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This article is about the mining settlement. For the artificial intelligence, see Elfie.

Elvie is a mining settlement built by humanity into the surface of the asteroid LV-31—so-named after the phonetic pronunciation of the letters "L-V". The settlement covers around 30% of the asteroid's surface area, which itself orbits a gas giant in the Marcey system as part of a larger asteroid belt.[1]

Elvie receives its funding from the Imbrium Machine Complex (IMC), and acts as a satellite headquarters for the corporation in their partnership with the BXR Mining Corporation. The two companies use the settlement as a base from which to conduct mining operations in the Marcey system, particularly spurred on in the post-war era of the 2550s following the losses incurred during the Human-Covenant War.[1]

Following the 2555 attack on Earth and the resulting losses inflicted on the UNSC Home Fleet, the rate of warship production was increased, leading to exploration of the surrounding asteroid belt in an effort to secure strategic resources for the rebuilding process. In 2556 this resulted in the discovery of a buried Forerunner spacecraft inside the neighbouring asteroid Site 22, and the subsequent outbreak of the Flood there.[1]

List of appearancesEdit
