to nuclear weaponry, razing the entire colony and leaving no survivors from the populace. They subsequently declared Code: BANDERSNATCH, indicating a major radiological- or energy-based disaster.[28][29][30]

Although not usually acknowledged as the inciting incident of the Insurrection,[1] the destruction of Far Isle caused multiple larger rebellions elsewhere, and was considered a significant factor in motivating the Insurrection as a whole.[29] Far Isle remained a driving force for the hatred that many individuals bore for the UNSC and UEG even as late as 2553, in staunchly independent colonies such as Venezia.[30]

The Callisto Incident

Main article: Callisto Incident

The Callisto Incident was a pivotal event which is often considered to have started the Insurrection, widening the scope of the conflict from occasional, disparate colonial rebellions into hostilities on a larger scale. The UNSC Callisto, a corvette, was captured by Insurrectionists when boarding merchant vessels, and all UNSC crew aboard it were killed. In response, the UNSC sent a battle group of three destroyers: the UNSC Jericho, the UNSC Buenos Aires, and the UNSC Las Vegas.

On March 2, 2494, the battle group eventually found the Callisto in the 26 Draconis System. All of the ships fired six Ares missiles at the renegade corvette. However, the Callisto managed to avoid destruction by maneuvering behind an asteroid. The insurrectionists then detonated a nuke hidden inside the asteroid before hand, launching the debris toward the UNSC ships.

The Buenos Aires was engulfed in the explosion and destroyed, and the other two ships were seriously damaged. Second Lieutenant Preston Cole, as the only living or conscious officer aboard the bridge of the Las Vegas, took control of the vessel. He signaled the Callisto, activating the ship's distress signal and requested medical aid for the wounded. When the Callisto docked with the Las Vegas in order to take command of the ship, Cole detonated the ships last Ares missile, which had been planted inside the docking bay, critically damaging the Callisto. Cole then bluffed by opening the empty missile silos on his ship and ordered the Callisto to surrender and allow Las Vegas's AI to take control.


Eridanus and early hostilities

Main article: Operation: CHARLEMAGNE

"No prison can hold a free mind."
— Words written in blood by insurrectionist philosopher Yera Sabinus while in prison on December 12, 2495.[31]

Following the Callisto Incident, the Insurrection began to spread to other systems, including the Eridanus system which became embroiled in a local insurrection in the same year. The rebellion was crushed two years later, at the cost of four destroyers, though the rebels in the system retreated into the asteroid belt and would continue to operate for several decades onward.[32]

On Meridian in 2495, the Sundered Legion would begin a number of brushfire conflicts on the moon. Information they learned would be sent to the Secessionist Union.[33]

In the 2490s during the conflict, the CAA Marien would perform an evasive tactic that would later be coined as the Marien maneuver.[34]

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Downfall of the CMA

Main article: Operation: VERITAS

Undertaken by ORION operators, Operation: VERITAS would see them come to blows with the Secessionist Union. During the operation, the operators would acquire a list of NOC operatives working in the Colonial Military Authority.[35]

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Corporal Avery Johnson assassinating Jerald Ander on Harvest.

UNSC actions

Main article: Operation: KALEIDOSCOPE

Beginning in 2502, the UNSC undertook Operation: KALEIDOSCOPE. The main aim of the operation was the assassination of Insurrectionist targets. Over five years, the UNSC would elimnate Jerald Ander, Molin Saal, Elanor Kef, and Standish Kable.[36]

Another operation around this time was Operation: TANGLEWOOD.[37]

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Preston Cole and the Bellicose

— The Insurrectionist ship Bellicose communicating with the UNSC Gorgon.[6]

