
Halo 2 Auto-Updates

Revision as of 13:05, June 9, 2020 by SpyglassUnitBeta (talk | contribs) (→‎Auto-Update 4: Replacing level links)

This page lists all Xbox Live Auto-Updates for the Xbox version of Halo 2.

Auto-Update 1

(November 17, 2004)

  • Addressed delay problems while waiting for a game to be found in "Quickmatch" and "Optimatch".
  • Improved support for 480p resolutions on a wide range of HDTV and EDTV displays, correcting a flaw that the software encountered with some sets causing part of the HUD to be obscured.

Auto-Update 2



Auto-Update 3

(April 18, 2005)

  • Game's title screen now displays the version number "1.1".
  • Addressed several major hacks, cheats and exploits. Some fixes include:
    • Players can no longer teleport around levels by disconnecting their modems.
    • The Sword Flying was mostly patched. A more difficult and inconsistent method still remained.
    • The Flyboy glitch was patched.
    • Changes were made to the physics system to prevent players from grabbing weapons through walls. The fix also affects CTF flags, Assault bombs, and Oddball skulls.
  • Upgraded software to automatically detect and ban cheating players.
  • Boosted the effectiveness of grenades. Frag Grenades now inflict a bit more damage, and explode a few milliseconds faster. Plasma Grenades received an ever larger damage boost, and can now wipe out a fully-shielded opponent with one blast.
  • Melee combat received a massive upgrade. Two melee hits will almost always crush a fully-shielded opponent. As before, melee blows from behind still kill with one hit. But now, jumping melee blows also kill with just one hit.
  • The Brute Shot received a big damage boost, making it one of the better weapons in the game for medium-range butchery. On a related note, the Brute Shot's massive blade also makes it a melee killing machine; one-two slices will do the job.
  • Dual-wield combos received some slight adjustments to damage, primarily to frontal assault-style combos. Some changes include:
    • The SMG/Plasma Rifle combo saw a slight damage reduction.
    • The SMG/Plasma Pistol overcharge combo saw a slight damage reduction.
    • The Magnum/Magnum combo received a small but noticeable fix regarding headshot damage, so they're no longer as overwhelmingly powerful.
  • When multiple players are using the same TV screen, they no longer see notices of weapons and ammo that they pick up.
  • Also made several other changes.

Auto-Update 4

(July 20, 2005)

Auto-Update 5

(April 12, 2007)

  • Changed the game's version number displayed on the title screen to "1.5".