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The Warthog Armored Personnel Carrier is a United Rebel Front ground vehicle.

It is an uncommon variant of the standard M12 Warthog LRV and is essentially a standard M12 Warthog, but with a passenger section capable of holding ten passengers bolted between the driver section and the chaingun section.

One was seen in use by the United Rebel Front on the planet Victoria in the 111 Tauri System by the SPARTAN-IIs of Blue Team in a field mission.


  • Alternatively known as the "Transport Warthog," the M12 WAPC was a concept vehicle for Halo 2, but was omitted from the final game.

Template:UNSC vehicles The warthog APC can be seen in the E3 '07 Halo 3 trailer at 1:38 which show the warthog with the Master Chief at the wheel, someone who appears to be Sgt. Stacker riding shotgun and two marines in the rear "seats" firing towards an unseen enemy (due to the perspective of the trailer)