As the fighting spread, the Outer Colonies became a battleground between the UNSC Navy and the rebels' makeshift fleets. In June 2501, an insurgent captured UNSC frigate, the Bellerophon, was pursued for the third time by the UNSC Gorgon, commanded by Preston Cole, into the Theta Ursae Majoris system. After a chase and battle, in which the Bellerophon managed to dodge a MAC round using excellent tactics, the Gorgon was contacted by the Bellerophon, renamed the Bellicose. A short exchange of taunting messages followed, and then Cole let the Bellicose escape. After laying traps in five systems over a course of three months, Cole had yet to find the captured ship. Following this, the Skirmish at Capella would take place.[6]

Several months later, Cole was married to Lyrenne Castilla, who was also pregnant. In June of 2503, eight months after Cole's marriage to Castilla, Admiral Harold Stanforth sent Cole a transmission telling him that ONI uncovered the civilian identity of the captain of the Bellicose - Lyrenne Castilla, spying on Cole. Cole went to confirm this, and found that Castilla had robbed him of everything, leaving only a printout of the exchange they had between the Bellicose and Gorgon. In January of the next year, four destroyers engaged the Bellicose in the Theta Ursae Majoris system, and reported that the ship was caught in the gravitational pull of the gas giant, and destroyed.[6]

Cole faced a court-martial for conspiring with the enemy and giving Castilla knowledge of UNSC slipspace upgrades, and possible execution. However, Harold Stanforth stepped in and vouched for him, and Cole was merely relocated to Earth with a desk job.[6]

The Bellicose survived, however, and remained in the shadows until eventually reappearing with an Insurrectionist fleet, dealing the Covenant a crippling blow in the Battle of Psi Serpentis.[6]

Artwork depicting Insurrectionists preparing to attack a UNSC UH-144 Falcon.
Insurrectionists prepare to attack a UNSC UH-144 Falcon at some point following 2497.

Other actions

In 2506, the ORION Project would be ended with 165 surviving members transferred to the field.[35] By 2509, a number of rebel cells coalesced into the United Rebel Front under Colonel Robert Watts.[1]

In 2511 over the span of a month, a wave of three insurrectionist attacks took place in the Mato Grosso province of Mamore. The third one was a nuclear bombing claimed by the Freedom and Liberation Party resulting in two million deaths.[38] This year saw the brainstorming for an second ORION generation by it's lead researcher Dr. Catherine Halsey.[39] The SPARTAN-II program as it was called was officially commissioned in 2513.[40]

At some point, UNSC Marine Avery Johnson was sent to the planet of Etalan to perform reconnaisance.[41]

Operation: TREBUCHET

Main article: Operation: TREBUCHET

In 2513, the UNSC initiated Operation: TREBUCHET, one of the largest operations in UNSC history; spanning ten years and costing hundreds of thousands of lives, the goal was to root out the Insurrectionists and impose order in the Outer Colonies.

Fighting broke out in the Eridanus system, particularly at Eridanus II and the space around it, as rebels supporting the system's breakaway from the UNSC built a small navy of civilian craft and attempted to take over the system. The disorganized Eridanus rebels were eventually brought together by Colonel Robert Watts. The UNSC responded harshly, sending a fleet of destroyers and carriers to the system to combat the rebel fleet. The resulting battle pitted the UNSC against at least one hundred smaller rebel craft.[42] The UNSC forces defeated their rebel counterparts with little difficulty. During the battle, the rebels were routed and the remnants of their fleet fled into the asteroid belt to Eridanus Secundus. They would eventually establish a fully functional asteroid base and began conducting raids again by 2525.[42]

A ground campaign also began on Eridanus II, as units from the 9th Marine Expeditionary Force were sent to the planet in force, hoping to capture leaders of the rebel movement and pacify the population. One of these units, the first Battalion of the 21st Marine Division commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Ponder, was involved in a disastrous mission to try and capture a rebel leader - the second in command - in Elysium City, which ended in the leader's family being killed and Ponder wounded and demoted.[43]

