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Covenant (disambiguation)

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Covenant (Empire)
File:High Charity wallpaper.jpg
Government overview


Theocratic Hierarchy

Executive branch:

High Council

Legislative branch:

High Council

Judicial branch:

High Council

Societal overview

Official language(s):

Various languages are spoken by different races.

Historical overview


At the end of the Sangheili-San'Shyuum War.


2552 (Great Schism)


2552: Covenant Civil War




"Your destruction is the will of the gods... and we are their instrument."
— Message transmitted from Covenant vessel, first communication with Humanity.

The Covenant, or Covenant Empire, is a religiously zealous collection of alien races, controlling a large portion of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, and which waged a genocidal campaign of extermination against humanity until they were defeated. The Covenant was presumably disbanded after it's defeat by the UNSC, or taken over by the Sangheili Separatists, who were cast out upon the civil war by the Brutes , led by Tartarus, who were under the command of the Prophets.


The Covenant was once dominated by the two major species, the Elites and the Prophets. The name "Covenant" was taken from the binding pact between the Elites and the Prophets. In ancient times, the two races locked themselves in an epic battle for the control of one thing. The war was fought over the few remaining Forerunner artifacts on their home worlds, with the Elites wishing to preserve them, and the Prophets wishing to use the artifacts to explore the galaxy. The Elites held a distinct advantage in their natural warrior society, but the Prophets had only one advantage; an immensely powerful Forerunner construct known as the Dreadnought. After the Prophets decided to use the Forerunner Dreadnought against the Elites, the Prophets destroyed the Sangheili forces, and the wisest of the Elite Commanders, realizing their peril, laid their arms aside. When the Prophets found evidence of the Forerunners and their "Great Journey", hoping to create tranquility between them, told the Elites of their discovery and promised to find the means of the Forerunners' transcendence. The Prophets would share this knowledge with the Elites and they in turn would protect the Prophets as they searched for transcendent Forerunner artifacts to activate all the Halo rings.

At first, the Covenant were mostly held together by a need to survive[1], but, as their society advanced, so did their technology, culture, and religion. Now the Covenant control a large part of the Orion arm of the Milky Way galaxy, and their society is a complicated caste system, with the Prophets governing the Covenant, and the Elites left in charge of the military. The Covenant is a theocracy, based on a prophecy about the Sacred Rings and the Great Journey. They believe that the Halos will allow them passage into the "Divine Beyond", where they shall join the Forerunners as gods, while "Unholy" ones, will be obliterated and left behind.


The Government

The Covenant is governed by the High Council, which is led by the triumvirate of the three Hierarchs and consists of lesser Prophets, Legates and high ranking Elites. However, near the start of the Covenant Civil War, the Prophets began to replace the Elites with Brutes(Who should have Their own armor perms in multiplayer) in various positions in Covenant society, including the job of protecting the Hierarchs and commandment of the Covenant fleets. The Prophets of Truth and Mercy used Regret's assassination at the hands of the John-117 as an excuse to change the Covenant around. Truth and Mercy decided that the Elites were unable to protect the Prophets and needed to be replaced by the Brutes. The Prophets then secretly ordered the Brutes to instigate a genocide of the Elites and the civil war ultimately began.

In addition to the High Council there are three other Councils: the Council of Concordance, the Council of Doctrine and Deed and the Council of Masters.

Numerous Ministries exist within the Covenant government as well, each of which possess a single role. The Ministry of Tranquility is charged with hiring Jackals as mercenaries while the Ministry of Concert represents the lower caste races such as Jackals and Grunts.

Known Governmental Branches of the Covenant
High Council | Ministry of Tranquility | Ministry of Concert | Council of Concordance | Council of Doctrine and Deed | Council of Masters


Many of the alien races conquered by the Covenant are conscripted into, or gradually become part of, the alliance.[2] However, events during first contact with humans, the Oracle on board the Forerunner Dreadnought reveals that humans are "my makers", as revealed by its luminary. Since the entire covenant was based on the promise of the Great Journey upon activation of the rings, the Prophets decide to purposefully attempt genocide on Humanity.[3] The reason they give is that the humans blocked their access to sacred sites; however, a more probable reason for this is that the Prophets view humanity as a threat to their established authority as humans would in theory hold a higher position in the Covenant than the Prophets due to being the "children" of the Forerunners.

