Template:Ratings Campaign Scoring, also referred to as Meta-game, is an optional game feature for the campaign mode of Halo 3.[1]
When playing Halo 3's Campaign with Campaign Scoring turned on, progress is measured in points, which are earned by killing enemies. Different enemies give different points, and bonuses are provided in the form of medals. Betrayals and deaths deduct points. Having Gold Skulls activated will multiply the player's points, as well playing on higher difficulties or finishing the level quickly. Using the "Save and Quit" feature allows the player to continue the game from the last checkpoint, but it also turns off Campaign Scoring and discards all points the player has earned in that session.
Free-for-all vs. Team Scoring
In Free for All scoring, points are awarded to individual players based on their kills. This can also be used to unlock the meta-game achievements. In Team Scoring, points are shared among the team, culminating in a cumulative team score.
Note: Players cannot get any of the Meta-scoring Achievements for the level simply by using team scoring; both players' individual scores are presented when the level is finished. Individual scores determine whether an achievement is unlocked. For example, two players could get 15,000 total score on the mission Sierra 117, but neither would receive an achievement due to the fact that their total is based on a combination of player 1 and player 2's scores (unless one player got 15,000 points by him/herself, in which case he/she would get the achievement).
Point Values
Points are earned by killing enemies, with the player shooting the killing shot (or throwing the killing grenade) earning the points. If a player is driving a vehicle, any kills by AI passengers will earn the player full points. If the player or party reverts to the last checkpoint (through death or options menu), they will restart with the number of points they had when they hit the checkpoint minus a 25 point penalty for each restart. The following is a list of base points earned for killing enemies;
Covenant | |
Heroes | |
Brute Chieftain (Weapon/Armor Variants) | 150 |
Leaders | |
Brute Captain | 50 |
Brute Captain Major | 50 |
Brute Captain Ultra | 50 |
Specialists | |
Brute Stalker | 30 |
Brute Jump-pack | 30 |
Brute Bodyguard | 30 |
Jackal Sniper | 20 |
Grunt Heavy | 10 |
Grunt Spec-Ops | 10 |
Hunter | 150 |
Infantry | |
Brute Minor | 20 |
Brute Major | 20 |
Brute Ultra | 20 |
Grunt Minor | 10 |
Grunt Major | 10 |
Jackal Minor | 15 |
Drone Minor | 10 |
Drone Major | 10 |
Flood | |
Specialists | |
Pure Form Stalker | 20 |
Pure Form Ranged | 30 |
Pure Form Tank | 50 |
Infantry | |
Flood Carrier Form | 10 |
Combat Form (Human,Brute,Elite) | 10 |
Forerunner | |
Infantry | |
Sentinel Aggressor Minor | 5 |
Vehicles | |
Light | |
Shade | 50 |
Ghost | 100 |
Chopper | 100 |
Standard | |
Prowler | 150 |
Banshee | 100 |
Heavy | |
Wraith (Both Variants) | 200 |
Giants | |
Scarab | 500 |
Phantom | 250 |
Point Deduction | |
Dying | 25 |
Betrayal | 50 |
Arbiter | 50 |
Elite | 50 |
Marine/Civilian: | 50 |
ODST | 100 |
Marine Sergeant | 100 |
Sentinel | 5 |
Hornet | 150 |
Mongoose | 50 |
Pelican/Scorpion | 200 |
Warthog | 150 |
Gauss Warthog | 100 |
Difficulty Multipliers
- Overall
Difficulty Multiplier Easy 0.25x Normal 1.00x Heroic 2.00x Legendary 4.00x
Skull Multipliers
- Overall
Skull Multiplier Iron (Teammate dead? Reload checkpoint. Everyone dead? Restart level.) 3.0x Black Eye (Melee for shields to recharge) 1.5x Tough Luck (Enemy saving throws) 1.5x Catch (AI throws more grenades) 1.5x Fog (No motion sensors) 1.5x Famine (Half ammo dropped by enemy's weapons) 2.0x Thunderstorm (Both Enemy and Ally are given field promotions) 1.5x Tilt (Enemy resistances increased) 2.0x Mythic (Doubles the enemy's health) 2.0x
Time Multipliers
- Overall
Mission Times & Multipliers Sierra 117 0-15 min = 3.0x, 15-20 min = 2.5x, 20-25 min = 2.0x, 25-30 min = 1.5x, 30+ min = 1.0x Crow's Nest 0-20 min = 3.0x, 20-25 min = 2.5x, 25-30 min = 2.0x, 30-35 min = 1.5x, 35+ min = 1.0x Tsavo Highway 0-15 min = 3.0x, 15-20 min = 2.5x, 20-25 min = 2.0x, 25-30 min = 1.5x, 30+ min = 1.0x The Storm 0-15 min = 3.0x, 15-20 min = 2.5x, 20-25 min = 2.0x, 25-30 min = 1.5x, 30+ min = 1.0x Floodgate 0-10 min = 3.0x, 10-15 min = 2.5x, 15-20 min = 2.0x, 20-25 min = 1.5x, 25+ min = 1.0x The Ark 0-20 min = 3.0x, 20-30 min = 2.5x, 30-40 min = 2.0x, 40-50 min = 1.5x, 50+ min = 1.0x The Covenant 0-20 min = 3.0x, 20-30 min = 2.5x, 30-40 min = 2.0x, 40-50 min = 1.5x, 50+ min = 1.0x Cortana 0-15 min = 3.0x, 15-20 min = 2.5x, 20-25 min = 2.0x, 25-30 min = 1.5x, 30+ min = 1.0x Halo 0-15 min = 3.0x, 15-20 min = 2.5x, 20-25 min = 2.0x, 25-30 min = 1.5x, 30+ min = 1.0x
Style Multipliers
- Per-kill
Style Multiplier Grenade Stick (plasma or spike grenade) 1.25x Headshot (Shoot in the Head) 1.25x Assassination! (melee from behind) 1.25x Splatter (run over enemy) 1.25x Multi-Kill (at least 3 enemies within 1.5 seconds) 1.25x Needler Superdetonation! (Kill someone with a needler explosion) 1.25x
Scoring Formula
The Formula for Campaign Scoring is:
Points Earned = Unit's base point value X (Style Multiplier + Occasional Secondary Style Multiplier) X Difficulty Multiplier X Sum of Skull Multipliers X Time Multiplier
*Note* - The time multiplier is added not to every score but at the very end (i.e. total score =15,000 X 2.0 for time bonus = Grand Total of 30,000)
Achievement Name Points Required Level Guerilla 15,000 Sierra 117 Demon 15,000 Crow's Nest Cavalier 15,000 Tsavo Highway Askar 15,000 The Storm Exterminator 15,000 Floodgate Ranger 50,000 The Ark Vanguard 50,000 The Covenant Orpheus 15,000 Cortana Reclaimer 15,000 Halo
- Meta in ancient Greek means "after", so meta-game means "after-game", or in a more philosophical sense, "the game behind the game". In the case of campaign scoring, you playing a meta-game in which you are trying to get as high score as possible, and to accomplish that, you are playing the actual campaign game -- in other words, the Campaign Metagame is a game about a game.