The fighting eventually spread to the Epsilon Eridani system. By 2524, the fighting involved in Operation: TREBUCHET alone had taken over a million lives, the majority of which being civilians. In that year, a Marine battalion was posted at the colony world of Tribute, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Aboim and supported by the corvette UNSC Bum Rush and air support from Hornets. The battalion attempted to put a stop to rebel bomb makers near the city of Casbah. Two special warfare squads, led by Staff Sergeants Avery Johnson and Nolan Byrne, were involved in disastrous operation in June. Byrne's team was killed during a hostage situation at a Jim Dandy restaurant near Casbah city; thirty-eight civilians, three Marines, and two rebels were killed in the bombing. Byrne and Johnson were pulled from the system, and were later sent to Harvest.[44]

ONI agents abducting John-117, from Scanned.
Future SPARTAN-II John-117 is kidnapped in the middle of the night on Eridanus II in 2517.

Height of the Insurrection

"Yes. The UNSC needs every man and woman patrolling the Outer Colonies. Between raiders and insurrections, it's a wonder it all hasn't fallen apart."
Lieutenant Jacob Keyes to Dr. Halsey in 2517.[45]

During the Insurrection, Gao was blockaded for a year and the Isbanola sector saw fair amounts of action.[46] An armed insurgency also occurred on the colony of Epsilon Eridani IV, which the legendary Admiral Preston Cole was sent to put down.[47] The colonists on Carrow had ties to the rebels of the insurrection as well.[48] Insurrectionist internment camps were created on Dwarka.[49]

In 2516, the Sundered Legion and UNSC would come to blows and begin five years of fighting on the moon of Meridian, lasting until the conclusion of the Siege of Aethia in 2521.[33] Talitsa would also go through two uprisings; one also in 2516 and another 2520.[50] In 2517, the UNSC would begin kidnapping SPARTAN-II program candidates, with Dr. Halsey herself screening candidates in FLEETCOM Sector Four.[45] Numerous colony ships were also requisitioned by the UNSC to be turned into warships, the UNSC Spirit of Fire for example[51] would go through this procedure at the height of the Insurrection[52] and completing on September 1, 2520.[53] Around this time, the CMA would stockpile vast amounts of the early version of the VK78 Commando on Reach.[54]

A wave of insurrectionist activity would hit Andesia in 2523[55] and in 2524, the luxury liner National Holiday would be destroyed by unmanned orbital taxis filled with explosives over Reach.[56] A rebellion also took place on Persia IX, which was put down by the UNSC.[57] By this point, no fighting had taken place in the Cygnus system due to the shared creed and ethnicity of the colonists there.[58]

In 2525, the ODST 21st Space Assault Battalion would storm and seize 18 different insurrectionist facilities including those in low orbit and in deep transitional space.[41] At an unknown point, they would also capture a URF supply base on Bomogin.[5] Throughout the Insurrection, UNSC orbital drops via drop pods were routinely used to surprise and cut-off rebel forces.[59]

The capture of Col. Robert Watts.

Kidnapping at Eridanus Secundus

Main article: Operation: TALON

In the year 2525, a SPARTAN-II team, led by John-117, went on a mission to infiltrate and capture rebel leader Colonel Robert Watts. The Spartans sneaked on board via the Laden. Once on board, they located a cargo that contained luxury items such as Sweet William cigars and champagne, verifying Watts' presence.

After boarding the rebel base, they neutralized the guards in their path and eventually found their way to Watts. They successfully killed his guards, and sedated Watts long enough for them to escape. Using explosives, they blasted their way out, killing dozens of civilians, much to the regret of the team.

With his capture, ONI began a propaganda drive to the rest of the UNSC declaring him caught.[60]

An unlikely alliance was forged between the Spartans and Insurrectionists during the Battle of Alpha Corvi II, the two sides having found a common enemy with the Covenant.