File:Third Mural.jpg
In a deleted scene, a mural depicts the Covenant races.

Covenant society uses a caste system with the following races (names are rough translations by the UNSC):

  • Prophets. As the highest caste, it is the Prophets who lead the Covenant and exert complete control over religious and political affairs. Physically weak, Prophets wield power through absolute command of the Covenant (and scavenged) technology leaving the task of conquest to Elites and the subordinate races. Their higher understanding of the Forerunner gives them great egos and religious powers over the Covenant. The fact that the Covenant are religious zealots makes it all the more easy to control them.[1] They are addressed as 'Hierarchs' or 'Holy Ones' by the other races of the Covenant. Prophets enforce a misguided theology based on the belief that firing Halo array will herald some kind of sublimation event called the Great Journey. They are called San 'Shyuum in the Covenant language.
  • Brutes are the newest species to the Covenant and are the only race that has obtained equal status to that of one of the founding "clients" of the Covenant pact, the Elites. Their strength can match and even surpass that of Elites. They have an incredible natural resilience to damage that makes up for their lack of Energy Shields, and use a number of weapons and vehicles based upon their pre-Covenant technology. Brutes have their own ranks going up to Brute Chieftains who usually wield Plasma Cannons, Fuel Rod Cannons, or Gravity Hammers. They are equal, and sometimes superior in physical strength to Elites in battle. After the Elites were replaced for failing to protect Regret from the John-117, they took over their role as personal bodyguards of the Prophets. They have a hairy, ape-like appearance with rough, rhino-like skin. They are called Jiralhanae in the Covenant language.
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A Spec ops Elite.
  • Elites served as the military leaders for the Covenant. While Prophets often had the last say, it was the Elites who organized military campaigns and naval engagements. Ship Masters commanded the mighty space fleets; Field Masters command the vast armies. Elites maintained the military structure of the Covenant, and ensured the Prophet's orders, as well as their own, were carried out. Elites were a major component of the Covenant, and were the only caste able to maintain the military hierarchy and have a voice within the High Council. As the Prophets and Brutes attempted genocide of the Elites, they have left the Covenant and allied with the UNSC. They are called Sangheili in the Covenant language.
  • Hunters are an assemblage of worm-like entities called Lekgolo that create a communal, armor-plated form. They work hard in their role as Covenant muscle, and never disobey orders. Hunters are dismissive and contemptuous of their foes, and in fact, they will only associate with Elites, recognizing and respecting the similar warrior mentality. Hunters always fight in pairs and are deployed almost like heavy munitions of the Covenant fighting units. The bonded pairs (i. e. two Hunters) are actually a colony of worms that has grown too large for a single piece of armor. In Halo: Contact Harvest single Hunters guard the Dreadnought. Due to their 12 foot height, extremely strong armor and strength, and their arm mounted Assault Cannon, other Covenant will often clear the area of deployment, since Hunters are unconcerned with collateral damage, they may even purposely kill the lesser castes, simply for "getting in the way." They are called Mgalekgolo in the Covenant Language, although the term for a Hunter assemblage is Mgalekgolo. They are also speculated to drive the Halo 3 Scarab.
  • Drones are another race of the Covenant. Their physique is weak but they make up for it in their large numbers. They also have the ability to fly for short amounts of time, using wings concealed within their backs under their wing case. They are very beetle-like. The Covenant generally employ them in zero-gravity operations, where they can fly for indefinite amounts of time, or in vacuum. This suggests that, unlike most other Covenant races, the Drones do not require an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere or a methane environment, as Grunts do. They are called Yanme'e in the Covenant language.
  • Jackals are the scouts of the Covenant, with their superior senses. They are 5'8" tall and due to their lack of physical durability they carry a portable energy shield during combat, Plasma Rifles, Plasma Pistols, a single Beam Rifle, a Carbine and occasionally Needlers. Their appearance is bird-like. They are called Kig-yar in the Covenant language. Jackals are employed mainly as sharpshooters with their excellent vision and dexterity.
  • Grunts are the workhorses of the Covenant, as the name implies. Despite their obvious cowardice and ineptitude, they are dangerous in large numbers, which may have been why an Arbiter was needed to quell the Grunt Rebellion. They breathe a methane mixture and thus must wear a large tank on their backs full of the gas. They fight well in plasma turrets and use the Plasma Pistol and Needler, sometimes wielding the Fuel Rod Cannon as well. They are called Unggoy in the Covenant language. Their discipline is dependent upon strong leadership and strength of numbers however leaderless they will significantly present less resistance. Unggoy have a considerable amount of physical strength, enabling them to wield larger weapons on the Covenant arsenal.
  • Engineers don't really fit in with the Covenant caste system. In military terms, they are the lowest as they are a non-militant race. They are needed to maintain the Covenant war machine and will only converse with the Prophets themselves. This, however, indicates Engineers are very high in the caste system, probably because the Covenant are aware of how much they are needed and the Engineer's grasp on Covenant and foreign technology, is profound. Therefore, they maintain their status as one of the highest Covenant castes. They are called Huragok in the Forerunner language. These were removed from the final version of Halo: Combat Evolved, but are in some of the novels.

