
Unidentified Sangheili Minor

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This article is about the unidentified Sangheili Minor from Halo: Age of Retribution. For the unidentified Sangheili Minor from Halo: Escalation, see Unidentified Sangheili Minor (Aktis IV).
Unidentified Sangheili Minor
The Unidentified Sangheili Minor in the campaign level Uprising.
Biographical information


November 3, 2552[1]

Cause of death:

Mortally stabbed by a brute shot[1]

Personal details





Political and military information




Sangheili Minor[2]


"The Brutes have betrayed us. The Councilors--"
— The Sangheili's final words warning Arbiter Thel 'Vadamee.[1][2]

This unidentified Sangheili Minor was a relatively newcomer to the Covenant Covenant military in 2552.[1][2]


As of November 2552, this Sangheili was a Minor in the Covenant military; he did not see extensive combat beyond training in the hunting domes. On November 3, 2552, he was a part of High Councilor Raas 'Yajadai's entourage on Installation 05, where they have made camp on a cliff overlooking the ring's chamber of consecration. As the group prepared to depart, they were intercepted by Avitus and his fellow Jiralhanae. When the confrontation escalated into a battle, this Sangheili first used his Okarda'phaa-pattern plasma rifle, then picked up Onsu 'Valonro's Pelosus-pattern energy sword when the honor guard was defeated. As their numbers faltered, he retreated into the winding paths in the cliffs. Cornered by the Jiralhanae, the Sangheili missed his attack swing with the energy sword, allowing the his foes to swiftly disarm him. They stabbed him with a brute shot's bayonet, then left him to bleed out on the ground. Moments later, Arbiter Thel Vadamee teleported to the vicinity; in his dying breath, this Sangheili told the Arbiter of the Jiralhanae's betrayal, but was unable say more about the councilors. The Arbiter recovered his plasma rifle and 'Valonro's energy sword. In his final moments, he recalled his uncle singing the Psalm of Repose by the shores of the Csurdon Sea.[1]

Production notes[edit]

  • In Halo 2, the Sangheili is voiced by Norm Woodel, who portrayed the _dog ("dogmatic") variant of the Sangheili characters. While David Scully has recorded the same dialogue for the _scl ("Scully") variant, it is never used in the game. The Sangheili's dialogue always triggers when the player approaches the body, but his mandibles do not move unless the player melees the body.
  • Much like the Sangheili shipmaster from The Return, the Sangheili Minor's name was deliberately omitted in Halo: Age of Retribution. Both characters' identities were kept vague to more broadly represent a perspective rather than a specific individual.[3]


List of appearances[edit]