The Covenant

Following the Covenant attack on Harvest and the onset of the Human-Covenant War in 2525, Operation: TREBUCHET was suspended by the UNSC.[61][62] Major hostilities would still continue between the UNSC and Insurrectionists however. Even in the midst of the Battle of Alpha Corvi II, insurrectionist forces opened fire at the first sight of UNSC forces before eventually being convinced of a temporary and uneasy alliance.[9]

As the Covenant did not delineate human allegiances, they would end up wiping out the Galodew Emancipation base on Redstow VI along with other colony worlds.[5] By 2526, insurrectionist elements of the Bandusa Insurrectionist group were operating on Mars[63] and the URF had at least one spy within UNSC FLEETCOM. SPARTAN-IIs were also conducting operations against insurrectionist forces on Jericho VII.[5] The first instance the Spartan-II program would be used to openly put down rebellion would be on Andesia.[64] The 10th Shock Troops Battalion during this time would also be deployed to Jericho VII, Arcadia, and then Andesia.[63]

On March 12, 2526, various insurrectionist factions met together on the frigate Bellicose to discuss the UNSC and the Covenant. The insurrectionists, unaware of the Covenant's genocidal mission, would devise a plan to try and negotiate an alliance with the Covenant, with the ultimate goal of using it to help liberate insurrectionist colonies.[5] The Covenant would be contacted by the URF at Amasa and agree to the temporary alliance in order to hopefully discover more colonies.[65] 11 days later, an insurrectionist bombing would take place in Troisi City on Lodestone.[63]

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Biko and the end

Main articles: Battle of Seoba, Battle of Biko


Ending major hostilities

"An alien "Covenant" single-handedly solved our civil war?! Not a trade that I would have willingly accepted, but I'm always open to victories, no matter how small."
— Dr. Halsey's comments in her journal on April 28, 2526.[2]

In April 2526, The UNSC would officially direct any and all military projects originally planned to deal with the Insurrection, towards the new Covenant threat. As well, the Office of Naval Intelligence Section II sent emissaries to officially warn Outer Colony leaders about the Covenant and offer that they would cease hostilities toward the Insurrectionists if they worked to bolster their planetary defenses and ended their attacks on UNSC ships. The rebels believed it to be a trap and responded with laughter, but quickly took the issue serious upon seeing footage from the Battle of Bliss.[2] 10 years after Harvest fell, at least within the ODSTs, the insurrectionists stopped being viewed as a threat.[60]

Continued actions throughout the Covenant war

However, not all insurrectionists stopped their attacks against the UNSC, and continued some level of aggression for years after the beginning of the war with the Covenant.[66] This included conflicts such as the insurrections on Mamore and incidents on Harmony and Reach.[67]

Although Insurrection activity continued over the Human-Covenant War, with the last documented conflict as late as 2537,[7] the high-profile operations and major battles which characterized the early years all but subsided after the beginning of the war. The vast majority of humanity had united under a single banner in order to fight for the survival of their entire species, even the ununited insurrectionists themselves would fight against the Covenant ultimately helping the war effort.[4][68] Any engagements between the UNSC and the rebels following the Covenant attack appear to have been relatively low-key, often involving covert missions carried out by special forces such as Spartans. As a result, the generation that had grown up during the war had no knowledge of the Insurrection's persistence and considered the entire civil war as having occurred long before their time.[69][Note 2]

By 2552, Insurrectionist activity was still common enough for the UNSC to suspect rebel sabotage when the Visegrad Relay on Reach went dark, although this turned out to be the work of a Covenant pre-invasion party instead.[67]

-Parangosky aware of comms relays being down but unsure if the rebels may have deliberately done it. Glasslands Chapter 2

Insurrectionist resurgence

After the end of the Human-Covenant War, many insurrectionist movements which had ceased their operations during the war began to resurface. Following the ceasefire, the UNSC began attempts to broker peace with the surviving Outer Colonies and Fleet Admiral Hood embarked on a diplomatic mission to discuss reconstruction. A number of colonies refused this offer and cut all ties with the UNSC, which, according to them, had abandoned them during the war.[70] Many insurrectionist cells were also able to acquire copious amounts of Covenant and UNSC weapons and equipment circulating on the black market.[71]

