- "Beta-Red may be tough as hell, but I have no idea how long they'll be able to tie up two armor divisions."
- — Lieutenant Jake Chapman[1]
Beta-Red, also known as Team Beta, was a splinter team of the SPARTAN-II Red Team of the United Nations Space Command.Template:Fact Beta-Red was the largest splinter team of the original Red Team and consisted of eleven SPARTAN-IIs[2], lead by Beta-Red Actual. During the Fall of Reach, the team was deployed to various operations by Reach CENTCOM, including civilian evacuation operations along with the rest of Red Team. Finally, on August 30, they were tasked with the defense of the Orbital Defense Platform generators against Covenant attack on Reach, and likely met their deaths as friendly fire casualties.
Battle of Reach
- Main article: Battle of Reach
The majority of the Spartans of Red Team were formed into Team Beta. On August 23rd, Beta-Red were deployed by Reach CENTCOM to evacuating civilian population centers.[3]
On August 30th, Beta-Red's mission was to defend the orbital defense generators at all costs. Failure would meant the fall of Reach. Most of the generators were destroyed, but not due to any real fault on the Spartans' behalf, but rather due to overwhelming Covenant forces. These Covenant attacks in mass numbers easily overran the few Spartan defenders, allowing the Covenant to destroy the generators that the Spartans were protecting. This dismal failure and complete waste of lives was likely due to inadequate time to set up defensive emplacements, and/or inadequate time to develop an ideal strategy.
Beta-Red fell quickly. They managed to get a transmission to Frederic-104 and the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, warning them to stay away from the planet because most of the generators had been destroyed, but in a futile attempt, they would attempt to protect the several remaining generators.Template:Fact They were eventually deployed to Recon 43's position to reinforce a UNSC Marine unit, Charlie Company, defending Facility Alpha 331 from two division-strength units of Covenant armoured vehicles, punching hard into the center of the enemy formation.[4] A dropship piloted by Iron Fist was deployed to retrieve Beta-Red, but their evacuation was interrupted by the descent of three Covenant cruisers from cloud cover directly above them.[5] Artillery support from the UNSC Majestic was called in to destroy the three cruisers and any surviving Covenant; Majestic fired six MAC rounds at the targets, presumably taking the lives of Beta-Red, who had remained behind to buy Charlie Company enough time to evacuate.[6]
The fate of Beta-Red is unknown. As Iron Fist made a last-ditch attempt to evacuate Beta-Red, and there was no confirmation of whether Iron Fist succeeded or failed, there exists the remote possibility that at least part of Beta-Red survived.
Known Members
- ^ Halo: Reach - Boneyard
- ^ Halo: Reach - Countdown:
- "What are eleven Spartans gonna do against thirty thousand Covenant? They're dead men."
- — Gamma 1
- ^ Halo: Reach - New Alexandria:
- "Sir, that true about Gauntlet, Red and Echo Teams assigned to civilian evac ops?"
- — Jun-A266
- ^ Halo: Reach - Countdown:
- "Holy <static>! You're ain't gonna believe this! Beta-Red just punched right up into the guts of that Covie column! Ever see a Spartan go hand to hand with a Wraith? Unbelievable!"
- — Gamma 5
- ^ Halo: Reach - Boardwalk:
- "Iron Fist, This is Gamma-1-Actual, three Covenant cruisers just dropped out of cloak directly above us, holding at approximately twenty thousand feet traveling due east at approximately three hundred knots - three-zero-zero knots!"
- — Gamma 1
- ^ Halo: Reach - Reflection:
- "Beta-Red have gone above and beyond but there's no way out for them. They just bought us our window, now give me the go and I'll finish the job."
- — Alpha 20