Oracle elevator glitch
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The Oracle Elevator Glitch is a trick that leaves the two players suspended above Threshold in the Halo 2 Level The Oracle.
- Play The Oracle in Co-op (this glitch works only in Co-op).
- Get to the cinematic where The Arbiter says he will cut the cable, then go up to the elevator .
- Have one player go on the elevator, leaving the other behind, and press the "X" button.
- Wait for about two or three seconds after the elevator leaves then walk on the elevator platform and press "X" again (it must be timed right before you get teleported to the other player's position).
- If done correctly, you will be suspended in the sky on top of the elevator. Around you walls will appear and disappear as you walk around.
Note: You must have perfect timing or it will not work. Also, if you get teleported into the elevator with the other player and the elevator starts to go down you have done it correctly.
Note: You are invincible until you fall off, but you will rarely survive the fall.
Halo 3 Elevator or "Butterfly" Glitch
"Note": This can be done in multiplayer or campaign as long as you have a partner
- Find a right angle that leads up to where you can't usually get.
- Have a friend stand on your head and look straight into the corner and also walk into it.
- Do the same as your partner, and walk into the carnoer while looking straight into it
- The person on the bottom should tap A in a rapid, repetitive way.
- You should "elevator" up to the top.
"Note": The top person and bottom person should continuosly walk into the corner for it to work.