Talk:Halo: Cryptum

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Terminal Inconsistencies

Terminal 6 in Halo 3 has the following: "Report [G617a~k/g/post_landfall] seemed most promising: a planet capable of supporting life located within the near border region of the [galactic halo] with no indigenous sentient species.

The section indicating no fauna of any kind shall be considered anomalous until verified by Advance Survey Team - Alpha (hereafter: AST-A) team leader [##_#[?]]. If confirmed, that fact alone would justify the dispatch of an investigative group to [G 617 g]."

This seems to indicate the discovery of an uninhabited Earth after the Halo array was built. This book series contradicts this, it would seem. Also, the 4th terminal has this:

"I'm trapped. On a beautiful, empty world. Its inhabitants have been safely indexed, every single one of them. They're special - well worth the effort it took to build one final gateway, even at this late hour."

This also seems to conflict with the information in this book series. Thoughts?

The first section isn't talking about Earth-- it's talking about the planet where the Flood was first encountered, G 617 g. The second bit though, you're right, it does seem to contradict the book a bit. The only way I can think of reconciling the two is that the Librarian was intentionally being vague about where she was, so the Didact wouldn't know it was Earth and come looking for her right away SPARTAN-347 00:39, 14 August 2011 (EDT)
(Original Poster) - My issue with this fix is that it seems to do away with the whole point of having that particular part in the terminals. It seems to me as though that exchange was included in order to signify how new and special both earth and the human race were to the Forerunners. Even if we fix it by saying "the Librarian was being intentionally vague," it still renders the exchange pointless, in my opinion.

You have to remember Bungie didn't seem to give to much thouht into the extended universe and 343i had to sew something together out of the mess they got and they've done a decently well job of it. TLLorax 03:18, 10 September 2012 (EDT)

Halo waypoint glossary

Anyone care to add pages or info from the glossary on halo waypoint? go to intel, forerunner primer, and then glossary. It is getting more words added on a per day basis. I'd do it myself, but i'm busy making a draft for an edit of a page right now. Jabberwockxeno 14:53, 5 January 2011 (EST)

Now, you have to go to intell, universe, characters, then forerunner primer. It's now on day 8's update. There are still a few terms in the book not covered yet despite being mentioned before some of the ones that are. signxb.jpg 13:19, 14 January 2011 (EST)
Ah, thank you. Perhaps somone should make a page called forerunner language and have the glossary there, so it's not clogging up the page?

Some of those words warrent their own page or existing pages need to be edited or renamed to include them too. signxb.jpg 16:29, 14 January 2011 (EST)


I queried Greg Bear on his website about some of the apparent inconsistencies between Halo: Cryptum and the Terminals, and here was his reply:

Re: Halo: Cryptum From: Greg Bear Date: 01/14/2011

Not sure the timelines are going to mesh exactly, but the Didact enters the Cryptum long after the threat of the Flood is apparent. The humans, after all, had encountered the Flood before their defeat... But we could be engaging in some spoilers here! Thanks for your thoughts, [name]. SPARTAN-347 22:14, 14 January 2011 (EST)

Seems to me that the with all of the new info about humanity and the (SPOILERS) phophets, (END SPOILERS), date retcons seem laughable small. signxb.jpg 09:07, 15 January 2011 (EST)

Remember that all dates we had were approximate... even referring to local time in some instances... so, right now, they can be withdrawn or confirmed (more or less) --FreedomProject13 00:07, 18 April 2011 (EDT)


Does it actually say somewhere in Cryptum that Heian was inhabited by prehistoric humans?#@lof@n1234 18:13, 20 February 2011 (EST)


Yes we finally have a summary of the book thank you jugus!!!!!! "A Penny saved is a Penny earned" 11:59, 27 May 2011 (EDT)

Precursor structures on the cover?

Could the massive towers on the cover of Cryptum be the Precursor Orbital Arches? They kind of have a resemblance to what I pictured of them. You can also see a green-colored, unfitting platform on the right of the closest tower. To me, that seems like one of the human cities "covering it like ivy". I might be entirely wrong about this, so I'd like some other input.--File:PENGUIN4.gifFluffyEmoPenguin(ice quack!) 12:48, 12 August 2011 (EDT)

I always thought they might be as well - They don't really have a very Forerunner look, aside from being silver and angular. Also, they certainly look like they just keep going up, possibly into space. Although I think it's most likely an example of the cover artist using artistic license in his interpretation of Forerunner architecture, it'd be very interesting if they were actually Precursor structures SPARTAN-347 12:54, 12 August 2011 (EDT)

It's Halo 4 concept art, that's supposed ot be the inside of Requiem Flavius Aetius 09:17, 18 May 2012 (EDT)


Okay I have a question, I have read that Cryptum is own in universe as the BornStellar Relation. What is the source for that? I had an idea that UNSC/UNI or someone had found IsoDidact's cryptum and he recounted his tell of becoming who he was to them. But if it is an established that it is just a record found somewhere then my idea doesn't have bearing to it. So what is the method this story goes to who ever is reading/hearing/viewing it in universe?