Outskirts (Level)

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Halo 2


Master Chief


October 20, 2552


Old Mombasa, planet Earth


Halopedia has a walkthrough guide for this level; see Outskirts (Level)/Walkthrough.

Looking for the city Old Mombasa?


Outskirts is a Halo 2 campaign level. As the Master Chief, you must battle your way through the streets of Old Mombasa to reach the highway. From there, you head to a highway tunnel, which leads to the next level, Metropolis.This is the first level in which you will encounter Jackals, Phantoms, and Jackal Snipers. This is also the first level in which you will be able to use vehicles, the first level in which you can use the Hijacking ability, and the first level in which you will encounter Hunters. It will also be the first level in which you can use the Sniper Rifle, the Beam Rifle, and the improved Rocket Launcher.

Usable Weapons

Drivable Vehicles


Part 01: Outskirts

The rooftops of Old Mombasa.
Outskirts Outer Wall

(Three Pelicans rocket away from In Amber Clad, jet engines thundering, and spear out towards New Mombasa. The Assault Carrier hovers high over the city, Gravity Lift engaged.)

Cortana (Radio): The message just repeats. 'Regret, Regret, Regret.'

(The Master Chief watches from the stern of a Pelican as the clouds roll by below.)

Commander Keyes (Radio): Catchy. Any idea what it means?

Sergeant Johnson (Radio): (as the dropships approach the outskirts of Mombasa, passing over a convoy of Warthogs) Dear Humanity... we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth.

(Inside the cockpit of the Pelican, Johnson leans against the bulkhead behind the two pilots.)

Sergeant Johnson: And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!

Pilots (in unison): Hoo-rah!

Cortana (Radio): Regret is a name, Sergeant. The name of one of the Covenant's religious leaders. A Prophet. He's on that carrier, and he's calling for help.

(A Marine sniper/spotter team lies prone on a rooftop, and the Pelicans pass over their position.)

Marine (Radio): Immediate; Grid kilo 23 is hot. Recommend mission abort.

Pilot (Radio): Roger, recon. (To Sergeant Johnson) It's your call, Sarge.

Sergeant Johnson: We're going in. Get tactical, Marines!

Lord Hood (radio): Master Chief, get aboard that carrier, and secure the Prophet of Regret. This is the only place on Earth the Covenant decided to land. That Prophet is going to tell us why.

Pilot: Thirty seconds out... stand by to... whoa...

(The pilot goes silent as a huge walking tank comes into view. Its leg spears a bus, and then its main gun focuses and fires, giving the lead Pelican a glancing blow. The two other Pelicans veer off, plasma turrets on the tank's bank tracking them. The lead Pelican flips inverted, hits a building, and slides through a low brick wall, before blacking out the frame.)

(Your view is blurry, and Cortana fakes tapping on your visor)

Cortana: Hey... wake up.

Sergeant Johnson: Shake it off, Marines. Clear the crash site. Go, go, go!

Part 02: They'll Regret That Too

Master Chief in the courtyard.

(As you arrive at a bombed-out building and a firefight breaks out)

Marine 2: Secure this area!

Sergeant Johnson: If they didn't know we're here before, they do now.

Sergeant Johnson: Yep. Here they come! Up high!

{After the first wave of Covenant forces are killed}

Sergeant Johnson: More on the street! Left side.

{After the second wave of Covenant are killed}

(Jackals come around a corner)

Sergeant Johnson: We got Jackals in the courtyard!

(Later, A group of Drones flies into view)

Sergeant Johnson: Buggers, headin' over the rooftops!

(Later, The sound of Phantom engines drifts over the rooftop)

Sergeant Johnson: Eyes up! Phantom's back!

(Later, another Pelican arrives, hovering over the courtyard)

Pilot 2 (Radio): My girl's a little big for that courtyard, Sergeant. I see a good LZ on the other side of these buildings. Meet you there, over.

Sergeant Johnson: Copy that. Someone get a satchel on the gate!

(A pair of Hunters breaks through the gate)

Cortana: Hunters.

Sergeant Johnson: Stand back, Marines. Let the Chief show you how it's done.

(Once the Hunters are down)

Cortana (Radio): Second squad, this is Cortana. What's your status, over?

Marine 3 (Radio): We're operational Ma'am, barely. Our pilots didn't make it.