Of particular significance to the reemerging insurrectionist movement was the colony of Venezia, which had become a major center for rebel operations during the war, when its insurrectionist government had declared itself sovereign and eliminated the local CAA authorities.[72]

Another formidable force to resurge was the United Rebel Front. After the war, they had multiple planets under their control like Talitsa and Terceira, which compelled the UNSC to conduct raids using Spartan forces.[73]


Ironically, the Insurrection may have contributed to the UNSC's victory and the overall survival of humanity in the Human-Covenant War. As Codename: SURGEON stated in his 2552 report on Admiral Preston Cole:[74]

History looks upon this time as an unfortunate (and perhaps inevitable?) misunderstanding between Earth and her colonies, but those fighting for the last decade also realize that it was the most amazing piece of blind fortune the human race has ever stumbled upon. Had we not been armed and learning how to fight in space... what would have happened in the years that followed, when we faced an enemy a hundred times worse? Oblivion, no doubt.

While the reason for the UNSC's eventual victory was arguably the Great Schism within the Covenant, from the Insurrection came the Magnetic Accelerator Cannon, Titanium-A armor, soft-seal technology employed in boarding actions, advances in ship-to-ship warfare tactics, the incorporation of the Illegal Entry Protocols and Counter-Illegal Entry Protocols into smart AIs, and above all, the SPARTAN-IIs, all of which would prove crucial in humanity's fight against the Covenant.

Known systems and planets with Insurrectionist activity


The Insurrection is typically believed to have begun in 2494,[15] though sometimes the actions in the years before are added in pushing the beginning date to 2490.[79]




  • Callisto Incident - A group of insurrectionists board a UNSC corvette, Callisto and kill the crew. A naval engagement ensues as three UNSC light destroyers are sent to hunt down the captured ship.
  • Insurrectionist forces take control of Eridanus II, establishing their own secessionist government in the wake of the coup d'état.[32]
  • The Insurrection begins.


  • Operation: CHARLEMAGNE: UNSC forces begin their campaign to retake Eridanus II, deploying a battle group to engage the makeshift Insurrectionist defense fleet. Despite the UNSC's best attempts at removing the entrenched rebellion, ONI fails to discover the location of their base. This hollowed-out asteroid would remain a safe haven for Insurrectionists for another three decades.[32][80]






  • Operation: TREBUCHET begins. Heavy fighting takes place in the Eridanus system, as the rebel forces led by Colonel Robert Watts face off against the UNSC in both the surface of Eridanus II and space around the planet. The rebel fleet is defeated and the remnants retreat into their hidden base in the system's asteroid belt and begin conducting raids.[42]



  • Operation: TREBUCHET continues, now in Epsilon Eridani. A UNSC Marine assault to stop rebel bomb makers on Tribute goes awry, resulting in the death of thirty-eight civilians, three Marines, and two rebels.[14]
  • Luxury liner National Holiday is destroyed by Insurrectionists above Reach. The Office of Naval Intelligence successfully covered up the bombing as a freak accident.


  • Assault on Eridanus Secundus - A team of SPARTAN-IIs are sent to Eridanus Secundus to capture Colonel Robert Watts. They succeed in doing so, crippling but not destroying the rebel infrastructure in the Eridanus system.[82] Further plans to attack rebel base apparently abandoned due to the Human-Covenant War's outbreak.
  • Shortly afterward, the Spartans were sent to halt a rebellion on Jericho VII.
  • Operation: TREBUCHET is abruptly concluded with the start of the Human-Covenant War after the First Battle of Harvest.
  • The UNSC warns insurrectionist leaders about the threat of the Covenant and proposes a truce. However, most rebels believe this to be a trap and decline, only to soon realize the direness of the threat once the Covenant begin their assault on the Outer Colonies.[24]
  • The Insurrection continues in reduced capacity.
  • Battle of Alpha Corvi II - Soldiers loyal to the United Rebel Front under the command of Captain Whitaker engage Covenant ground forces on Black Reef, a human settlement on Alpha Corvi II. During the battle they agree to a truce with the SPARTAN-II Blue Team to prevent the enemy from obtaining a Forerunner artifact. Despite their success and assistance to the Spartans, the UNSC abandons the rebels as they evacuate all military personnel from the planet; the rebels are subsequently wiped out by the Covenant.[83]


