The United Republic of North America (also known as the URNA) is a regional political union on the continent of North America on Earth. [1] It's noted as being a loose association of nations between Canada, the United States, and Mexico [2], however, it is possible that Central American and Caribbean nations such as Cuba have also joined.
As the location of the UNSC Defense Force's Supreme Headquarters, the United Republic features many military and other colonial facilities across the continent. This is due largely in part because because of the historical importance of North America, and New York City, NY in particular, to the former United Nations first established in 1945. At least one known engagement of the Human-Covenant War was fought in North America; the Battle of Cleveland, in which many citizens of the metropolitan city attempted to flee north from the invading imperial aggressors in boats to Ontario. While the city suffered minimal damage from hostile and friendly fire, the city's population was significantly decreased by the genocidal Covenant Army.
Political subdivisions
Geographical features |
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- It may be that it is a descendant of the real world, though currently theoretical, North American Union. A proposed flag used by supporters of this North American political organization can be see above, and is theorized by the Halo community to be used for the United Republic as well.
- The first mention of the United Republic, on various walls throughout Voi, Kenya, suggests that the national entities (Canada, America, and Mexico) have somewhat dissolved over the years into a "continent state" despite the information in the Halo Encyclopedia stating a "loose organization". In this political entity, all of the political subdivisions have likely been stripped of their duties to their respective nations. This theory is supported by "Salem, Oregon, URNA" on the mentioned walls for the Fueder Construction insignias. The following list details (by country) the 116 different political subdivisions.