Cortana (Radio): Find a hole, stay put. We'll come to you.

(When you reach the far courtyard, a third Pelican drops in and unloads Marines.)

Commander Keyes (Radio): Sergeant, I need you on that bird.

Sergeant Johnson (Radio): Ma'am?

Commander Keyes (Radio): My Pelicans are going to start airlifting armor and reinforcements into the city. They'll need an escort that isn't afraid of a little hostile ground fire.

Sergeant Johnson (Radio): Understood. I'll keep an eye on 'em. Chief... good luck.

(Johnson climbs aboard the Pelican and dusts off)

(Once you reach the second squad's position)

Marine 3: Chief! Glad you could make it. Crash site's on the other side of this hotel, Chief. Covenant are crawling all over it. Follow me.

(As you move into the darkened hotel)

Marine 3: Stay outta sight.

(A Marine pulls up in a Warthog, honking the horn)

Marine 3: Special Delivery from Commander Keyes, Cheif.

Cortana (Radio): That bridge is the most direct route to the city center.

Part 03: A Day at the Beach

Marine 3: Oh man, I love the beach...

Marine 2: I hope you packed a suit, mate!

Cortana (Radio): Cut the chatter... we got trouble.

(As you negotiate the beach)

Commander Keyes (Radio): Chief... the carrier just launched a wave of pods. They're inbound on your position.

(Covenant Orbital Insertion Pods slam down on the beach all around you, and armed Elites spring from them)

Cortana: This tunnel leads up to the bridge. It's full of rats if you know what I mean, but it beats swimming.

(As you move into the highway tunnel)

Cortana: I've been analyzing the Covenant tactical chatter. They're surprised, confused... I don't think they expected us to be here. Not... you and me, all of us... humanity, on Earth. Odd, I know, but it does help explain why they came here with such a small fleet.

Part 04: Speed Zone Ahead

(When you come across a group of Shadows in the tunnels)

Cortana: The Covenant must be trying to regroup. Don't let them.

(Once you approach the exit of the tunnel, the level transitions)


