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MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor [GEN2]

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A SPARTAN-IV wearing a GEN2 suit.

The MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor [GEN2] is the second system-wide generation of the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor. The GEN2, which is lighter than the Marks IV through VI, is worn by the SPARTAN-IV supersoldiers.[1] The armor's first known use was by the SPARTAN-IVs aboard the UNSC Infinity in July 2557.[2]


The GEN2 was developed by the Materials Group as a response to the SPARTAN-IV project. Developed with new ad hoc modification systems which gives the armor the ability to use tactical packages, support upgrades, and armor abilities. The GEN2 is now produced by half a dozen manufacturers, both within the military and among private contractors.[1]

Armor variants and upgrades

Various upgrades were made with the GEN2 that previous armor systems did not have.

  • Sprint module: Unlike previous armor systems, the GEN2 has a built-in sprint module that allows the user to run at faster speeds by overriding safety protocols,[1] inspired by the version developed by Catherine-B320 of NOBLE Team.[7]

The armor system is built to support a variety of attachments and equipments which allows it to utilize armor abilities.

  • Active camouflage emitter - The active camo ability allows the wearer to temporarily become cloaked for brief periods of time.
  • Hologram module - This component allows the user to create a holographic projection of themselves that can distract enemy fire.
  • Hard-light Shield - A shield made from hard light engineered from Forerunner technology.
  • Thruster pack - A booster pack used to propel the wearer forward.
  • Promethean vision - An "x-ray" like equipment that acts similar to a sonar to pick out enemy troops.

Armor components

  • Energy shielding: A protective barrier that surrounds the armor and protects the user from harm.
  • Fusion reactor: The fusion reactor is the most essential part of the MJOLNIR system, as it provides power to all equipment on the MJOLNIR armor - the reactor is built into the suit and allows for nearly unlimited movement. The fusion reactor in all versions of the MJOLNIR armor are half the size of a normal fusion pack that conventional marines carry around.[8]
  • Magnetic weapon holder strips: The MJOLNIR armor features very small, yet powerful magnets placed on the legs, waist, and back of the suit that are used to hold any equipment or any weapons with a magnetic property. The suit also contains a magnet system within its boots that allows its wearer to stay attached to a metal surface in zero G environments and can be toggled on or off by the wearer.
  • MJOLNIR GEN2 BIOS: The basic input/output system, standard firmware interface to the GEN2.
  • Power supply control unit: Manages the power supply of the armor.


List of appearances


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