  • Sometime around 2525-2526, UNSC forces are sent to put down Insurrectionist forces on Jericho VII, and ODSTs are deployed there for over 131 days.[63]
  • ODSTs are deployed to counter Insurrectionist forces on Arcadia.[63]
  • Insurrectionists bomb a civilian spaceport in Troisi City, Lodestone.[63]
  • On Mars, two Insurrectionists of the Bandusa Insurrectionist group, Christina Rice and James McCann, are disguised as Army specialists and allegedly attempt to steal nuclear warheads for a possible attack on New Harmony, Mars. However, UNSC forces working with ONI agents discover this plan and Rice and McCann are captured.[63]
  • ODSTs are deployed against Insurrectionist forces on Andesia.[84]
  • In mid-2526 an unknown group of Insurrectionists were engaged with UNSC forces when both sides came under attack by the Covenant; both forces subsequently fought together against the aliens.[84]


  • By this year, contact with the colony of Venezia is lost. Evidence points to a takeover by Insurrectionist forces, who were prominent on the planet.[85]


  • Isolated Insurrectionists disable a communications relay on Harmony, and steal two freighters from a drydock.[67]
  • Isolated Insurrection activity on Reach continues. In one instance, two insurgents trying to hijack a supply transport are surprised by Noble Team.[86]


  • A group of insurrectionists belonging to the New Colonial Alliance are led by Ilsa Zane in an attempt to commandeer the UNSC Infinity. The attack is repelled, largely due to the efforts of Spartans Sarah Palmer and Edward Davis.[87]
  • The Insurrection resurges.
  • Evidence suggests that the Insurrectionist government on Venezia is making preparations to attack Earth.
  • The UNSC Ariadne comes out of slipspace above Venezia following reactor malfunctions; requests to Venezia for permission to evacuate personnel to the planet surface are denied, and the reactor experiences a meltdown, destroying the vessel with all hands lost. The UNSC Monte Cassino arrives too late to assist, and while searching for survivors is fired upon by an anti-aircraft cannon. Monte Cassino retaliates by destroying the cannon with missiles.

Non-canon and dubious canon appearances

Silver Timeline

Main article: Silver Timeline
  • Madrigal 2496
  • Operation: TREBUCHET

List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: New Blood uses the two terms to refer to the same rebel group that Michael Crespo's family participated in. Mickey in Chapter 15 first says “They were part of the insurrection on Luna" about his parents. In Chapter 17, Buck says to Mickey about his parents: "And which government building on Luna were they trying to blow up for the insurrectionists?”. The 2022 Halo Encyclopedia also uses the term "Insurrection" to refer to the rebel groups of the conflict on page 17 and "Insurrectionists" on page 22 while also delineating the Insurrection as a distinct conflict on pages 43, 94, 106, 163, 170, and 171.
  2. ^ The Insurrection was originally stated in Halo: First Strike to have died out after the onset of the Human-Covenant War, as the appearance of the Covenant left most Insurrectionists concluding that staying with the UNSC was a lesser evil to outright annihilation. However, later sources such as Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, Halo: The Cole Protocol and Halo: Reach retcon this, with The Cole Protocol stating that the Insurrection continued in some capacity at least until 2535, and Reach saying that it was still ongoing as of 2552. The 2010 rerelease of Halo: First Strike was modified to accommodate this change. However, more recently, in Halo: Glasslands and Halo: The Thursday War, it is maintained that the Insurrection subsided after the start of the Covenant War; characters such as Malcolm Geffen and Vasily Beloi consider the entire notion of conflict between humans a thing of the past. In order to reconcile this, it can be assumed that the characters in question were unaware of the continuation of the conflict, or at least the extent of it.


