
Ranger (achievement)

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H3 Achievement Ranger.png Ranger.jpg
10 Gamerscore

Ranger is an achievement in Halo 3 and Halo: The Master Chief Collection. It is unlocked by beating the par score on the level The Ark. The achievement is worth 10 Gamerscore. It is represented by a blue circle with a target in it, also known as the "Bullseye" emblem, in the original game and a screenshot of Guardian in the collection.

The par score for The Ark is 50,000 points in Halo 3 and 25,000 points in The Master Chief Collection; the difference is due to the fact that the two games feature different campaign scoring formulae. Though the achievement can theoretically be unlocked on any difficulty, more points are awarded in campaign scoring when playing on higher difficulties.

In the original game, players must achieve the par score individually, even when playing cooperatively; in The Master Chief Collection cooperative players share a single score, potentially making the achievement much easier.


  1. Activate the Tough Luck and Famine skulls, on Normal or Heroic difficulty. Try to score as many headshots as possible.
  2. On Normal, activate the Tough Luck, Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm, and Mythic skulls. Try to get lots of style points (for example, by sticking enemies, scoring headshots, etc.).
  3. On Normal, activate the Fog, Tough Luck, and Mythic skulls. Get many headshots and destroy all Phantoms and most other vehicles.
  4. In The Master Chief Collection players can earn significant points by destroying unoccupied Covenant vehicles as the game does not differentiate between piloted and empty vehicles; Halo 3 is the only game in the collection with this campaign scoring quirk.


  • In the Halo 3 Ultimate Guide Magazine, it is mistakenly stated that you only need to earn 15,000 points to unlock this achievement, rather than the correct 50,000 points.
  • Piggyback's Halo 3 Strategy Guide erroneously called this achievement the "Demon" achievement.
  • The achievement may be called Ranger because the first section of the level focuses on sniping; a ranger acts as a scout of a larger military unit, often armed with mid-to-long range weapons, such as a sniper rifle, to benefit their role. The name of the achievement could also be derived from the fact that the Master Chief and the Marines are sent into their mission through the atmosphere. This would make them Rangers. Alternatively, since The Ark is one of the longest levels in the game, the name could also refer to the long distances the player has to traverse.

See also[edit]