Normal Walkthrough

Once the level starts, make your way to the hall in front of you. stop at the doorway. You will see a hostile appear on your motion sensor. (which you will soon find to be a grunt.) Switch to your SMG, and feed the Grunt a long burst. Switch t your BR and take out the two Grunts on the ground, then go right and feed the Two Jackals a well placed Frag grenade.Turn left and head down the hallway, which leads to a clearing. There is a 2-story building on the left with 2 grunts on guard duty. Zoom in with your Battle Rifle and take them out. Move forward towards the building, and a few more grunts will appear on the upper level. Concentrate on the grunts. Mop up the rest of the enemies, and move into the building, where an elite commanding a few grunts will be waiting. It is a relatively tight area, so i suggest using your SMG. (but that's just what i like to do) A well placed grenade should get rid of the grunts, at which point you can just bullet-hose the elite. Go up the stairs to the upper level, but first trading your SMG with a Plasma Pistol. You will see an elite standing on the roof of a building across the street. Unload an Overcharge on the Elite, then shoot him with your BR, and turn right. There is a machine-gun turret at the end of the path. Get on it, and take out any covenant you see. (they will come from the alley behind you as well, but your marines will cover you) At this point, you will mostly be up against waves grunts and jackals, with a few elites. At one point, a phantom will drop off one of the waves. I find it useful to get off the turret and take cover until it leaves, but you can also stay and take out its Plasma turrets. Once it's gone, take up the position again. After the first wave or two, a swarm of drones will come over the rooftops. Simply sweep the air with your turret, and the ground will soon be littered with their corpses. Blast through a few more waves of ground troops, and a pair of hunters will bust through a gate on the street. However, the armor piercing rounds from the machine gun turret will make short work of them. Once they are dead, get off the turret and jump down to the street. Pick up any ammo and grenades you can find, and go through the gate. You will come to another open area, with a group of jackal snipers and regular Jackals at the opposite end. Give the ground Jackals a Frag grenade. You can shoot at them if you want, but i find it easier to let Sgt. Johnson kill them with his sniper rifle. Once the jackals are dead, a pelican will come to pick Johnson up. Before he gets on, give him your BR in exchange for his sniper. Now, go back to the second weapons cache, and pick up some sniper ammo. Seriously, your Sniper Rifle is going to become your best friend on this level. I would say there is at least a total of 100 rounds for it in this level, and on Legendary youll find a good use for every one. Anyway, go forward, past the dead jackals and to the right. You should now be in an alley with a damaged building at the end.Get behind the green crates to the right, then quickly take out the Sniper ahead of you. Then zoom to 10x and take out the Jackal Sniper on the top level of the damaged building, then quickly move down to the other one. Right about now a squad of Drones and Jackals will come out. Toss a Frag Grenade to clear out the Jacks, then ditch your PP for an SMG, then switch back to your Sniper Rifle to take out the remaining Jack Snipers. Once everythings dead, ditch your SMG for a BR, then go to the position the ground sniper was on. Jump on top of the Zoom in with your rifle and you will see a few snipers in the building across the alley. If they haven't noticed you, DON'T shoot them. (yet) There is a small platform on the right side of the alley, with 2 covenant weapon containers, and a fusion core. standing right next to the core, is another jackal sniper. Now you have 2 options: 1, you can shoot him, or if you have a really good throwing arm, you may be able to put a grenade close to it. If your aim is true, the fusion core will explode, killing the jackal, at which point you can commence blowing the others' brains out. Of couse, there will be another swarm of drones to deal with as well. Once the area is secure, you can move on down the alley and turn left. Switch to your Magnum and blast your way through a few more groups of enemies. After that, you will arrive at the Hotel Zanzibar. A group of soldiers are pinned down by a few enemies being led by an Ultra elite. Luckily, you are behind them. Ka-bonk the elite in the back of the head, and blow the crap out of the rest of them. There is a grunt manning (or should that be grunting?) a plasma turret. This is a big threat to your allies, so i suggest taking him out first. At the entrance to the hotel, there is an SMG lying on the gound. You may want to dual-wield it. Follow the marine Sgt. into the hotel, and kill the 2 elites that come at you. Once you get through to the other side, a phantom will arrive and drop off some troops. If you have any sniper rounds left, you may want to use them here, but I find a well placed grenade takes out most of the opposition. After all the enemies are dead, 2 marines will drive up in a warthog, with a group of ghosts in hot pursuit. The driver will get in the passenger seat, allowing you to drive. let your gunner take care of the ghosts, and drive away. You will drive across the beach, running down groups of heedless covenant, and eventually reach a highway tunnel. Enter the tunnel, and the rest of the level is fairly simple. The only real work now is intercepting 3 shadows and preventing them from regrouping with the rest of the ground forces. Once you reach the end of the tunnel, the screen will fade to white, and the level will be over.

Speed Run Walkthrough

Note: This walkthrough require correct Grenade Jumping, precision in everything and... speed. This walkthrough is based on the current fastest Speed Run at High Speed Halo, Fully_Synthetic and Chad's 4:43 Legendary Co-Op run, with a bit of minor editing as I personally deem fit to allow for Single-Player use. It may be altered as and when faster runs emerge. Certain portions detailed here may only take place on Legendary and alternate methods, not detailed here, will be necessary in such events.

Start moving towards the doorway. Jump onto the lamp in front, then onto the awning to the left. Turn back towards the hole you jumped up from and jump towards the pathway there. Throw a Frag Grenade as you fall and immediately jump again as you land so that you make use of the grenade's force in a Grenade Jump. Jump across the chasm to the building opposite. Throw a Frag Grenade at the wall of the building as you reach the top of the small slope and turn towards the building to the left, jumping as you reach the edge. Follow the path and jump down to the next area, then jump onto the pointed roof, then over the parapet. Follow the path in a straight line over to the next building, jumping as necessary. Throw a Frag Grenade shortly before you reach the small parapet and jump as you hit the parapet, letting the grenade blow you onto the next building. Continue walking in a straight line until you see the sign for Hotel Zanzibar. Jump over the gap between the building you are currently on and the next one, then head for the hotel and drop down. Go in and throw your currently last Frag Grenade at the Covenant in the hall, then hide to the left. Rush out and charge past the survivors, heading down to the beach. If you've been going fast enough, you should hear Miranda say "Sergeant, I need you on that bird" as you near a parked van. Find the crashed Pelican and the Ghost near it, then board it. "A Day At The Beach" will appear as you do so, as will a checkpoint.