Deleted Races

  • Drinols are bosses that did not make it into the Halo games and it is unknown if they will be featured in future products. Possibly thought to become the Flood Juggernaut boss flood type, also a deleted race.
  • Stalkers are a Covenant race that did not make it into Halo 2, seen in the Halo 2 Collector's Edition disc. They were taken from original idea sketches of the Elites in the first Halo game and were supposed to be very wiry and skeletal, with massive amounts of teeth, similar to sharks.
  • Keelbugs are a deleted Covenant race seen in the Halo 2 Collector's Edition Disc. They were supposed to fly into the battlefield, cut dead bodies into sections, and fly off with them.
  • Alien Troopers are a deleted Covenant race seen in the Halo 2 Collector's Edition Disc. It is understood to be a deleted form of soldier that would complement the Elites. The only known data is that it was supposed to carry its weapon under its belly.
  • Special Purpose Snipers are a deleted Covenant race seen in the Halo 2 Collector's Edition Disc. Their arms were used like a tripod, so they could flip from side to side, without having to switch weapons. They would also be able to hang from trees.
  • Sharquoi were mentioned in the Halo 2 Collectors Edition booklet, detailing conversations among human and Covenant individuals. Nothing that can be called definitely a Sharquoi has ever appeared.

Creatures Inhabiting Covenant Worlds

  • Scrub Grubs are small creatures the equivalent of the rats found on Earth. They were first mentioned in Halo: Contact Harvest, while inside a Jackal ship.
  • Zap-Jellies are sea creatures that live on the Grunt home world, Balaho.
  • Thorn Beasts are a food source for the Covenant. The only reference to the Thorn Beasts is in Halo: Contact Harvest, when the brutes are first mentioned.
  • Mud Wasps are insects found on the Grunt home world, Balaho.
  • Shade Crabs are crustaceans found on the Grunt home world, Balaho.

Religion and Culture

Forerunner symbols.

The Covenant society is based solely on worshiping the Forerunners and recovering their sacred artifacts. Because of this, they often have to turn to war to achieve their ends, and so the Elites, and later the Brutes, have a very high place in their culture. In Covenant society, personal vendettas are not tolerated.[4]

Because of the Prophets' links to the Forerunners, they possess superior technology, and this, combined with the unique abilities of the client races, help to push the ever-growing war machine of the Covenant. The client races are nearly enslaved by the Covenant, forced to live a completely different way of life. Their past cultures are all but erased, and the only practical way for them to relive their former cultures is through dreams. Most races are only kept for their varying skills to be exploited, rather than to be a part of a flourishing empire. Hunters, for example, are indomitable ground forces, and so they were conquered by way of orbital bombardment to help the Covenant in close-range combat, rather than from star ships.

The Forerunners, a long-since vanished and utterly mysterious civilization, are revered as Gods by the Covenant, although their original nature was most likely not divine. The Covenant belief system is underpinned by the existence of numerous abandoned Forerunner artifacts, objects and installations. Of these, the most notable are the seven Halo rings, said to be the locations at which the transcendent Great Journey may be begun. The evident technological perfection of Forerunner objects, and the awesome and unknown purpose for which these artifacts exist, has powered the Covenant theology for millennia.[1]

It appears that the Covenant's faith is solely qualified by finding the Forerunners' abandoned technology scattered throughout the galaxy. However, much of this Forerunner technology is as obtuse as it is arcane. It can only be guessed at what its true purpose and origin might be. That said, they have been able to incorporate some Forerunner advancements into their weapon and transport technology.[1] The Covenant, then, are mainly driven by their fanatical devotion to religion. The client races are held together by a common belief; the slave races are driven by the religion which they have been forced to accept.

