Rtas 'Vadum in crashed Flood ship

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Revision as of 16:47, October 11, 2008 by halowikia>Rpgfinatic5

The Half-Jaw in crashed Flood ship easter egg can be found on the level Floodgate. When you jump down the hole to get into the Flood ship that crashed, there will be a few dead Ultra Elites lying around. They all have Rtas Vadum's (Half-Jaw) face. However it is the old model from Halo 2. You can get it infected too if you push it down the hole and release some infection forms. But when he turns into a combat form, his armor becomes the default blue of most Flood. There are also two other elites that have "spawned" into each other, meaning, both appeared but are so close to each other, that they look one elite with two halves of two different helmets.
