

Revision as of 16:34, June 14, 2022 by SpyglassUnitBeta (talk | contribs) (→‎Design details: Section header fix + misc changes, replaced: Design details===== → Design details===)
Lumu in an orange coloration.
Biographical information



Political and military information


United Nations Space Command[1][2]


Personal AI[2][3]


LUMU is a personal artificial intelligence used by Spartan-IVs.[3][2]


Design details

LUMU constructs share a common situation calculus core with AI used in the fields of finance, providing a distinctive cost-benefit approach to decision-making assistance.[4]


LUMU is one of the many personals AI available for use by Spartan trainees at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.[2][4]

In-game information

LUMU is one of the Personal AIs available to players in Halo Infinite multiplayer.[3][2]

Personal AI Manufacturer Lore Rarity Unlock Requirements
UNSC Lumu constructs share a common sitation calculus core with AI used in the fields of finance, providing a distinctive cost-benefit approach to decision-making assistance. That being said, they aren't quite as fun at parties. Rare Season 01: Heroes of Reach Battle Pass level 36 (Premium)

Production notes

LUMU is voiced by the American voice actor Erika Ishii,[5] who also voiced Spartan Oshiro in the audio logs found within Halo Infinite's campaign.[6]


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b YouTube - Halo, A New Generation (Retrieved on Jun 13, 2021)
  2. ^ a b c d e f Halo Infinite, Body & AI customization
  3. ^ a b c Halo Waypoint, Halo Infinite Multiplayer Reveal (Retrieved on Jun 13, 2021) [archive]
  4. ^ a b Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - Showcase Sensitive (Retrieved on Jun 17, 2021) [archive]
  5. ^ Twitter, Erika Ishii (@erikaishii): "That’s me. I CANNOT BELIEVE that’s me. I’ve joined #HaloInfinite as suit A.I.!!! They’re efficient, pleasant, and touch umm “intense” and uh, only a little thirsty." (Retrieved on Jun 13, 2021) [archive]
  6. ^ Twitter, Erika Ishii (@erikaishii): "...I got to don the helmet in-game too! See if you find logs from Spartan Oshiro!!!" (Retrieved on Feb 24, 2022) [archive]