The History Of The Covenant

Main article: History of the Covenant
Covenant history

The Covenant divide their history into periods called Ages. There are at least eight ages, although their exact order is uncertain. The Ages are named according to things that have happened/are happening in them. This also means that the lengths of the Ages vary, with some longer than other. Halo 1 and Halo 2 take place during the 9th Age of Reclamation.


Main article: Technology

The Covenant, as is repeatedly stated, are more imitative rather than innovative, unlike their human enemies. Some may say it is far better than that of the humans.[5] Their technology is largely mimicry of the leftover Forerunner artifacts; their weaponry is largely plasma based and most of their vehicles are capable of hovering. Most of the Covenant's hand-held weapons (except the fuel rod cannon, needler, carbine, brute shot and later the mauler, and spiker) use magnetic coils to direct the usually unstable plasma energy.

While Covenant technology is (on the whole) far more advanced than humanity's, the Covenant seem to be ignorant of how precise or powerful their technology can be. Covenant engines, for example, are more precise and faster than a Human engine, but the Covenant use their engines slower and less precisely than they can be treated. Cortana uses this to her advantage on the captured Covenant Flagship Ascendant Justice by reconfiguring the electromagnetic shaping coils to shape the plasma into a thin, sustained beam that, while very effective, consumes plasma at an astonishing rate. This was seen in the book Halo: First Strike. As found in Halo: Contact Harvest it seems that the Covenant have a reasonable understanding of herbs.

Only 2 Covenant AI have ever been found, but one was a rampant AI that was destroyed by Cortana, the other being The Seeker.

Covenant architecture is typically curved, likely for the aesthetic tastes of the higher-ranked castes, constructed of distinctive purple or in ships, white metal.


Main article: Covenant Military

Like other civilizations, the Covenant maintains a permanent armed forces branch, used to enforce order, conduct atmospheric and space combat operations, and generally project the Covenant's power onto others. Formerly led by the Elites prior to the Covenant Civil War, the Loyalist branches are now led by the Brutes. The military comprises the Covenant Navy, the Covenant Army and the Covenant Special Operations Division.


Main article: Covenant Weapons

The Covenant boast a large arsenal of plasma based weapons. Most of the Covenant's weaponry uses a form of magnetic channeling that the human race can only match with the MAC gun aboard star ships and the Warthog mounted M68 Gauss Cannon.

Plasma-based weaponry is very effective against energy shielding. The amount of shots that can be fired tends to be very high, but power cannot be recharged without a recharge station nearby, and firing many shots in a short duration can cause the weapon to overheat, which reduces energy efficiency as well as forcing a temporary cooling period in which the weapon cannot be fired. Once the plasma reserves are used up, the weapon is useless. As is evidenced in some of the game files, recharging is possible, although this technology cannot be used by the Master Chief or the Arbiter in Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2 or Halo 3.

With the introduction of the Brutes as the major military caste within the Covenant, their weaponry has found widespread use. Utilizing crude projectile-like metal spikes in place of plasma, human-based hand held shotguns, explosive grenade-like launchers, and sharp blades, they are less advanced but more brutal - fitting, considering the nature of their creators, the Brutes.


One of Halo's selling points is its implement of vehicles with realistic physics. Although Covenant vehicles are capable of hovering and can drive more easily over uneven terrain, they react how you would expect them to in real life, just like most everything in the Halo games. All Covenant vehicles, like their star ships and architecture, have a signature purple sheen. They are far more advanced than human vehicles.

