
UNSC Regulation 14-372-01

"I am sorry sir, but in the event of a Flood outbreak, protocol supersedes your command, per UNSC regulation 14-372-01."
Lycaon, the smart AI of UNSC Saturn.[1]

UNSC Regulation 14-372-01 is a United Nations Space Command protocol stating that, during the event of an outbreak of the Flood parasite, protocol supersedes the command of a ship's captain. Failure to comply with this protocol can result in the offending officer being removed from command.

The protocol was invoked in the outbreak of 2556, following Captain Pedro Alvarez's hesitance to bombard Site 22 with nuclear weapons as per the CORRUPTER and UPSILON protocols. In response, UNSC Saturn's shipbard AI Lycaon attempted to invoke Regulation 14-372-01 to overrule Alvarez's command and proceed with nuclear bombardment. However, Alvarez instead overrude Lycaon with the command override "actiones secundum fidei", freezing Lycaon's functions and proceeding to order a UNSC deployment onto Site 22 to combat the Flood directly. When the deployment fell and succumbed to the Flood, Alvarez ultimately proceeded to destroy the site with Shiva-class nuclear missiles.[1]

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