
"He says the sun was yellow. Then, when he was a baby, the People were taken inside. They lived inside walls and under ceilings. He says those People were brought here before I was born."

The Tudejsa, a word that meant the "People from Here" or simply "the People", were a collection of over 120 human species and subtypes who inhabited Installation 07 after being transplanted there by the Forerunners.[1] At least modern humans and Denisovans were present, though due to isolation from Erde-Tyrene humans they did not use the species names familiar to Chakas, and possessed less inter-species unity.[1]


The Tudejsa lived across a number of environments in the Halo, such as valleys, jungles, and prairies, and had even built rudimentary cities on the installation. For the hundreds of years Installation 07 remained under the charge of the Lifeworkers, the People were largely allowed to live as they pleased; the Forerunners would not intervene in the humans' internecine wars, for example.[2] Most of the People were transplanted on the ring hundreds of years before the final days of the Forerunner-Flood war. However, after Master Builder Faber hid Installation 07 from the Ecumene Council's supervision and took charge of all operations there around 100,043 BCE, more humans were brought in from Earth on his orders, as he intended to have the ancient memories the Earth humans carried studied in order to find more efficient ways to combat the Flood. The Master Builder's takeover of the installation also led to a dramatic increase in his researchers abducting the Tudejsa for experimentation; what the humans referred to as the "Palace of Pain". Some time later, the Forerunners put a reproductive suppression mechanism into place; as a result, no more children were born to the People.[3] Due to these developments, the People became disorganized and desperate and were unwilling to cooperate with one another or maintain an organized society. Many also abandoned their cities and fled to the wilderness out of fear that the Forerunners would be more likely to abduct them in the cities. Template:Expand-Section


Some of the Tudejsa, such as Vinnevra, had skin that was black as night and even almost purple.[1] For her part she also was slender as a young tree and possessed of a broad nose and wide, rounded cheeks.


Religion, spirituality, and customs

Although they revered the Librarian, they referred to her as "the Lady".[1] Template:Expand-Section

The men of Vinnevra's village were wont to discuss whether the strongest among them would take her forcibly as a mate.[1]



Food, medicine, and drink

The Tudejsa who surrounded Chakas when he first awoke on Zeta Halo poured water on his face and wiped it clean before rubbing a grassy juice under his nose that smelled sharp and wakeful.[1] The drinking water they provided him was muddy, earthy, and inexpressibly sweet. Vinnevra rubbed her fingers beside her nose, over her cheeks, and through the hair on her scalp in order to get soothing skin-oil to rub on his cracked, chapped lips.

Languages and naming conventions

The Tudejsa of Chakas' day spoke words from ancient languages he had never heard on Erde-Tyrene.[1] Even so, he could just barely understand the words thank to his geas and through digging deep into it he discovered that humans had used such words thousands of years before he had been born. To him the speech used by Vinnevra sounded husky and musical. His own tongue, at first, was not sufficiently trained to form the old words. Template:Expand-Section

Architecture and technology

When Chakas first awoke after landing on Installation 07, he was lying on a flat, hard, gritty platform beneath a roof made of woven reeds thatched with leaves and branches.[1] Flickering fires lit the interior of the wide meeting house. Template:Expand-Section

List of appearances


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Halo: Primordium, Chapter 1
  2. ^ Halo: Primordium, Chapter 6
  3. ^ Halo: Primordium, Chapter 4