  • Ghosts are one-passenger reconnaissance and rapid attack vehicles deployed for speedy conquest of enemy territory, or to provide fire support for infantry or larger vehicles during combat. They hold one driver and have two plasma cannons. In Halo 2 and Halo 3, there is a secondary boost function, but takes power from the plasma cannons. They are the quickest land based vehicle for the Covenant. They should also be most feared

  • Banshees are one-passenger airborne ground assault vehicles with high maneuverability and fair speed used to bombard ground troops. They boast two plasma cannons and a fuel rod cannon. There is also a secondary boost function (in Halo 2 and Halo 3), but like the Ghost, this takes power from the plasma cannons. Aerial acrobatics can be enabled to effectively dodge weapon fire. Banshees are not as good as hornets.

  • Seraphs are the Covenant's main star fighter and first appeared in Halo 2. They are stored in Covenant capital ships when they are not in battle or escorting a ship. Seraphs are far more maneuverable than human ships, and usually attack in groups of around ten. They sometimes harass enemy ships and perform hit-and-run strafing attacks on enemy ships. They are also equipped with energy shields, but these are only a fraction as strong as those of larger ships and are easily dispersed by concentrated point defense.

  • Boarding Craft are the Covenant's way of infiltrating enemy star ships to capture them or any information on board. Covenant forces may attempt to board the ship and search for vital information or capture valuable individuals on the crew. In such a situation the Boarding Craft is used. They simply use the windows or the empty escape pod docking rings to board the vessel. The Boarding Craft are reusable, and able to leave the UNSC ship and return to a nearby cruiser should the need to retreat occur.

  • Wraiths are one-passenger hover tanks, which make them surprisingly maneuverable but slow because of the near meter thick armor. Their sole weapon is a powerful Plasma Mortar that fires in an arc similar to the Fuel Rod Gun. Other than this, they are fairly vulnerable to very close enemies. They are usable in the campaign of Halo 2, in which they are also armed with twin auto-firing plasma cannons mounted on each wing, although these cannot be used by the player and are only used by the computer AI. It has a temporary boost function, which effectively rams opponents in the way of the Wraith. They are the most well protected ground vehicle for the Covenant. In Halo 3 there is an anti-air version, as well as a secondary turret for a passenger to prevent boarding, instead of the twin plasma cannons.

  • Phantoms are a heavy drop ship-like aircraft similar to the human Pelican drop ship, used to deploy fresh troops into the combat zone. They are far more formidable than the drop ship of Halo: CE, armed with a trio of heavy plasma cannons with two plasma cannons on the sides towards the front, and one plasma cannon directly below the Phantom's nose, they can inflict a lot of damage whilst providing cover for their complement of troops as they disembark. It can also drop its occupants to the ground without having to fully land. First introduced in Halo 2. The plasma cannons can be blown off by using heavy armaments and can be remote targeted by Rocket Launchers. In the center of the Phantom is a miniature gravity lift much like the one used in the Covenant ships, but not requiring a ground-based platform to operate. The Phantom is capable of transporting any variety of Covenant troops, supplies, and weaponry. It has a unique capability of carrying vehicles as heavy as a Wraith tank, but it also can carry smaller vehicles like Ghosts or Spectres, which it drops from low altitudes into combat zones. In Halo 3, the Phantom is armed with a single heavy plasma turret under the nose, and two side mounted Plasma Cannons. It also has large doors on either side for troops to exit the vehicle from, as well as the grav-lift.

  • Spectres are small troop transport vehicles that appear to serve a purpose similar to that of the human Warthog and Brute Prowler. Like the Ghost and Banshee, it hovers and has a boost capacity. The vehicle also has a plasma turret mounted on its rear and can be boarded by up to four troops. It was originally introduced in Halo 2, however did not return in Halo 3. It can support a driver, two passengers, and a gunner.

  • Shadows are the Covenant's main mode of moving large numbers of troops around on land. They can hold a driver, a gunner, and up to eight occupants, depending on species of Covenant. They're outfitted to carry Elites, Brutes, Grunts, and Jackals. Alternatively, they can be used to transport two Ghosts. They're equipped with a Shade cannon on the roof which is very powerful, but the main purpose is to deploy infantry. They cannot be piloted by the player, but their fixed turret can be used.

  • Scarabs are different from most of the Covenant's other ground-based attack vehicles. Instead of using anti-gravity pods, it walks about on massive legs. It is highly mobile for a vehicle of it's size, and sports numerous plasma turrets, as well as a massive, forward-firing plasma cannon. At least two variants are known to exist, from Halo 2 and Halo 3, and possibly a third in Halo Wars. The Scarabs are fabled to be composed of the worm like creatures that make up Hunters, the Lekgolo, but this is yet to be confirmed.

