News:Archive/8 June 2009/RfA Updates

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RfA Updates

Story by Kougermasters
June 8th, 2009


When Smoke.'s RfA and Spirit of Fire's RfA were opened, public opinion of these two candidates was high. However when scarcely a week later, when Spartansniper450 and Spirit-of-HALO nominated each other for adminship (RfAs located here and here), public opinion became doubtful.


Here is a breakdown of the four admin candidates and their levels of success:

Request for Adminship: Smoke.

Submitted: May 16th, 2009, by CommanderTony

Closed: June 1st, 2009, by CommanderTony

Result: Approved

Smoke.'s RfA was approved early, the support was so high. In fact, there was not one opposal vote. Congratulations to our new admin!!

Request for Adminship: Spirit of Fire

Submitted: May 16th, 2009, by CommanderTony

Closed: N/A

Result: Ongoing

Since Spirit of Fire's and Smoke.'s RfAs were opened at the same time by CommanderTony, and have both had the same level of success, Spirit of Fire's RfA will most likely be passed very soon, as seen here.

Now we come to the murkier RfAs. As most of you know, Spirit-of-HALO (SoH) and Spartansniper450 (Snipes450) nominated each other. Normally, that would be suspicious, but these two users vehemently denied any sort of conspiracy.

Request for Adminship: Spartansniper450

Submitted: May 20th, 2009, by Spirit-of-HALO

Closed: May 25th, 2009, by CommanderTony

Result: Closed

"I will be closing this RfA, mostly due to the fact that I agree with too many RfA's at once, also with some agreement from other users I feel that a nomination later in the year will come with more support votes, I would like to thank all of you who supported me nonetheless and I hope for your continued support when this is re-opened Thank you."
— Spartansniper450 closing his RfA

On May 25th, Snipes450 closed his RfA due to extreme disapproval. The reason? There were too many open RfAs. Let us hope Snipes gets another RfA "later in the year".

Request for Adminship: Spirit-of-HALO

Submitted: May 20th, 2009, by Spartansniper450

Closed: N/A

Result: Ongoing

Spirit-of-HALO's RfA may just be the most controversial, due to his block log. However, that has been reviewed in the intense discussion located here. SoH's RfA started with extreme opposition, but since Snipes450's withdrawal, and Smoke.s success, more and more users have began to support this long-deserving candidate, most notably Kougermasters.
