
Assault on CF-32

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Revision as of 12:31, December 25, 2013 by Dr Mutran (talk | contribs)

Template:Level Infobox Assault on CF-32 is the first mission of Halo: Spartan Assault.


The northern continent of X50, Draetheus-V's moon, was riddled with large ice-covered sinkholes where the UNSC conducted a number of research projects. While there were standard security measures in place, no one was prepared when a massive fleet of Covenant Spirits appeared over the moon in direct violation of the Human/Covenant Treaty of 2552.

Spartan Davis deployed to site CF32 to support the project's security detail, who were overwhelmed by the sudden attack. Davis managed to blunt the assault and moved to secure Alpha Facility, which he assumed was the inevitable target of the invasion force.


HSA Star Bronze.png 10,000 HSA Star Silver.png 15,000 HSA Star Gold.png 35,000