  • Spirits are the drop ships of Halo: Combat Evolved (they were discontinued in Halo 2 and 3). They were most likely troop and cargo ships to move around Halo easily due to its fork lift shape for cargo and the Covenant's occupational state would mean a Phantom attack-style ship wouldn't be necessary. However, when the Humans arrived, no heavier front-line drop ships were available. The Spirit features a driver and two "arms" for carrying troops, a "gravity field" in between the arms for carrying vehicles and supplies and is armed with one Shade turret. It has been visually compared to a giant tuning fork.

  • Brute Choppers are the main Loyalist personal assault vehicles in Halo 3. They are armed with two double 35mm Autocannons and massive spike blades on the front and sides of the vehicle. It can put on a temporary boost of speed, spinning up the large circular wheel at its front, allowing it to chew through enemy personnel and vehicles with ease. It is the Brute Ghost that was mentioned before it was officially announced as the Chopper. The Chopper was infact not developed by the Brutes but by Lighter Than Some, an Engineer who intended to use it as a peace offering to the Humans at Harvest, making it with a spiked wheel to be used as farming equipment.

  • Brute Prowlers are a new Brute vehicle introduced in Halo 3. They features a single plasma turret and can seat a driver, gunner and two passengers. This is the Brute version of a Warthog and Spectre.

  • Anti-Air Wraiths are a new variant of the Wraith. It has 2 Fuel Rod like anti-air guns instead of the Plasma Mortar. It is first shown in Halo 3 and is impossible to drive except through the use of the How to Pilot an AA Wraith glitch.

Covenant Worlds

51 Pegasi-B System

Reliquary System


Salia System

Urs System (with stars Fied and Joori as secondary stars)

Tala System

Oth Sonin System

Prophet Homeworld

Svir System

Napret System

Y'Deio System (HD 69830)

Covenant Starships

Also see the List of Starships article for further information
Covenant Starship Length Comparison
Covenant Assault Carrier 5346 meters
Reverence-class Cruiser 3000 meters
CCS-class Battlecruiser 1782.2 meters
Covenant Destroyer 1500 meters
Covenant Carrier 1455 meters
Covenant Frigate 1000 meters
Covenant Stealth Corvette Less than 485 meters
Seraph-class Starfighter 24.8 meters


Space Stations


Assault Carrier



  • Lawgiver - unknown status, possibly destroyed



Reverence-class Cruisers

CCS-class Battlecruisers

Other Types


CPV-class Destroyers

Other Types


Support Ships

Unknown Type


Important Covenant Events

Known Legions

Sympathy for the Covenant

Despite the fact that in-game the covenant are all seemingly un-human in their thoughts and feelings, in the books of the series the Grunts and Elites are shown to have sympathy and regret for their actions, and are generally almost likeable. In the books the grunts are portrayed as unwilling under dogs, and only wish to be back on their own planet, and often they are almost comical in their actions. While the elites are proud soldiers fighting for what they believe is right.


  • The naming scheme for most Covenant vehicles have to do with paranormal beings, the words Wraith, Ghost, Spectre, Phantom, Banshee, and spirit are all synonyms.
  • More specifically, the Covenant's government system is a hierarchical theological oligarchy, having a caste system and being ruled by a group of specific individuals.
  • In a biblical reference, with the Ark of the Covenant, it represented the will of God, in connection with the quote: "Your destruction is the will of the gods... and we are their instrument." The Covenant claim to be the instrument that carries through the gods' will, similar to the Ark of the Covenant.
  • Brute vehicles go against the naming scheme of the other Covenant vehicles, using names that are more brutish, like Chopper and Prowler.
  • Although physically weak, The Prophets are strong enough to hold a Spiker.
  • The Covenant's political system is a hemogeny.
  • The Grunts joined the Covenant out of fear from invasion.


  1. ^ a b c d Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named best
  2. ^ Halo 2 dialogue, Prophet of Regret
  3. ^ Conversations from the Universe, two Elites
  4. ^ Halo: The Flood page 95
  5. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 241

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