  1. ^ a b c d e Halo Mythos - Domus Diaspora; The Insurrection, page 54-61
  2. ^ a b c d Halo: Reach, Dr. Halsey's personal journal - April 28, 2526
  3. ^ Halo: Fractures - Breaking Strain
  4. ^ a b Halo: Legends "Origins" - "When this new foe emerged and declared war against humanity, you finally united under a single banner. And the weapons you so carefully constructed to control your own baser instincts, were now aimed not at yourselves, but against a deadly opponent. In pursuit of a shared goal, the very survival of your species."
  5. ^ a b c d e Halo: Silent Storm, chapter 6
  6. ^ a b c d e f g Halo: Evolutions - The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole
  7. ^ a b c d e Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
  8. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, page 61
  9. ^ a b Halo: Collateral Damage
  10. ^ Kilo-Five Trilogy
  11. ^ Halo: Escalation
  12. ^ Halo: Last Light
  13. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named HtTS2E6
  14. ^ a b Halo: Contact Harvest
  15. ^ a b c Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide - Glossary, page 228
  16. ^ Halo: Warfleet - Glossary, page 91
  17. ^ a b c Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, "The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole", page 428-429
  18. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), page 43 (2011)
  19. ^, Halo Storyline: (Additional copy on HBO Forums) (Retrieved on Apr 24, 2008) [local archive] [external archive]
  20. ^ a b Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), page 34
  21. ^ Halo: Mortal Dictata, page 356
  22. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, "Pariah"
  23. ^ a b Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 82
  24. ^ a b c d e f g h i Dr. Halsey's personal journal
  25. ^ Halo Waypoint: Canon Fodder - Outpost Discoveries
  26. ^ Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe page 44
  27. ^ Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe page 33 (2011)
  28. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx - Chapter Twenty-One, Page 183 (2006 edition)
  29. ^ a b Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe - Locations: Human Colonies, Page 288 (2009 edition); Page 300 (2011 edition)
  30. ^ a b Halo: Mortal Dictata - Chapter Ten, Page 291-292 (2014 edition)
  31. ^ Halo: Retribution, chapter 5
  32. ^ a b c Halo: The Fall of Reach, pages 17-18
  33. ^ a b Halo: Battle Born: Adjunct - Free Frontier Education: The Sundered Legion
  34. ^ Halo: Empty Throne, chapter 15: "“Keep climbing and rotate, full Marien maneuver!” Cole shouted. She silently prayed the twenty-fth-century evasion tactic conducted by the CAA Marien during the Insurrection would be enough."
  35. ^ a b Halo Waypoint, Spartans
  36. ^ Halo Mythos, page 55
  37. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, chapter 2
  38. ^ Halo: Reach, Dr. Halsey's personal journal, Haven Terror Bombing Kills Two Million
  39. ^ Halo: Reach, Dr. Halsey's personal journal - February 15, 2511/July 30, 2511/September 8, 2511
  40. ^ Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual, chapter SPARTAN-II AUGMENTATION, page 83
  41. ^ a b Halo: Silent Storm, chapter 5
  42. ^ a b c Halo: The Fall of Reach, pages 75-77
  43. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, page 112
  44. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, Prologue
  45. ^ a b Halo: The Fall of Reach, chapter 1
  46. ^ Halo: Divine Wind, Epilogue
  47. ^ Halo Wars: Official Strategy Guide, page 22
  48. ^ Halo: Envoy, chapter 9
  49. ^ Hunt the Truth, Season 1 Messages
  50. ^ Halo Waypoint, Talitsa (Retrieved on Nov 27, 2015) [archive]
  51. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 117
  52. ^ Halo: Warfleet, page 48
  53. ^ Halo Wars Timeline Events: Halo Wars Timeline Events#1 September 2520
  54. ^ Halo Infinite, CMA VK78 - Description: "The Colonial Military Authority stockpiled vast numbers of early model VK78 rifles on Reach during the height of the insurrection. Many remain there now, waiting to be freed from tombs of glass."
  55. ^ Halo Waypoint - News, Canon Fodder, Beta Late Than Never (Issue 10) (Retrieved on Nov 11, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
  56. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, chapter 8
  57. ^ Halo: New Blood, chapter 15
  58. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, chapter 4
  59. ^ Halo: Warfleet, page 50
  60. ^ a b Halo: Evolutions - Dirt
  61. ^ Halo: Mortal Dictata, chapter 3
  62. ^ Halo: Mortal Dictata, chapter 6
  63. ^ a b c d e f g Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Episode 1
  64. ^ Halo Waypoint, Halo 5 Art Showcase (Retrieved on Nov 8, 2020) [archive]
  65. ^ Halo: Silent Storm, chapter 9
  66. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 45
  67. ^ a b c Halo: Reach, campaign level Noble Actual
  68. ^ Halo: First Strike, page 255
  69. ^ Halo: Glasslands, pages 216, 447
  70. ^ Halo: Glasslands, page 70
  71. ^ Halo: Glasslands, page 448
  72. ^ a b Halo: Glasslands, page 86
  73. ^ Halo 4, Wetwork Armor description
  74. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, "The Impossible Life and the Possible of Preston J. Cole", page 457
  75. ^ a b Halo: The Fall of Reach
  76. ^ a b Halo: First Strike
  77. ^ Halo: The Cole Protocol
  78. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, "The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole"
  79. ^ Halo: Flashpoint core rulebook, page 3: (Archive)
  80. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), pages 44-45
  81. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, "The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole", page 453
  82. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 83
  83. ^ Halo: Collateral Damage, Part 3
  84. ^ a b Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Part 3
  85. ^ — Halo: Glasslands product description
  86. ^ Patrol
  87. ^ Halo: Initiation - Issue 3

