
Epsilon Eridani system

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There is more information available on this subject at Epsilon Eridani system on the English Wikipedia.
Not to be confused with the Eridanus system.
Epsilon Eridani system
Location overview


Distance from Sol:

10.5 light-years[3][4]

Stellar overview

Spectral type:

K2 Orange-red dwarf system[5]


Two asteroid belts

Societal overview

Notable events:


Unified Earth Government


The Epsilon Eridani system (sometimes rendered ε Eridani)[6] is a planetary system situated 10.5 light-years from Earth,[3][4] and is identified as a region in FLEETCOM Sector One.[1] It was home to several habitable planets colonized by the Unified Earth Government, most notably Reach. At 10.5 light-years from its sister system, the Sol system, it is one of the closest neighbors of humanity's homeworld.[5]

In the summer of 2552, the Covenant invaded the system and attacked Epsilon Eridani's major colonies. Reach ultimately fell to the Covenant and was glassed,[7] while Tribute was brutally assaulted and partially glassed.[8] Following the Human-Covenant War, at least Tribute, Reach and Beta Gabriel had been resettled by humanity.[9][10][11][12]


Planetary system[edit]

The Epsilon Eridani system is home to at least six planets, two asteroid belts, and at least one minor planet. A massive Oort cloud is located on the outer edge of the system.[13] At least five of the worlds that orbit Epsilon Eridani are known to be inhabited.

Name Image Description Orbiting locations
Epsilon Eridani I NA Closest planet to the star.[Note 1]
Reach (Epsilon Eridani II) The original matte of glassed Reach from the Halo: Reach prologue. The former military center of the UNSC, and the most developed human colony. Glassed in 2552 but at least partially habitable by 2589.[14]
  • Turul (Epsilon Eridani IIa) - The smallest of Reach's two moons, with the shorter orbital radius.
  • Csodaszarvas (Epsilon Eridani IIb) - The larger of Reach's moons, with a longer orbital radius.
Tribute (Epsilon Eridani III) N/A A major human colony, known for its strong industrial capacity and large population.[15] Partially glassed during the Battle of Tribute, under UEG control as of 2558. Emese (Epsilon Eridani IIIa) - Tribute's sole natural satellite.
Epsilon Eridani IV N/A Known to be the site of an Insurrection.[16][Note 1]
Beta Gabriel (Unknown orbital position) N/A Largely uninhabited, converted into an outdoors resort by wealthy entrepreneurs. Occupied by a Brute pack during or otherwise soon after the Fall of Reach.[17][18]
Circumstance (Unknown orbital position) N/A A world-famous for its universities and courts of justice. Status unknown.[19]
Tantalus (Unknown orbital position) N/A A human colony glassed after the Covenant's siege in the system in 2552.[20][21]
Oort cloud N/A A cloud consisting largely of ice, on the edge of the system.
  • Unidentified planetoid - A planetesimal located within the Oort cloud, which once had a Forerunner presence.


Early history[edit]

The first planetary confirmations of planet Reach in Epsilon Eridani occurred in the 21st-century.[5]

The Epsilon Eridani system was recognized to have an improbably high number of habitable planets, a fact that was seen as serendipitous to the early colonization efforts. Initial colonization efforts in the system faced significant challenges in marshaling political and economic support. Interest in the system's colonization potential initially focused on Tribute and Circumstance, though it was Reach that would soon capture the attention of UEG planners.[10]

Colonization and human hold[edit]

Main article: Project OUTBOUND

The system was originally colonized by the colony ship Odyssey with the first wave of humanity's extrasolar colonization in 2362, landing on Reach.[22] Beta Gabriel would be settled in 2363.[23] Afterwards, Tribute was colonized on August 8, 2364 when CAA Casbah arrived and established the initial navigation and communication satellite constellation on the planet,[10] with Circumstance being settled the same year.[23]

By 2390, the bulk of the UNSC's administrative and technical infrastructure was moved to the system. Corporate investments followed, with the construction of the first extrasolar shipyard facilities and material refineries.[24]