Boost the Ghost past all resistance and head into the highway tunnel. You will get a checkpoint as you near the first turn. Once "Speed Zone Ahead" appears, get out of the Ghost and commandeer the Warthog that appears. Charge past the resistance. You will get a checkpoint as you pass the first group of Covenant, then a second near the little ramp.

Weapons Caches

  • The first one is on the second story of the main structure in the first plaza. Get on the second story and check under the stairs.It contains BR and Sniper ammo, a Magnum, and (interestingly) two SMGs that have a total of 430 rounds (80 rounds more than usual).
  • Another on is found after you encounter the Hunters. Go through the doors and go to you reach the two crates stacked on top of each other. Jump on top and turn right. You should see some bodies. Go towards them and you should see the ammo.There will be two dead Grunts and two dead Marines. There will be three Frag grenades, two fully loaded PPs, and a Sniper Rifle and two clips, plus one Magnum.
  • Another is very close to the above cache. When up by the bodies you should see a broken street light. Jump between it and the wall to get the ammo.
  • If you go to the building with the two Jackals on the bottom floor there are several Sniper Rifle clips as well as the gun.
  • A Sniper rifle cache is found in a balcony. It contains four or five boxes of ammo and a sniper rifle. This balcony also has the IWHBYD Skull when you trigger the events on Legendary.
  • The last one is in the third beach area, in the open area building. If you park on the right side there is a ramp that leads up to the top floor. Here is the only Rocket Launcher in this level, plus a sniper rifle, BR ammo, and Sniper ammo. On the bottom floor is two Rocket ammo boxes.