Human astrography

  • FLEETCOM Sector 1
    • Epsilon Eridani
  • FLEETCOM Sector 3
    • 18 Scorpii system
    • Psi Serpentis system
    • Sigma Octanus system
  • FLEETCOM Sector 4
    • Eridanus system
    • Chosolor system
  • Eridanus sector
    • Mamore system?
    • Eridanus system?
  • Geryon sector
  • Grenadi sector
  • Isbanola sector
    • Orso system
    • Cordoba systems
  • Polona system
    • Igdras system
    • Kolaqoa system
    • Ephyra system
    • Qusdar system
  • Vevina sector
    • Epsilon Indi system
  • Via Casilina Trade Route
    • Orso
    • Cordoba
    • Shaps
    • Sverdlovsk
    • Elduros

Ancestor ships

The Ancestors produced several different ship classes of varying sizes

I love bees

character locations

  • Jersey Morelli and Janissary James - New Jersey
    • Chapter 9 mentions Kamal needing to head to New Jersey. This is in reference to having to go meet Jersey Morelli. This is reiterated in Chapter 10 with Kamal being told that a driver at Jerry's Diner (possibly in Pittsburgh) will take him to New Jersey. When Kamal and Jersey meet, Jersey makes a sarcastic remark about heading to Atlantic City. When Jersey meets Rani in Boston in Chapter 10, he has NYC on his bags, something that Rani notices immediately. Also, he has an NYC accent something that Jersey himself mentions. As for Janissary, Jersey and Janissary live in the same building as mentioned in Chapter 1. Also when Durga brings up the emergency call it is for Bergen County, New Jersey which is on the western banks of the Hudson in the NYC area.
  • Rani Sobeck - Boston, Kentucky, and Washington DC
    • Sarah and Rani talk about leaving Boston in Chapter 10.

other info

  • Chapter 9, public health law requires people to be tested for intestinal TB if they are exposed to it. Testing costs money
  • Chapter 10, people not from Earth referred to as colonial. Jersey turned 18 in June of that year.