Forum:Happy 7th Anniversary

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Forums: Index Index Happy 7th Anniversary

Hey everyone,

In case you all didn't know, today is Halopedia's 7th Anniversary! Created by AgentSeethroo, with the help of Porplemontage aka Steve, the wiki was launched on November 4th, 2004! For more, check out the wiki's history here! For seven years, the wiki has gone through tons of changes and migrations to bring you the most reliable, definitive, accurate information for the Halo franchise!

Proud to be a Halopedian?
Have some nostalgic memory(ies) you would like to share?
What does Halopedia mean to you?
How does it feel being part of the Halopedia community?
Have your say below!
Keep it clean
Warning: Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Convicts
Cabal does exist


Down memory lane... yay!! — subtank 20:00, 3 November 2011 (EDT)

Gah! I kept trying to figure out what that "something cool" was! Now, I should recall a memory... Tuckerscreator(stalk) 20:05, 3 November 2011 (EDT)