Template:Human Character Infobox

Lieutenant Rick Hale was a UNSC naval officer and Pelican pilot in 2552. He was assigned to the UNSC Pillar of Autumn with Pelican Charlie 217.

When the Autumn arrived at Installation 04 and was subsequently shot down, Hale and his Pelican managed to survive the crash and escape.[1] Unfortunately, they were captured by the Covenant forces on the ring. Hale was kept alive, however, so that he could be used as a decoy for SpecOps Elite commander Zuka 'Zamamee's plan to attack Alpha Base, the human stronghold.

Hale was forced to fly to Alpha Base and radio in to get clearance to land. He claimed he had wounded aboard, though his Pelican was actually overloaded with 30 SpecOps Elites in Active Camouflage.[2] As soon as Hale had radioed in, 'Zamamee killed him with an Energy Garrote and an Elite trained in piloting Pelicans took over for the landing. The last thing Hale did before he died was soil himself.[3]


  1. ^ Halo: The Flood, page 208
  2. ^ Halo: The Flood, page 208-210
  3. ^ Halo: The Flood, page 210