Legendary Walkthrough

  • For the first part of the level, when you are in the boxed-in area, take out your Battle Rifle and shoot all visible enemies. Once they are dead, take out your SMG and pick up a Plasma Pistol. Then, head for the building in the center. Charge the Plasma Pistol and when the Elite jumps down from above, quickly shoot him with the Plasma Burst and finish him off with a barrage of SMG fire. Take out the Grunts with the SMG, drop the Plasma Pistol, head to where the dead Marine is at the top of the stairs, get ammo then hide inside the building. You need to hide because for the parts that follow, Jackal Snipers will appear. In Legendary, they always get headshots, which take you out in one hit. Just pick up a Plasma Pistol every now and then, blast Elites with it, then shoot them. Use your SMG to take out Grunts or if you're a good shot, use your Battle Rifle to get headshots on Jackals and Grunts. Sometimes, the Covenant soldiers will try and get inside the building. DON'T LET THEM! Now, about the Snipers. Let JOhnson keep his Sniper Rifle. Since he can't die, he can simply eliminate the Snipers easily. But, if you see a Sniper and they don't see you, quickly headshot them with the Battle Rifle. Stay inside the building for the Drone part, take out only visible enemies. When the Hunters come, either let Johnson shoot them or, if you're brave, get to the turret and shoot them yourself. Whenever a Hunter begins to charge up a beam, shooting the Hunter will stop it from charging up the attack. When they are dead, go to the next part. Quickly headshot all visible Jackals with the Battle Rifle and avoid the Sniper that protects them. When all the Jackals are dead, do not proceed! The Famed "Sniper Alley" is murderous on Legendary. Instead, head back to the area where you killed the first patrolling Grunt and use the tactics you would use to get the Blind Skull(don't pick up the Blind Skull though). Jump from building to building on the side parralel to where the Hunters came from. Make your way to a yellow building where you have a clear view of the part of the destroyed bridge the Pelican was facing. Jump onto it and walk around until you see what looks like a giant ramp of debri below the bridge. Jump onto the ramp and walk up. This should bring you to Hotel Zanzibar. While on top of the ramp, take out your Battle Rifle and pick off the Ultra Elite and Grunts. When they're dead, jump down and head into the hotel. Be sure to grab a Plasma Pistol for the next part. Only head halfway through the building, then, when you see plasma fire, turn and head back. Wait for the Elites to come through then charge up the Plasma Pistol and quickly switch to Battle Rifle and kill the Elite that has no shields. Do this twice to take out both Elites. Duck behind something to recharge your shields if you have to. Kill the Grunts with an SMG and move forward. For the following part, quickly kill the Grunts around the corner, take out your Battle Rifle and hide behind a concrete block. Wait for the Phantom to drop off Covenant soldiers then quietly, take out the Elites and Grunts that arrived. Don't bother leaving your position when the Warthog arrives, because it's Legendary, the Warthog will usually only last a few seconds before exploding into flames. Just jump up to the second level of your current position then jump again to a small chunk of another destroyed bridge. This allows you to avoid a fatal encounter with three Ghosts. When the coast is clear, jump down and run to the downed Pelican. There's likely a few Covenant soldiers waiting for you so run in from an angle that's facing the nose of the ship. Jump up top and duck unless you have a death wish. This part requires skill and luck. In order to stop the gunfire, try and plant a grenade on the Elite. I did this and since all the Jackals were circled around the Elite, it blew them all to the sky. If you're not as fortunate as me, take out your Battle Rifle and kill the survivors. When all of them are dead, grab the Ghost that hopefully wasn't destroyed and head for the next part. I tried many different things to defeat this part but in the end, an all-out assault on the Covenant soldiers was the best way to go. Start behind the large, purple gun. Kill all the enemies in sight. Be sure to kill the Jackal Sniper first because, as I said before, they ALWAYS get headshots. When that porton of this part is clear, quickly take out the Ghost by driving behind it and firing like crazy. Then, get out of the Ghost and grab the Beam Rifle the first Sniper dropped. Use it to take out the second Jackal Sniper in the floating tower. Use the Beam Rifle to kill all the other enemies then get in the Ghost again, pick up the other Beam Rifle and head for the next part. Before you head out into the open again, get out of the Ghost and pick off all the enemies that are at the first pillar/tower structure. Also, take out any Covenant soldier who try to reach the parked Ghost on the far side. When all the enemies are gone, run to the first tower and climb 3/4 of the way up. Do this because there will be a Phantom coming that can shoot you when you're up top and 2-4 Ghosts that will shoot you when you're on the ground. Wait until the Phantom leaves then climb up and shoot at the Ghosts. Try to hit the circular power cells on the side, it destroys the Ghosts in one hit. When they're dead, make your way to the parked Ghost from before and head to the next part. Once you pass over the ramp thing, three Ghosts should attack. Use the same tactic for taking out the Ghost before, getting behind them and unleashing hell. When they're dead, park your Ghost behind the building in front of you. Run to the top, grab the Rocket Launcher and blow up 2 of the Phantom's guns. This will make it leave. By now, 3-4 Elites hve landed nearby. Grab the Sniper Rifle and take them out. If an Elite grabs your Ghost, blow him up since you won't need the Ghost anymore. More Ghosts will evntually come. Take the Sniper Rifle and use the same tactics as before. When they're dead, take out the Sniper on the far side in the floating tower then jump down and pick up a Beam Rifle. Walk to the other end until you hear a "whoose". These are the Elites landing in pods. Turn around and take a sniping position out of their view. Pick them off along with any other Ghosts that may appear then head into the tunnel. Bring a full Beam Rifle with you. Grab the Ghost at the entrance and head off. Every now and then, get out of the Ghost and kill all the Covenant enemies ahead of you. A WArthog will come to assaist you so take out anything that could destroy it since the Warthog will make very quick work of your enemies.Finally, when you reach the convoy of Covenant vehicles(I forget what they're called). Speed up to right behind the first one, this will put you out of harm's way. Shoot at it until it explodes. Continue this for the next three. Finally, for the last part, head onto the ledgey thing above and beside the road. Fire off a few shots with a Ghost. This will get the attention of the 3 other Ghosts. When they become visible, speed away. The Ghosts should follow. Just when they are about to shoot, turn a hard left and speed in the opposite dircetion until you come behind the slowest Ghost. Blow it up and follow the other Ghosts, blowing them up from behind. When they're all dead, speed into the opening area of the tunnel but stay behind something the whole time. There are three turrets, two Grunts controlled Plasma Turrets and an Elite in the turret of one of the Covenant vehicles from before. Kill all the Elites and Grunts that are running around then get out of the Ghost and shoot the Grunt controlled turrets with your weapons. For the last turret, get in the Ghost and destroy it with a barrage of fire. When it blows up, speed forward until the cinema scene begins. Seems easy, right?

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