By the late 25th century, the system had become home to many of the UNSC's strongholds and military bases, such as Reach. It was protected by the UNSC Epsilon Eridani Fleet. Before the Fall of Reach, Epsilon Eridani's superior interstellar jump point had been the most active Slipstream space transfer zone (arrivals and departures) for over thirty years, with Epsilon Eridani's inferior IJP and Sol's superior IJP regularly trading second and third place spots.[5]

System wide assault[edit]

Main articles: Fall of Reach, Battle for Tribute, Battle of Beta Gabriel

In 2552, the system came under attack by the Covenant. Initially, the Fleet of Valiant Prudence made landfall on Reach triggering WINTER CONTINGENCY.[25] Soon after Teller Station of Site 17 in the system's Oort cloud was attacked by the fleet.[26] At the same time as these events, the other colonies of Epsilon Eridani came under assault by the Covenant.[10] By August 30, Reach was glassed.[27][28] Glassing would cease on September 27, when ships would be pulled away to be redeployed to Tribute or to prepare for the coming invasion of Earth.[23] Combat continued on and around Tribute up until around November 2, when Covenant forces began attacking one another.[10]


Main article: Operation: WOLFE

Between 2555 and 2558, UNSC CENTCOM for Region One entered into negotiations with Covenant remnants around Tribute.[29]

By 2589, Reach had returned to a livable state and continued to see an influx of new colonists[14] with some cities being populated again around 2610.[30]

Non-canon and dubious canon appearances[edit]

Silver Timeline[edit]

Main article: Silver Timeline

The Epsilon Eridani system has a Safe Slipspace Entry Point called SSEP MARCHER. This point was used by Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 tp depart the system in Condor 325 with Kwan Ha.[31]


List of appearances[edit]


  1. ^ a b This planet is only known by its astronomical designation, not its colloquial name. Consequently, this planet may in fact be one of the three planets whose colloquial names are known but whose astrononical designations are not: Beta Gabriel, Circumstance and Tantalus.


  1. ^ a b Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 289 (2001); p. 343 (2010)
  2. ^ Halo: Evolutions - The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole, page 468
  3. ^ a b Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition) - UNSC Colonies, page 286
  4. ^ a b Halo Encyclopedia (2011 edition) - UNSC Colonies, page 298
  5. ^ a b c d, Halo: Reach - Intel (Retrieved on Jun 1, 2020) [archive]
  6. ^ Halo: Reach, Recon armor bonus content
  7. ^ Halo Waypoint, Reach (Retrieved on Jun 1, 2020) [archive]
  8. ^ Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide, page 177
  9. ^ Halo: First Strike, Tug o' War
  10. ^ a b c d e Halo Waypoint, Tribute (Retrieved on Jun 1, 2020) [archive]
  11. ^ Halo: Warfleet, page 23
  12. ^ Halo 5: Guardians, multiplayer map Fathom
  13. ^ Halo: First Strike, page 232
  14. ^ a b Halo: Reach, campaign level Lone Wolf
  15. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, Prologue
  16. ^ Halo Wars: Official Strategy Guide, page 22
  17. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 324
  18. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe - Stomping on the Heels of a Fuss
  19. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, page 62
  20. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), page 287
  21. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 51
  22. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2011), page 43
  23. ^ a b c Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 50-51
  24. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 42
  25. ^ Halo: Reach, campaign level Winter Contingency
  26. ^ Halo: Fleet Battles, Scenario Three: Evacuate
  27. ^ Halo 2: Anniversary, campaign level The Heretic
  28. ^ Halo: Reach, campaign level The Pillar of Autumn
  29. ^ Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition, Spartan Locke's Classified Orders
  30. ^ Halo: Reach Legendary Edition, package contents letter
  31. ^ Halo: The Series, Dr. Catherine Halsey's Computer: Week 1 (Retrieved on Mar 25, 2022) [local archive] [external archive]