Haruspis: "While the void acts as a deterrent, the Wardens have struck down Forerunner essences from the valley when necessary, especially during the early years after the Halo Array was fired, and many tried to force their way in. This cannot be achieved with the simple light sword, which is so effective in the physical realm. As you experienced yourself, light blades only wound. Killing an essence completely requires a quantum weapon, a riftblade."
Didact: "This generates a quantum blade?"
Haruspis: "It does."
— The Haruspis arms the Didact.[1]

The Riftblade is a Forerunner quantum melee weapon.[1]


As a quantum weapon, a riftblade was the only thing capable of completely destroying essences in the Domain. In its inactive state, the riftblade took on the form of a simple hilt. When activated, the blade proved to be made of the same translucent building blocks that framed the Domain, and it seemed to cut through the fabric of the wasteland of the Domain's outer boundaries even while at rest.[1]


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List of appearances


  1. ^ a b c Halo: Epitaph, chapter 25