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(Redirected from FLEETCOM Sector Three)
The Epsilon Eridani system, located in CENTCOM Region One.

CENTCOM Regions are a military administrative division of human space used by the United Nations Space Command. Under the system, human space is broken down into four primary regions numbered 1-4, each organised based on well-mapped slipspace routes that branch away from Earth in the centre and link together the various colonies of humanity.[1][2] Each region has its own eponymous Central Command (CENTCOM), which acts as the supreme command authority for all UNSC forces assigned to the sector; moving forces from one region to another cannot be done without the express approval of UNSC High Command. CENTCOMs form combined task forces of the region's assigned Unified Ground Command and Naval Command assets (such as fleets) which are then deployed in an operational context.[1][3]

CENTCOM Regions may be further divided into sub-volumes, assigned an alphanumeric code (such as Region Three, sub-volume D-6), which can be tasked for more specific orders and instructions.[4] Likewise, for special operations conducted outside the purview of the CENTCOM Region system, such task forces may be assigned instead to a "lettered sector".[2]

Regions may sometimes be referred to as "FLEETCOM Sectors". However, this appears to be a rarely-used method to refer to them (likely only used within FLEETCOM itself).[5] More common is to simply refer to them as Sector One or Sector Three and so forth.[6][7]

Throughout the destruction wrought by the Human-Covenant War, the UNSC stubbornly clung to this sector system, even in spite of later-war developments which saw most heavy UNSC fleet assets retreat to bastions near Earth and Reach.[3]

The CENTCOM military sector designation system appears to be independent of a different system of astrographic sector naming, which appears to involve designating regions of space based on notable celestial bodies or other noteworthy naming schema.

List of CENTCOM Regions[edit]


Main article: SolCore

It is unclear to what degree that SolCore fits into the CENTCOM system. Given that all CENTCOM Regions are organised with their respective branches trailing away from Earth, it is likely that Earth, its Home Fleet, and the Sol system as a whole, are located within this unique division of space at the heart of the human colonial sphere.

CENTCOM Region One[edit]

Region One, or FLEETCOM Sector One, includes the Epsilon Eridani system, in particular the colony worlds of Reach and Tribute.[8] In August 2552, it was commanded by Admiral Roland Freemont, who rallied all forces in the sector to the defence of Reach.[5]

Known systems
Known commanders

CENTCOM Region Two[edit]

No information is known on Region Two.

CENTCOM Region Three[edit]

Region Three was an active area of conflict during the Covenant War. Around the turn of the 2540s, Vice Admiral Preston Cole was in charge of military operations in the sector prior to his death in the Battle of Psi Serpentis in 2543.[4]

CENTCOM Region Four[edit]

During the early phases of the SPARTAN-II program, Doctor Catherine Halsey did field work in observing the potential recruits for the program throughout Sector Four, while leaving the other sectors to other ONI staff to handle.[11] Worlds personally toured by Halsey include Eridanus II and Dwarka.[12][13]

Non-canon and dubious canon appearances[edit]

Halo: The Television Series[edit]

In Halo: The Television Series, a number of planets and sector allocations were confirmed on a promotional website for Season One. These include:

Region One
  • Reach
  • Madrigal
  • References to a "Libra Arm" of the sector
  • Notes that the Rubble is a major hub for smuggling throughout Region One.
  • Evacuees from Sector One were moved to Mamore.
Region Two
  • Evacuees from Sector Two were moved to Mamore.
Region Three
  • The Rubble was a major smuggling hub for Region Three.

List of appearances[edit]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual, page 123
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 62
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b Halo: Fleet Battles core rulebook, page 9
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b c Halo: Evolutions - The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole, section Seven: The Covenant War: The Battle of Psi Serpentis (2543 CE)
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b Halo: The Fall of Reach, chapter 32: Admiral Freemont's transmission in this chapter remains the only instance of the term "FLEETCOM Sector" being used in published canon.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b Halo: Evolutions - The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole, section Six: The Covenant War: The Cole Campaigns (2525-2532 CE)
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b Halo: Evolutions - The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole, section Five: The Outer Colony Insurgency: The Gorgon v. Bellicose (2495-2504)
  8. ^ Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition, Dossier files - Olympia Vale
  9. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, chapter 23: In this excerpt, Stanforth is referred to as "Section Three" commander, seemingly-originally intended to refer to ONI Section Three though later retconned as in charge of Sector Three.
  10. ^ Halo Waypoint, Michael Stanforth (Retrieved on Oct 30, 2015) [archive]
  11. ^ Dr. Halsey's personal journal, page July 21, 2517
  12. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, chapter 1
  13. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Pariah

See also[edit]