The Discord server has a staff of users based upon their wiki ranks. The permissions assigned to these roles are detailed here.
- Contact - Owns the server and has access to all settings.
- Admin - Halopedia administrators
- Moderator - Moderators are selected from the Halopedia community on an as-needed basis but will typically be patrollers.
- BrianH (talk | contribs)
- CMDR RileySV (talk | contribs) Commander12X
- Dr Mutran (talk | contribs)
- Haloprov (talk | contribs) Haloprov I Kizu
- Kennyannydenny (talk | contribs)
- Shazamikaze (talk | contribs)
- JackVibe (talk | contribs)
- TheArb1ter117 (talk | contribs)
- Ultra Force (talk | contribs) Holo the Wise Wolf