Help:Status icons

Revision as of 18:33, March 8, 2022 by Porplemontage (talk | contribs) (Porplemontage moved page Help:Status Icons to Help:Status icons without leaving a redirect)

This page provides information on Halopedia's status icons, also known as status labels or page status indicators.


Status icons on Halopedia are primarily to help readers get a quick view of the status of a page, and how it fits into the wiki.

The most common type of status icon features an icon on the left, with text directly saying what the icon is for. If a page is primarily gameplay-oriented in nature, the status icon will say "Gameplay". These icons are dedicated to telling the reader what a page is about very quickly.

There is also icons to show if an icon is featured or protected, these are icons to quickly the "status" of an article.

The crunch

If you're familiar with Halopedia pages already, you may be familiar with era icons, these status icons were created directly to replace them. Era icons were originally created to do a similar job, but with a focus on putting content into eras, this causes an issue where some subjects didn't fit a specific era or area they covered, and over time status icons became an issue needing to be fixed.

So every icon in the status icon system was planned to put a lot of content down to common or their base roots with "Fiction", "Real world", and "Namespaces".

Status icons

Below is a list of every status icon and their expected use case.

Fiction canon specifications

These showcase the canon status among the main narratives in Halo fiction:

Type of status Wikitext What you see About
Halo fiction that is part of "core" canon. (This may include some Apocrypha media mixed in.)
Halo fiction that is apocrypha canon. This is media that is not yet confirmed to be in "core" canon. Media listed as such include "Marketing" and "Toy" fiction.
Halo fiction that is officially released non-canon. Examples include "Halo: Legends - Odd One Out", and the "Hellspartans".
Halo fiction that is officially released "Fracture" fiction that is not "core" canon, "core" Apocrypha, or "core" non-canon. Examples include the Yoroi armor in Halo Infinite.
Silver Timeline
Halo fiction that is part of the Silver Timeline.

Emergency canon cases

These are emergency status icons in preparation for unforeseen events:

Type of status Wikitext What you see About
Emergency status icon for an alternative timeline that is not part of the same canon as the main Halo universe and TV show universe. If confirmed, will create a page called "PAGENAME/AltCanon" if the subject already exists in one canon or another.

Real world

This is the status icon to use if the article is real-world based:

Type of status Wikitext What you see About
Real World
Status icon for real-world topics that do not exist in the Halo universe. These include companies and people.
Status icon for gameplay topics. These include achievements and gameplay medals.


These are status icons that would apply to the various projects and namespaces. Never use these on the main space:

Type of status Wikitext What you see About
Status icon for "Halopedia" pages. This is mostly on "Halopedia" and "Help" namespaces.
Status icon archives and other similar things. This is mostly on the "Archive" namespace.
Status icon for news Halopedia puts out. This is only on the "News" namespace.


This is the catch-all status icon. If an article has no known status, does not fall under the existing statuses, or you do not know what to class it under: please use this!

Type of status Wikitext What you see About
Status icon for stuff that doesn't fall under stuff listed in this list. When used please put the information in a forum topic to discuss.


When an article is locked. It will automatically be given one of these to note what type of lock is on the page:

Type of status What you see About
Staff Locked These are articles that are protected from all normal users from being edited. This is usually put on policy and help pages. To reiterate only staff can edit these pages.
User Locked These are articles that only locked in users can edit.
Autoconfirmed Locked These are articles users can only edit these pages when their account reaches both 3 days of age and 5 edits.


If an article is featured, please use this icon on the page:

Type of status Wikitext What you see About
This is for media that is featured by us at Halopedia!